The idea is to have pod builder that can be used in kubernetes
podman build -f Dockerfile.buildah -t${USER}/tomcat10-buildah
podman push${USER}/tomcat10-buildah
podman run --mount type=bind,target=/home/${USER}/.docker/config.json,destination=/auth/config.json${USER}/tomcat10-buildah
It supports a bunch of parameters:
That is the name of the war to deploy in webapps, the default is ROOT.war
That is the name of docker image that is build and contains the war file, for
That is the URL of the source repository, for example
That is the branch in the git sources, the default is main
That is the sub directory in the git sources, the default is empty.
That is the base image to which the webapp is added, the default is:
To use any of the parameters use --env var=val
Ajust JWSbuildah.yaml to what you need and run:
kubectl create -f JWSbuildah.yaml
Note you need a secret the most easy is to adapt your $HOME/.docker/config.json and do something like:
kubectl create secret generic jfc --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=$HOME/.docker/config.json
The secret is mount in /auth/.dockerconfigjson in the pod by the yaml file.