- New: Added disclaimer before registering for courses
- Fixed MyCourses login
- Fixed drawables on pre-Lollipop
- Fixed course search
- Removed horizontal schedule page in walkthrough
- New: Support for Android Nougat
- Fixed course search
- Fixed bug when removing favorite place
- Fix: Fix login issue with regards to the new proxy cookie Minerva sets
- Fix: Reverted Instabug to 1.x to fix the multiple crashes that 2.x was causing
- Fix: Fixed crash when parsing Sunday as the day of the week a course is offered (character was recently changed)
- Fix: Fixed crash because of wrong order of email and LinkedIn info in the About section
- Fix: Fixed crash where list converters would not be found on Android 4.x
- Update: Started ignoring some unnecessary exceptions when sending crashes to Crashlytics
- Fix: Fixed crash that happened when trying to update a semester on courses that haven't been loaded from storage yet
- Fix: Attempt to fix the missing converter for the schedule on some devices
- Update: Updated to support libraries v23.2.0, now using VectorDrawables everywhere
- Completely refactored the downloading and parsing of the info to be quicker and more efficient
- Made the loading screen much faster
- Stopped using Gson, starting using Moshi
- Added button to become a beta tester in the app
- Added GitHub button
- Now redirecting to the McGill walkthrough for setting up the email
- Switched to Instabug 2.0
- Added some managers for some of the data to make it more synchronous and less error prone
- Added option to display the schedule in 24 hour format
- Removed the user info that was unused
- Unified app icon
- A ton of small bug fixes
- Started using Dagger for dependency injection almost everywhere
- Removed Hungarian notation from all of the models
- Replaced Joda Time with Android Three Ten
- Removed unused fields on some models
- Temporarily disabled the landscape orientation fo the schedule because it is not rendering correctly since the activity switch
- Switched from fragments to activities
- Set up dependency to the Android Utils library
- Fixed some reported crashes
- Fixed bug where about page would not load
- Fixed bug where transcript would not load on pre-Lollipop devices
- Removed unnecessary color state lists
- Refreshed the Settings UI
- Open sourced the whole project
- Switched to min SDK 15
- Switched to Gradle
- Removed FontAwesome and switched to material design VectorDrawables
- Fixed Facebook sharing
- Fixed Twitter sharing
- Added Crashlytics
- Added Instabug
- Significantly optimized the Connection class
- Fixed bug where app would crash if ebill was empty
- Set up the Marshmallow permissions
- Refactored the whole code base
- Minor UI tweaks
- Fixed dev mode
- Removed wishlist option for semesters that you can't currently register for
- Fixed NPE crash reported on Google Play (NPE on class list)
- Bug fixes
- Material design
- Added a Search Functionality to the Map
- Added new categories to filter by on the map
- Added an End User License Agreement (EULA)
- Fixed bug where the current date would be shown even if you chose a semester in the past or future
- Loading screen only updates the essentials (current/future semesters + transcript + ebill)
- Added skip button on loading screen
- Date is now taken into account for classes
- Fixed some parsing bugs
- Added close button to walkthrough
- Removed the default faculty in walkthrough
- Can now download files from MyCourses
- Fixed bug where logging out would not log you out of MyCourses
- Initial Release