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Developer Experience is Central to DevOps Success |
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## Developer Experience is Central to DevOps Success
## Abstract
Developer Experience (DevEx) encompasses every aspect of the experience that your developers (both internal and external) have with your product, tooling, systems, etc. While platform engineering aims to reduce developer toil, DevEx goes beyond that. It covers deployment pipelines, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) practices, developer efficiencies, productivity, UI/UX, and APIs. In this presentation, we will focus on some of the principles of DevOps (collaboration, communication, shared responsibility), go into the history of DevEx and how it's changed over the years (remember Vim? CFEngine?), and how a strong DevEx mindset can bring together development and operations teams.
Jeremy Meiss |
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git push heroku main
"...the journey of developers and practitioners as they learn and deploy technology, which if successful, focuses on eliminating obstacles that hinder them from achieving success in their endeavors."
-Jessica West, Co-Founder, DevEx Institute
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REF: F. Fagerholm and J. Münch, "Developer experience: Concept and definition," 2012 International Conference on Software and System Process (ICSSP), Zurich, Switzerland, 2012.
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"New ways of working such as globally distributed development or the integration of self-motivated external developers into software ecosystems will require a better and more comprehensive understanding of developers' feelings, perceptions, motivations and identification with their tasks in their respective project environments."
REF: F. Fagerholm and J. Münch, "Developer experience: Concept and definition. 2012."
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"...developer experience could be defined as a means for capturing how developers think and feel about their activities within their working environments, with the assumption that an improvement of the developer experience has positive impacts on characteristics such as sustained team and project performance."
REF: F. Fagerholm and J. Münch, "Developer experience: Concept and definition. 2012."
"...the journey of developers as they learn and deploy technology, which if successful, focuses on eliminating obstacles that hinder a developer or practitioner from achieving success in their endeavors."
-Jessica West, Co-Founder, DevEx Institute
- "DevEx" by default focuses on "developer"
- View "DevEx" as a whole of the lifecycle
REF: O'Reilly "Learning the vi and Vim Editors"
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- 1976: Vi
1985: Emacs
1991: Vim
1999: nano
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1983: Turbo Pascal
1986: Apple's Macintosh Programmer's Workshop
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REF: HP Journal, June 1990 edition
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"...the use of an IDE was not well received by developers since it would fence in their creativity."
REF: Computerwoche ("Computer Week", German counterpart of American magazine Computer World), 1995.
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1995: SGI WebMagic
1995: Microsoft FrontPage
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- 1997: Macromedia Dreamweaver
- 1997: Netscape Composer
- 1997: Microsoft Visual Studio
- 1999: Microsoft FrontPage 2000
- 2000: NetBeans
- 2001: IntelliJ IDEA
- 2001: Eclipse IDE
- 2002: Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
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2008: Sublime Text
2015: Atom
2015: Visual Studio Code
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- 2009: PHPanywhere (eventually becoming CodeAnywhere)
- 2010: Cloud9 (AWS bought it in 2016)
- 2018: Glitch
- 2019: GitPod
- 2020: GitHub Codespaces
- 2024: Google Project IDX
From this:
"...the use of an IDE was not well received by developers since it would fence in their creativity."
To this:
- Code completion
- Code refactoring
- Syntax highlighting
- Debugging
- VCS integration (no more FTPing files around)
- Multi-language support
- Framework integration
- Pair programming
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Deployment pipelines
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) practices
Developer Efficiences
- Collaboration
- Enhanced collaboration via tools and processes
Enhanced collaboration via tools and processes
Improving communication via streamlined info sharing and feedback
Shared Responsibility
Enhanced collaboration via tools and processes
Improving communication via streamlined info sharing and feedback
Shared responsibility by empowering all teams with access and information
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Facilitates smoother transitions between Dev and Ops
Minimizes bottlenecks with enhanced collaboration
Ensures feedback loops are efficient and productive
Enables DevOps principles to take hold within an organization
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Specific, integrated environments that devs need
Abstract away infrastructre + backend complexities
Access to robust, scalable, easy-to-use platforms
Streamline development processes and reduced setup time
Developers empowered with necessary tools
Leverage automation, templates, policies with agility
Accelerate development, enhance productivity, foster autonomy
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Empower with the right tools
Encourage Cross-functional Teams
Implement Feedback Loops
Focus on Automation
Invest in Training and Development
DevEx initiatives should be modeled from Leadership FIRST{style="color: red; font-size: 1.25em; font-weight: bolder;"}
Foster a positive culture
Streamline the workflow(s)
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- Clear and concise documentation
- Encourage knowledge sharing
- Create easily accessible resources to reduce toil + empower
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Clear and concise documentation
Promote collaboration and communication
- Facilitate code reviews
- Implement comms to foster teamwork + problem solving
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Clear and concise documentation
Promote collaboration and communication
Champion well-being and growth
- Encourage feedback, up and down
- Recognize achievements
- Create a sense of belonging
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- Tools and Automation
- Explore tools which are highly regarded in your field
- Automate repetitive tasks wherever possible
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Tools and Automation
Standardize environment setup
- Use config management tools
- Streamline onboarding for all team members