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File metadata and controls

261 lines (227 loc) · 13.8 KB

Fixed-Length Schema in Depth (DEPRECATED)

Note: this version of fixed-length schema has been deprecated and superseded by fixedlength2 schema. Its functionality and support will continue but (incredibly easy) migration to fixedlength2 is strongly recommended.

Fixed-length (sometimes also called fixed-width) schema has 3 parts: parser_settings, file_declaration, and transform_declarations. We've covered parser_settings in Getting Started; we've covered transform_declarations in depth in All About Transforms. Before we go into file_declaration, we need to talk about the concept of envelope.

An envelope is a basic data unit ingested in from the input, processed and transformed by omniparser for a fixed length input file. Here are a few examples:

  • Single line envelope (from this sample):

    2019/01/31T12:34:56-0800 10.5 30.2  N 33  37.7749 122.4194
    2020/07/31T01:23:45-0500   39   95 SE  8  32.7767  96.7970

    Here each line in the input is an envelope, individually ingested, processed and transformed.

  • Multi-line envelope (from this sample):

    H001TW                  0689311345         030                           DEL       HMDEPOT                                                   20190826124704  EST                                                   1230004321         W841206858                                                                                                         James Bond                    20190827                                                  RHONDA                        W841206858                    128 Bird Ave                                                          HAPPYVALLEY                   FL54321      USELGS               030                                                     1                                       105.00   THDNR     1    1003164515          DLB000977979                                      Appt set between 00 00 AND 00 00 on 08 27 19                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                AG                                                                                      21200    1600    7029083C                                                                                    314 Algebra Blvd                                            MEDIAN              FL31415  US
    H0020689311345         BM  040670500067120
    H0020689311345         CN  100000103732
    H0020689311345         OA  2400 Highway 155 South
    H0020689311345         OC  Locust Grove
    H0020689311345         ON  THE HOME DEPOT 6705
    H0020689311345         OO  W841206858
    H0020689311345         OP  30248
    H0020689311345         OST GA
    H0020689311345         OT  US
    H0020689311345         PO  7029083C
    H001TW                  0689311348         030                           DEL       HMDEPOT                                                   20190826124704  EST                                                   1230001234         W938003272                                                                                                         Jason Bourne                  20190827                                                  RHONDA                        W938003272                    123 S 45ST ST                                                         MAGIC BEACH                   FL12345      USELGS               030                                                     1                                       1.00     THDNR     1    1003621621                                                            Appt set between 00 00 AND 00 00 on 08 27 19                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                AG                                                                                      21030    1430    6816137C                                                                                    314 Algebra Blvd                                            MEDIAN              FL31415  US
    H0020689311348         BM  040677700277714
    H0020689311348         CN
    H0020689311348         OA  2500 Highway 155 South
    H0020689311348         OC  Locust Grove
    H0020689311348         ON  THE HOME DEPOT 6777
    H0020689311348         OO  W938003272
    H0020689311348         OP  30248
    H0020689311348         OST GA
    H0020689311348         OT  US
    H0020689311348         PO  6816137C

    Each envelope consists of 11 consecutive lines, and these 11 consecutive lines are ingested, processed and transformed as a unit.

    Single line envelope is obviously a special case of multi-line envelope.

  • Variable length envelope encapsulated by a header and a footer (from this sample):

    A010 20191105
    V010 V
    V010 V

    Here we have 3 different envelopes:

    • first envelope is encapsulated by A010 and A999. This envelope has one occurrence.
    • second envelope is encapsulated by V010 and V999. This envelope has multiple occurrences.
    • last envelope is encapsulated by Z001 and Z999. This envelope has one occurrence.

file_declaration for Fixed Rows envelope

file_declaration section looks as follows when dealing with envelopes of fixed number of rows:

"file_declaration": {
    "envelopes": [                              <= required
            "by_rows": <integer value>,             <= optional
            "columns": [                            <= optional
                    "name": "<unique column name>", <= optional
                    "start_pos": <integer>,         <= required
                    "length": <integer>,            <= required
                    "line_pattern": "<line regexp>" <= optional

Note for by_rows fixed-length schema, there must be one and only one envelope.

  • by_rows: defines how many consecutive lines form an envelope. If not specified, default to 1.

  • columns: defines a number of columns/fields that will hold speific pieces of data extracted from those rows.

  • name of a column, used in as IDR node name and later in XPath queries in transform_declarations. Required and must be unique.

  • columns.start_pos: specifies the starting character position (1-based) for the column's data.

  • columns.length: specifies the length of the column's data.

  • columns.line_pattern: used in multi-line envelope where the pattern identifies from which line this column's data will be extracted.

An example of single-line envelope file_declaration might look like:

"file_declaration": {
    "envelopes" : [
            "columns": [
                { "name": "DATE", "start_pos": 1, "length": 24 },
                { "name": "HIGH_TEMP_C", "start_pos": 26, "length": 4 },

An example of multi-line envelope file_declaration might look like:

"file_declaration": {
    "envelopes" : [
            "by_rows": 11,
            "columns": [
                { "name": "tracking_number_h001", "start_pos": 464,  "length": 30, "line_pattern": "^H001" },
                { "name": "tracking_number_h002_cn", "start_pos": 28,  "length": 50, "line_pattern": "^H002.{19}CN" }

file_declaration for Header/Footer envelope

file_declaration section looks as follows when dealing with envelopes bounded by header/footer:

"file_declaration": {
    "envelopes": [                              <= required
            "name": "<unique envelope name>",       <= optional
            "by_header_footer": {                   <= required
                "header": "<header regexp>",        <= required
                "footer": "<footer regexp>",        <= required
            "not_target": <true/false>,             <= optional
            "columns": [                            <= optional
                    "name": "<unique column name>", <= required
                    "start_pos": <integer>,         <= required
                    "length": <integer>,            <= required
                    "line_pattern": "<line regexp>" <= optional

Note there can be multiple envelopes for a fixed-length schema when dealing with envelopes bounded by headers/footers.

Contrary to by_rows envelope and schema which is simple and easy to understand, by_header_footer envelopes and schema needs a bit explanation before diving into each schema attribute.

Aby_header_footer fixed-length schema can have multiple of envelopes. These envelopes' order must match their appearance order in the input files, although each one is optional. (We could've made out-of-order envelope matching possible, but based on experiences, such scenarios rarely exist thus not worth pursuing at the cost of complexity.) Of these envelopes, one and only one must be the target envelope, instance of which omniparser will ingest, transform and return. All other non-target envelopes are considered global envelopes. Each envelope can have 0 or more instances from the input. All global envelopes' instances are permanently kept in the IDR tree while target envelope instance is kept in the returned IDR tree until the next Read() call is invoked by the client, thus making stream-processing large files without memory constraints possible.

Typically "global" envelopes are for the global header and footer for an input, and usually their numbers of instances are limited (1 usually). Target envelope is for the repeating data blocks of an input. If you look at the example shown early under "Variable length envelope encapsulated by a header and a footer", you can see the global header envelope is wrapped by A010 and A999; the global footer envelope is wrapped by Z001 and Z999; and repeating data block envelope is wrapped by V010 and V999.

Each by_header_footer envelope has a unique name: if the name is not directly given in the schema, then it's randomly and uniquely generated. Because when an instance of the target envelope is returned, the IDR tree node returned is anchored on the target envelope (see more details about fixed-length IDR tree structure here), thus XPath queries to any data inside the target envelope don't need the node name. As a result, usually there is no need to specify a name for the target envelope. If, however, there are data on the global envelopes that transform needs, typically some data/info from the global header envelope, then such global envelopes should be named, and transform can refer to such data by XPath queries like ../<global_envelope_name>/<path_to_such-data>. Understanding the IDR tree structure for fixed-length format is the key to understand how you can extract data.

  • name: a unique name of the envelope. Optional. If not specified, which is common, a unique id is generated by omniparser.

  • by_header_footer.header: a regexp pattern identifies the line of the beginning of the envelope.

  • by_header_footer.footer: a regexp pattern identifies the line of the end of the envelope. Note footer can be the same as the header, in case we have an envelope of a single line.

  • not_target: whether the envelope is a target envelope or not. Optional, and by default it's false: the envelope is a target envelope. Note there can be one and only one target envelope in a by_header_footer fixed-length schema.

  • columns: identical to columns in by_rows fixed_length schema.

A schema for the earlier example might look like this:

"file_declaration": {
    "envelopes" : [
            "name": "GLOBAL",
            "by_header_footer": { "header": "^A010", "footer": "^A999" },
            "not_target": true,
            "columns": [ { "name": "carrier", "start_pos": 6, "length": 6, "line_pattern": "^A060" } ]
            "by_header_footer": { "header": "^V010", "footer": "^V999" },
            "columns": [
                { "name": "tracking_number", "start_pos": 6, "length": 15, "line_pattern": "^V020" },
                { "name": "delivery_date", "start_pos": 6, "length": 8, "line_pattern": "^V045" },
            "by_header_footer": { "header": "^Z001", "footer": "^Z999" },
            "not_target": true

Note 1: since we want to have, in the FINAL_OUTPUT, a field carrier, and the carrier information is in the global header envelope, thus we give a name to the global header envelope GLOBAL thus we can refer to the carrier name data by XPath ../GLOBAL/carrier.

Note 2: there is no data we need from global footer envelope, thus we can simply keep it "nameless" ( though technically it is not true, as omniparser will assign a random/unique name to it).

Note 3: target envelope is "nameless" and it is the only envelope does not have "not_target": true.

Fixed-Length IDR Structure

See here for more details.