Make sure you have these tools on your computer:
- yarn 1.x.x
- docker
- docker for windows
If the existing tests do not already cover your changes, please add tests.
To build and run the plugin, follow these steps:
Clone the code from this git repository
Run this command to build the image locally:
make build-extension
Run this command to install the extension on your docker desktop:
make install-extension
Make sure the checkbox labeled "Allow only extensions distributed through Docker Marketplace" is unchecked:
Go to "My Extensions" tab on docker desktop and press Open":
You can now use the extension locally on your docker desktop!
- To update the extension to include new code run:
make update
- To debug the code run:
make debug
- To stop debugging run:
make stop-debug
To publish new code run this command:
- Pushes the image with the latest tag:
make release