April 22, 2022
- Ankit
- Tom
Admin specific things
- Welcome to the Jenkins X community!
- Chair selection and term (quarterly rotation may be)
- Repository set up: https://github.com/jenkins-x/jx-ui
Tech stack
- Backend: go
- Frontend js: Sveltekit (or react/vue/angular)
- RBAC: casbin (?)
Initial feature list/requests
- Feature parity with visualizer and compatibility (drop in replacement)
- CRUD operations (Stop pipelines, start pipelines)
- Import projects into JX using the UI
- Audit logs
First phase is feature parity with what we currently have:
- Logs
- Archived logs
- Authorisation
- Sorting based on branches / project
Frontend testing to be done:
- Preview Environment (actually views builds of that cluster)
- UI Tests: Cypress, Selenium, Test Cafe
- Unit Testing: Jest, React(?), Cucumber, Protractor
- Lighthouse (google's thing)
New API for jenkins x backend - CLI/UI will call this instead of doing all the work locally on their machine
User voice to target most needed areas of development of the UI
Feature list
Achieve feature parity then swap over the read only ui to the new one
Use the exact same URL so that users are not confused
RBAC (should make sure the initial structure is supportive of RBAC)
- Pipeline linting
- Quickstart
- Importing projects
Few all of the archived pipelines (even the ones that have been garbage collected)
Tech stack
- Should have an evaluation step so we can see the different frameworks in action with the UI
How do we do operations within the cluster and within their scm provider but ensure that there is traceability and security to make sure users do not obtain more abilities (ie k8s, git) that violate their access rights?
Vote on SIG head
Ankit to push to jx-ui repo
All contribute to get it imported and building
Create the enhancement proposal within the enhancements repo
Debate security for this project to ensure that it doesn't put any holes into jx