And action! If you like to learn through videos, this is the place for you! Here you can find all kinds of resources that have videos to learn about .NET MAUI.
- .NET MAUI for Beginners: official YouTube playlist on the .NET account
- .NET Conf Focus on MAUI 2022: YouTube playlist with all sessions of the .NET Conf Focus on MAUI virtual event that happened on August 9th 2022
- Daniel Hindrikes: all the way from Sweden is Daniel providing us with great .NET MAUI videos.
- Gerald Versluis: YouTube channel by the maintainer of this repo!
- James Montemagno: our best friend in the entire world! James Montemagno posting .NET MAUI and more general .NET content on his channel.
- Javier Suarez: Javier from the .NET MAUI team posts video about .NET MAUI both in English and Spanish.
- Naweed Akram
- Xamarin Guy: Samir G.C from Nepal has great content about .NET MAUI on his channel.
- Coding Flamingo: Focuses on Blazor on all its forms including a big part of Blazor on .NET MAUI.