Github Repo:
Pagespeed Score:
- Header w/custom navigation.
- Cruise themed.
- Searchbar available when clicking icon in header.
- Slider that autoplays with 7000ms delay between each slide.
- Custom loading screen w/animation.
- Custom form implented. Since I didn't have access to gravity forms, I only did the front-end implementation.
- Custom theme implementation.
- Google font implementation added to stylesheet. Using Ubuntu and Ubuntu Condensed.
- Custom favicon.
- Minimized CSS/JS. Unminified code in repo.
- Tested in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
- Use of SMACSS to split up files into manageable pieces.
- Commenting in place in SCSS files.
- Implemented custom homepage template.
- Use of SCSS and laravel mix to compile files into final CSS and JS files.
- Optimized all images via
- Optimized all SVGs via
- .htaccess rules set up for pagespeed and redirect to non-www and non-http addresses. Currently set up to go to https.
- Cert Added - Secure Site.
- Menu widget that automatically adds new pages to navigation bar on frontend.
- Custom fields implemented (Advanced Custom Fields) for changing of slider images on front-end.
- Added select box to show/hide slides.
- No 3rd Party Platforms used.
- Custom theme image.
- Site set up on Digital Ocean server.
- Pointed domain to Digital Ocean server.
- Database integration.
- Form is currently not hooked up.
- Links not hooked up.
- Pages in backend only to show in the custom navigation.