- use okhttp dependency from io.jenkins.plugin:okhttp-api plugin
- optimize ui
- use font-awesome-api plugin and remove old css
- fixed [JENKINS-65184 & JENKINS-56109] Plugins breaking "Configure System" UI
- fixed [JENKINS-64396] remove Dynatrace server button label mislabeled
- fix NPEs in Dynatrace module
- rebuild UI with webpack and gridstack
- several dependency updates
- increase minimum jenkins version to 2.277.1
- Dev: update parent pom version to 4.18
- Dev: bump bom-2.264.x to version 28
skipped due to issues with the release process
- fix NPE in AppMon module
- update url to diagnostic tools
- Optimized Images (9b621c3)
- several dependency updates
- increase minimum jenkins version to 2.164.3
- Dev: update parent pom version to 4.13
- Dev: bump bom-2.164.x from 9 to 10
- JENKINS-55202 fix classloading issues with JAXB
- log error message, instead of response message
- increase minimum jenkins version to 2.164.1
- several dependency updates
- Dev: update parent pom version to 3.55
- Dev: switch to wiremock for Dynatrace AppMon
- activated Dependabot
- several dependency updates
- Dev: update parent pom version to 3.46
- added a DynatraceCustomSession pipeline step for fixed timeframes (can be found under the advanced section)
- fixed NPE in DynatraceReportStepExecution
- Dev: update parent pom version to 3.42
- use build number instead of display name
- use aggregation from spec definition instead of fixed avg aggregation
- filter out "Synthetic Web Requests by Timer Name - PurePath Response Time - " from measure name
- dev: updated java dependencies
- increased connect & read timeout
- don't check for session recording status for production licenced instances
- added a dependency to jaxb-plugin for java 11 compatibility
- updated parent pom, nodejs & yarn version to latest version
- Jenkins minimum version is now 2.89.4
- fix unit conversion (fixed time unit: MilliSecond, fixed byte unit: MegaByte)
- introduced new SpecFile format
- global lowerLimit & upperLimit values are not supported anymore
- lowerLimit & upperLimit are deprecated
- introduced lowerWarning, lowerSevere, upperWarning, upperSevere
- print out more readable error messages
- [JENKINS-55562] - Apply workaround in the version number
- always use Instant.now().toEpochMilli() to get a UTC timestamp
- create a separate specfile for draft version 2.0
- added custom properties to
- fix CVE-2018-1000850 and CVE-2018-1000844
- drop analysis-core dependency
- fix NPE in round method
- whitelist some methods in PerfSigEnvInvisAction class
- fixed release problems
- new module: Performance Signature for Dynatrace Saas/Managed
- Requires Jenkins Core 2.60.3 or newer
- Requires Java 8
- complete overhaul of the http client
- removed custom proxy option
- security hardening of all web methods
- group up all incidents by severity and message
- be more verbose about network related exception
- changed argument values for parameter 'nonFunctionalFailure'
- complete rewrite of the Performance Signature viewer module
- Dev: use yarn instead of npm
- Dev: update parent pom version to 3.17
- major Bugfix: don't use a static instance of ApiClient
- Dev: code cleanup
- Dev: update parent pom version to 3.8
- Bugfix: Grid arrangement gets mixed up
- Bugfix: delete only the previous session
- mark pipeline step dependency as optional
- Dev: update parent pom version to 3.6
- Bugfix: Viewer configuration was not saved
- Bugfix: removed minimum dashboard requirement from jelly
- Feature: added option to delete sessions after reporting and session export
- Dev: update parent pom version to 3.2
- Dev: update gridster JS lib to latest version
- Bugfix: empty chart configuration caused by missing alias
- only compatible with Dynatrace AppMon 7.0 and higher
- added "Create Deployment" Pipeline Step
- all log output is now prefixed by "[PERFSIG]"
- complete rewrite of rest interface by using a generated java client
- reordered Session Recording and TestRun creation/finish
- reanalyse Session Recording option is not available anymore
- simplified test data persistence
- actual test run id can be accessed via "DYNATRACE_TESTRUN_ID"
- confidential strings can now be removed (default: true)
- read timeout can be configured (default: 300s)
- aligned wording of plugin names
- use JAXB for xml parsing
- show incidents within the Performance Signature Build report
- huge internal code clean up
- replaced protocol, host and port with REST endpoint URL in global configuration
- fix a visual bug by using Pipeline: Stage View Plugin and Performance Signature Plugin in a pipeline job
- internal code clean up
- Java 7 is now a minimum requirement
- updated JS dependencies
- sort all ListBoxes
- fix PerfSigViewer remote build step
- updated dependencies
- avoid duplicated charts by using dynamic measures (e.g. application splitting)
- added a random parameter, so charts don't get cached
- refactored log messages
- added aggregation to chart title
- fixed empty aggregation select box
- fill chart's custom name while selecting measure
- fixed missing incident handling with >= Dynatrace 6.5
- added UnitTests
- a lot code cleanup
- refactored charting
- fixed use wrong session name with continuous session recording turned on
- fixed XML parsing of agent names
- handle build cancellation in viewer module
- fixed regression from 2.3.2: grid configuration could not be loaded with more than one testcase
- use GlobalConfiguration ExtensionPoint for Viewer module
- updated Gridster JS library
- Chart configuration related fixes & improvements
- added logger to monitor configuration read & write
- decreased log level, use LogRecorder de.tsystems.mms.apm.performancesignature.dynatrace.rest.DTServerConnection and LogLevel fine
- use GlobalConfiguration ExtensionPoint
- fix empty session names with continuous session recording turned on
- Code optimization
- sort select boxes in performance signature overview
- complete dashboard configuration rewrite
- no JSON configuration files anymore, everthing is saved in gridconfig.xml
- smaller bug fixes
- Code optimization
- introduced REST Interface: http:///job/<JOB_NAME>/<BUILD#>/performance-signature/api/xml?depth=10
- new plugin dependency: structs plugin >= 1.2 (gets installed automatically)
- improved session recording
- use symbols in order to simplify pipeline usage
- fixed JUnit test data not visible
- fix NPE in IncidentViolation
- Regression from 2.1.3 PDFs should be downloaded properly
- fix color decoding
- parse incident start/end date properly
- fix datatable exceptions (workaround)
- splitted UI from REST API
- removed percentile aggregation (session based percentiles are not working)
- code cleanup
- using Credentials > 2.1.0
- require Jenkins > 1.609.1
- continuous session recording is supported now
- fix renamed or deleted measures
- expose Performance Signature data to rest api
- code cleanup
- fix Dashboard configuration with aggregation value
- fix empty session file list
- several cosmetic changes
- fix java 6 missing TLS 1.2
- updated DataTables
- fixed unit aggregation
- added option to change aggregation value
- simplified single/comparison report & session URLs
- added link to Dynatrace client from detail view
- added Jenkins 2.0 compatibility
- some string fixes
- increase reanalyzeSessionTimeout to 5 minutes
- changed pluginID to 'performance-signature-dynatrace'
- compatibility with Pipeline
- moved server configuration to global configuration
- lots of bug fixes
- bumped versions of jQuery and other JS libraries
- added migrationsscript