- Track wikilinks with a class instead of the title (Evan Silberman). The use of title="wikilink" in HTML output traces back to Pandoc's hijacking of the title attribute for this purpose back when Pandoc links didn't have Attrs. A coordinated change in Pandoc moves this more appropriately into a class.
- Avoid adding spurious extra data-pos attribute to wrapper Div (#159).
- Add wrapper="1" when we need to add Div or Span. This is needed for good round-tripping; a djot writer can see that this attribute was added and remove the wrapping, adding the attributes directly to the element.
- Remove nested footnotes (#138).
- Add support for alerts extension (#132).
- Allow pandoc-types 1.23.
- Fix addition of sourcepos attributes to blocks (jgm/pandoc#7769). We were always adding an enclosing Div, even when the block admits attributes. Now the attributes are added to the block itself, unless it can't accept attributes (as with inlines).
- Don't collapse Para to Plain in task lists (#77).
- commonmark-pandoc.cabal: remove unneeded build-depend on containers.
- Support wikilinks extension.
- Allow pandoc-types 1.22.
- Add HasQuoted instance.
- Apply attributes directly to Table element (#47).
- Initial release