You have various options for defining the object page header.
The object page supports the standard header and the dynamic header. See also Object Page Headers.
The object page header display is determined by the following vocabularies:
determines the object title. -
determines the subtitle. -
determines the image. -
is used as the text for the link that navigates back to the list report. -
determines the icon. -
determines the initials
This figure shows how to set up the following basic elements for your object page header in your annotations:
Label in Figure |
Element |
1 |
Title (Object Type) |
2 |
Image of the object instance |
3 |
Language-dependent product text in SAP back-end systems |
4 |
Product title in SAP back-end systems |
Object Page Header
This sample code is a selectable version of the code shown above for setting up the main elements on the object page header.
XML Annotation
<Annotation Term="UI.HeaderInfo"> <Record Type="UI.HeaderInfoType"> <PropertyValue Property="Description"> <Record Type="UI.DataField"> <PropertyValue Property="Value" Path="SalesOrderTypeName"/> </Record> </PropertyValue> <PropertyValue Property="ImageUrl" Path="ImageUrl"/> <PropertyValue Property="Title"> <Record Type="UI.DataField"> <PropertyValue Property="Value" Path="SalesOrder"/> </Record> </PropertyValue> <PropertyValue Property="TypeName" String="Sales Order"/> <PropertyValue Property="TypeNamePlural" String="Sales Orders"/> </Record> </Annotation>
ABAP CDS Annotation
@UI.headerInfo: { typeName: 'Product', typeNamePlural: 'Products', imageUrl: 'PRODUCTPICTUREURL', title: { value: '_PRODUCTTEXTINCURRENTLANG.NAME', type: #STANDARD }, description: { value: 'PRODUCT', type: #STANDARD } } annotate view STTA_C_MP_PRODUCT with { }
CAP CDS Annotation
UI.HeaderInfo : { TypeName : 'Product', TypeNamePlural : 'Products', ImageUrl : ProductPictureURL, Title : { $Type : 'UI.DataField', Value : to_ProductTextInCurrentLang.Name }, Description : { $Type : 'UI.DataField', Value : Product } }
For information on display options for a object, see Using Images, Initials, and Icons.