Full example of a class definition, including JSDoc
sap.ui.define(["sap/ui/base/Object", "sap/ui/model/json/JSONModel"], function (BaseObject, JSONModel) {
// declare and document the constructor function
* Some short sentence that summarizes the functionality of the class.
* A more detailed explanation of the class that might consist of multiple sentences
* and paragraphs. It is <i>possible</i> to use <code>XHTML</code> <b>markup</b>
* but this should be used only rarely, as it makes the doclet harder to read
* in the JS editor.
* Paragraphs that are separated by empty lines will be formatted as separate
* paragraphs in the final JSDOC documentation. This makes the addition of
* <p> or <br/> tags unnecessary.
* It is possible to reference members of this class (like {@link #ownMethod})
* or even of other classes (like {@link sap.ui.Object#destroy}). But be careful:
* in contrast to JavaDoc, the signature (parameters) of a method must not be
* included with the @link tag, only the name of the method (as !JavaScript does not support
* method overloading).
* @class (mandatory) Marks the function as a constructor (defining a class).
* @param {string} sId Documentation of constructor parameters.
* @param {object} [mProperties=null] For optional parameters, the name is enclosed
* in square brackets.
* A default value can be appended with a '='.
* @param {string} [mProperties.text] Even members of a configuration parameter
* can be configured.
* @see (optional, multiple) Fully qualified HTTP links to external documentation
* are also possible.
* @public|@private - (optional) Declares the class as public or private (default).
* @author (optional, multiple) Author is referenced by user Id, not by name.
* Multiple authors are possible, order is
* significant (first named author is the default
* contact).
* @since (optional) When the class/function has been introduced.
* @extends sap.ui.base.Object Documents the inheritance relationship.
* @name foo.bar.MyClass (Mandatory when defining a class with extend).
var Foo = BaseObject.extend("foo.bar.MyClass", /** @lends foo.bar.MyClass */ {
constructor: function(sId, mProperties) {
// init and document members here
* The ID of a MyClass.
* @private
this.mId = sId || Utils.createGUID();
// now add further methods to that prototype
* Again a summary in one sentence.
* More details can be documented, when the method is more complex.
* @param {string} sMethod The same mechanism as above can be used to
* document the parameters.
* @param {object} [oListener] An optional parameter. If empty, the
* <code>window</code> is used instead.
* @experimental Since 1.24 Behavior might change.
* @public
ownMethod: function(sMethod, oListener) {
// ... impl
* A private method.
* Every member with a doc comment is included in the public JSDOC.
* So we explicitly declare this as a private member:
* Additionally, using an underscore prefix prevents this method
* from being added to the public facade.
* @private
_myVeryPrivateMethod: function() {
// return the module value, in this example a class
return Foo;
* A 'virtual' method, that doesn't exist in this class but should be declared
* in subclasses.
* It is even possible to document things that aren't there. Only useful use
* case is the documentation of abstract methods.
* @name foo.bar.MyClass.prototype.abstractMethod
* @function
* @protected