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#Cards Against Humanity IRC bot

IRC bot that let's you play Cards Against Humanity in IRC. The game is running in IRCnet on #cah, but you can just as easily run your own instance on your own channel for more private games.


  • !start - Start a new game.
  • !stop - Stop the currently running game.
  • !pause - Pause the currently running game.
  • !resume - Resume a paused game.
  • !join - Join to the currently running game.
  • !quit - Quit from the game.
  • !cards - Show the cards you have in your hand.
  • !play # (#) - Play a card from your hand, # being the number of the card in the list. Play as many numbers separated by spaces as the current card required.
  • !winner # - Pick a winner of the round, # being the number of the entry in the list. Only for the current card czar.
  • !points - Show players' awesome points in the current game.
  • !list - List players in the current game.
  • !status - Show current status of the game. Output depends on the state of the game (e.g. when waiting for players to play, you can check who hasn't played yet)

Some of these commands reply as notice. If you use Irssi, you can use to get notices on the active window instead of status window.


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Edit configuration files with your channel & server settings.
  3. Install dependencies using npm install.


  • Node.js 0.10.*

##Run Run the bot by running node app.js, or if you want to run it with production settings instead of development, run NODE_ENV=production node app.js.

##Configuration Main configuration files are located in config/env. There are two files by default for two different environments, development and production (e.g. if you want to test the bot on a separate channel). For the clientOptions directive, refer to the Node-IRC documentation.

###Cards Card configuration is located in config/cards directory. Some files are included by default, that contain the default cards of the game plus some extra cards from BoardGameGeek. You can add your custom cards to Custom_a.json (for answers) and Custom_q.json (for questions), using the same format as the default card files. Any card you add to these files will also be automatically loaded to the game during start up..

###Notify Users Users currently in the channel with the bot can be notified when a game begins by setting the notifyUsers directive to true. Users with ~ and & modes are not notified.

###Set Topic The bot can be configured to set the channel topic indicating whether a game is running or not by setting the setTopic directive to true. The topicBase directive will be appended to the end of the status information. The bot must have permission in the channel for this to work.


  • Save game & player data to MongoDB for all time top scores & other statistics.
  • Config options for rule variations, such as voting the best instead of card czar choosing the winner.
  • The haiku round.
  • Allow players to change one card per round (make it an option in config?)

##Contribute All contributions are welcome in any form, be it pull requests for new features and bug fixes or issue reports or anything else.

It is recommended to use the develop branch as a starting point for new features.

##Thanks Special thanks to everyone on the super awesome secret IRC channel that have helped me test this and given feedback during development.

##License Cards Against Humanity IRC bot and its source code is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0 license.