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''**************************************'''' WIZnet W5100 Indirect Driver Ver. 00.6'''' Timothy D. Swieter, P.E.'' Brilldea - purveyor of prototyping goods'' www.brilldea.com'''' Generously funded by Parallax'' www.parallax.com'''' Copyright (c) 2010 Timothy D. Swieter, P.E.'' See end of file for terms of use and MIT License'''' Updated: June 26, 2010''''Description:'''' This is an Indirect/parallel Assembly language driver for the W5100.'' This driver requires /RESET, /WR, /RD, /CS, 8x data and 2x address lines.'' The SEN singal should be tied low to disable SPI mode. The /INT signal is'' not employed in this version of the driver.'''' The functions are mostly implemented in ASM for very fast access. There is high level access'' to the Indirect/parallel bus, but going through SPIN to do many of the functions adds considerable time.'''' One thing to note about this driver is the assumption is makes regarding the pins used for exchanging data'' with the W5100. When starting the driver you provide the function with the first data pin - that is Data0.'' The driver then assumes that all data pins are consecuitive and increasing. So if you define P0 as Data0, then'' P2 is Data1....P7 is Data7.'''' In the program that calls this driver you will need to set up variables for such as the following:'''' 'Variables to hold the address configuration information as set'' byte myMAC[6] '6 element array contianing MAC or source hardware address ex. "02:00:00:01:23:45"'' byte myGateway[4] '4 element array containing gateway address ex. ""'' byte mySubnet[4] '4 element array contianing subnet mask ex. ""'' byte myIP[4] '4 element array containing IP address ex. ""''''reference:'' W5100_Data Sheet'''' 2711015Eady.pdf (Circuit Cellar Magazine Article: http://www.circuitcellar.com/archives/viewable/Eady207/2711015Eady.pdf)'' Hydra EtherX Documentation'''' Programming and Customizing the multicore Propeller Microcontroller by various'' TCP/IP Application Layer Protocols for Embedded Systems by M. Tim Jones'' Networking and Internetworking with Microcontrollers by Fred Eady'''' Initial indirect driver coding done by Patrick von den Driesch (patrick1ab on Parallax's Forum)''''To do:'''' -in tx/rxUDP there are referneces to $0100 and $0800. Review if any of these should be made to variables or constants for better readability or future expansion'' -test i variable initializing at start of tx/rxUDP is needed'' -see if there is a command parameters that aren't being used - if so remove some of the longs located at the end of the ASM that are read from byte ram on each command execution'' -add ability to change socket memory size.''''Revision Notes:'' 0.5 ....start of fork from SPI code'' 0.6 Code enhancements and optimizing'' Fixed problem in UDP buffer losing data - thanks to Marko! Problem was in txUDP.''''**************************************CON 'Constants to be located here'*************************************** '*************************************** ' Firmware Version '*************************************** FWmajor = 0 FWminor = 6DAT TxtFWdate byte "June 26, 2010",0CON '*************************************** ' System Definitions '*************************************** _OUTPUT = 1 'Sets pin to output in DIRA register _INPUT = 0 'Sets pin to input in DIRA register _HIGH = 1 'High=ON=1=3.3V DC _ON = 1 _LOW = 0 'Low=OFF=0=0V DC _OFF = 0 _ENABLE = 1 'Enable (turn on) function/mode _DISABLE = 0 'Disable (turn off) function/mode '*************************************** ' W5100 Common Register Definitions '*************************************** _MR = $0000 'Mode Register _GAR0 = $0001 'Gateway Address Register _GAR1 = $0002 _GAR2 = $0003 _GAR3 = $0004 _SUBR0 = $0005 'Subnet Mask Address Register _SUBR1 = $0006 _SUBR2 = $0007 _SUBR3 = $0008 _SHAR0 = $0009 'Source Hardware Address Register (MAC) _SHAR1 = $000A _SHAR2 = $000B _SHAR3 = $000C _SHAR4 = $000D _SHAR5 = $000E _SIPR0 = $000F 'Source IP Address Register _SIPR1 = $0010 _SIPR2 = $0011 _SIPR3 = $0012 'Reserved space $0013 - $0014 _IR = $0015 'Interrupt Register _IMR = $0016 'Interrupt Mask Register _RTR0 = $0017 'Retry Time Register _RTR1 = $0018 _RCR = $0019 'Retry Count Register _RMSR = $001A 'Rx Memory Size Register _TMSR = $001B 'Tx Memory Size Register _PATR0 = $001C 'Authentication Type in PPPoE Register _PATR1 = $001D 'Reserved space $001E - $0027 _PTIMER = $0028 'PPP LCP Request Timer _PMAGIC = $0029 'PPP LCP Magic Number _UIPR0 = $002A 'Unreachable IP Address Register _UIPR1 = $002B _UIPR2 = $002C _UIPR3 = $002D _UPORT0 = $002E 'Unreachable Port Register _UPORT1 = $002F 'Reserved space $0030 - $03FF '*************************************** ' W5100 Socket 0 Register Definitions '*************************************** _S0_MR = $0400 'Socket 0 Mode Register _S0_CR = $0401 'Socket 0 Command Register _S0_IR = $0402 'Socket 0 Interrupt Register _S0_SR = $0403 'Socket 0 Status Register _S0_PORT0 = $0404 'Socket 0 Source Port Register _S0_PORT1 = $0405 _S0_DHAR0 = $0406 'Socket 0 Destination Hardware Address Register _S0_DHAR1 = $0407 _S0_DHAR2 = $0408 _S0_DHAR3 = $0409 _S0_DHAR4 = $040A _S0_DHAR5 = $040B _S0_DIPR0 = $040C 'Socket 0 Destination IP Address Register _S0_DIPR1 = $040D _S0_DIPR2 = $040E _S0_DIPR3 = $040F _S0_DPORT0 = $0410 'Socket 0 Destination Port Register _S0_DPORT1 = $0411 _S0_MSSR0 = $0412 'Socket 0 Maximum Segment Size Register _S0_MSSR1 = $0413 _S0_PROTO = $0414 'Socket 0 Protocol in IP Raw Mode Register _S0_TOS = $0415 'Socket 0 IP TOS Register _S0_TTL = $0416 'Socket 0 IP TTL Register 'Reserved space $0417 - $041F _S0_TX_FSRO = $0420 'Socket 0 TX Free Size Register _S0_TX_FSR1 = $0421 _S0_TX_RD0 = $0422 'Socket 0 TX Read Pointer Register _S0_TX_RD1 = $0423 _S0_TX_WR0 = $0424 'Socket 0 TX Write Pointer Register _S0_TX_WR1 = $0425 _S0_RX_RSR0 = $0426 'Socket 0 RX Received Size Register _S0_RX_RSR1 = $0427 _S0_RX_RD0 = $0428 'Socket 0 RX Read Pointer Register _S0_RX_RD1 = $0429 'Reserved space $042A - $04FF '*************************************** ' W5100 Socket 1 Register Definitions '*************************************** _S1_MR = $0500 'Socket 1 Mode Register _S1_CR = $0501 'Socket 1 Command Register _S1_IR = $0502 'Socket 1 Interrupt Register _S1_SR = $0503 'Socket 1 Status Register _S1_PORT0 = $0504 'Socket 1 Source Port Register _S1_PORT1 = $0505 _S1_DHAR0 = $0506 'Socket 1 Destination Hardware Address Register _S1_DHAR1 = $0507 _S1_DHAR2 = $0508 _S1_DHAR3 = $0509 _S1_DHAR4 = $050A _S1_DHAR5 = $050B _S1_DIPR0 = $050C 'Socket 1 Destination IP Address Register _S1_DIPR1 = $050D _S1_DIPR2 = $050E _S1_DIPR3 = $050F _S1_DPORT0 = $0510 'Socket 1 Destination Port Register _S1_DPORT1 = $0511 _S1_MSSR0 = $0512 'Socket 1 Maximum Segment Size Register _S1_MSSR1 = $0513 _S1_PROTO = $0514 'Socket 1 Protocol in IP Raw Mode Register _S1_TOS = $0515 'Socket 1 IP TOS Register _S1_TTL = $0516 'Socket 1 IP TTL Register 'Reserved space $0517 - $051F _S1_TX_FSRO = $0520 'Socket 1 TX Free Size Register _S1_TX_FSR1 = $0521 _S1_TX_RD0 = $0522 'Socket 1 TX Read Pointer Register _S1_TX_RD1 = $0523 _S1_TX_WR0 = $0524 'Socket 1 TX Write Pointer Register _S1_TX_WR1 = $0525 _S1_RX_RSR0 = $0526 'Socket 1 RX Received Size Register _S1_RX_RSR1 = $0527 _S1_RX_RD0 = $0528 'Socket 1 RX Read Pointer Register _S1_RX_RD1 = $0529 'Reserved space $052A - $05FF '*************************************** ' W5100 Socket 2 Register Definitions '*************************************** _S2_MR = $0600 'Socket 2 Mode Register _S2_CR = $0601 'Socket 2 Command Register _S2_IR = $0602 'Socket 2 Interrupt Register _S2_SR = $0603 'Socket 2 Status Register _S2_PORT0 = $0604 'Socket 2 Source Port Register _S2_PORT1 = $0605 _S2_DHAR0 = $0606 'Socket 2 Destination Hardware Address Register _S2_DHAR1 = $0607 _S2_DHAR2 = $0608 _S2_DHAR3 = $0609 _S2_DHAR4 = $060A _S2_DHAR5 = $060B _S2_DIPR0 = $060C 'Socket 2 Destination IP Address Register _S2_DIPR1 = $060D _S2_DIPR2 = $060E _S2_DIPR3 = $060F _S2_DPORT0 = $0610 'Socket 2 Destination Port Register _S2_DPORT1 = $0611 _S2_MSSR0 = $0612 'Socket 2 Maximum Segment Size Register _S2_MSSR1 = $0613 _S2_PROTO = $0614 'Socket 2 Protocol in IP Raw Mode Register _S2_TOS = $0615 'Socket 2 IP TOS Register _S2_TTL = $0616 'Socket 2 IP TTL Register 'Reserved space $0617 - $061F _S2_TX_FSRO = $0620 'Socket 2 TX Free Size Register _S2_TX_FSR1 = $0621 _S2_TX_RD0 = $0622 'Socket 2 TX Read Pointer Register _S2_TX_RD1 = $0623 _S2_TX_WR0 = $0624 'Socket 2 TX Write Pointer Register _S2_TX_WR1 = $0625 _S2_RX_RSR0 = $0626 'Socket 2 RX Received Size Register _S2_RX_RSR1 = $0627 _S2_RX_RD0 = $0628 'Socket 2 RX Read Pointer Register _S2_RX_RD1 = $0629 'Reserved space $062A - $06FF '*************************************** ' W5100 Socket 3 Register Definitions '*************************************** _S3_MR = $0700 'Socket 3 Mode Register _S3_CR = $0701 'Socket 3 Command Register _S3_IR = $0702 'Socket 3 Interrupt Register _S3_SR = $0703 'Socket 3 Status Register _S3_PORT0 = $0704 'Socket 3 Source Port Register _S3_PORT1 = $0705 _S3_DHAR0 = $0706 'Socket 3 Destination Hardware Address Register _S3_DHAR1 = $0707 _S3_DHAR2 = $0708 _S3_DHAR3 = $0709 _S3_DHAR4 = $070A _S3_DHAR5 = $070B _S3_DIPR0 = $070C 'Socket 3 Destination IP Address Register _S3_DIPR1 = $070D _S3_DIPR2 = $070E _S3_DIPR3 = $070F _S3_DPORT0 = $0710 'Socket 3 Destination Port Register _S3_DPORT1 = $0711 _S3_MSSR0 = $0712 'Socket 3 Maximum Segment Size Register _S3_MSSR1 = $0713 _S3_PROTO = $0714 'Socket 3 Protocol in IP Raw Mode Register _S3_TOS = $0715 'Socket 3 IP TOS Register _S3_TTL = $0716 'Socket 3 IP TTL Register 'Reserved space $0717 - $071F _S3_TX_FSRO = $0720 'Socket 3 TX Free Size Register _S3_TX_FSR1 = $0721 _S3_TX_RD0 = $0722 'Socket 3 TX Read Pointer Register _S3_TX_RD1 = $0723 _S3_TX_WR0 = $0724 'Socket 3 TX Write Pointer Register _S3_TX_WR1 = $0725 _S3_RX_RSR0 = $0726 'Socket 3 RX Received Size Register _S3_RX_RSR1 = $0727 _S3_RX_RD0 = $0728 'Socket 3 RX Read Pointer Register _S3_RX_RD1 = $0729 'Reserved space $072A - $07FF '*************************************** ' W5100 Register Masks & Values Defintions '*************************************** 'Used in the mode register (MR) _RSTMODE = %1000_0000 'If 1, internal registers are initialized _PBMODE = %0001_0000 'Ping block mode, 1 is enabled _PPPOEMODE = %0000_1000 'PPPoE mode, 1 is enabled _AIMODE = %0000_0010 'Address auto-increment mode _INDMODE = %0000_0001 'Indirect bus mode 'Used in the Interrupt Register (IR) & Interrupt Mask Register (IMR) _CONFLICTM = %1000_0000 _UNREACHM = %0100_0000 _PPPoEM = %0010_0000 _S3_INTM = %0000_1000 'Socket 3 interrupt bit mask (1 = interrupt) _S2_INTM = %0000_0100 'Socket 2 interrupt bit mask (1 = interrupt) _S1_INTM = %0000_0010 'Socket 1 interrupt bit mask (1 = interrupt) _S0_INTM = %0000_0001 'Socket 0 interrupt bit mask (1 = interrupt) 'Used in the RX memory size register(RMSR) _S3_SM = %1100_0000 'Socket 3 size mask _S2_SM = %0011_0000 'Socket 2 size mask _S1_SM = %0000_1100 'Socket 1 size mask _S0_SM = %0000_0011 'Socket 0 size mask _1KB = %00 '1KB memory size _2KB = %01 '2KB memory size _4KB = %10 '4KB memory size _8KB = %11 '8KB memory size 'Used in the socket n mode register (Sn_MR) _MULTIM = %1000_0000 'Enable/disable multicasting in UDP _PROTOCOLM = %0000_1111 'Registers for setting protocol _CLOSEDPROTO = %0000 'Closed _TCPPROTO = %0001 'TCP _UDPPROTO = %0010 'UDP _IPRAWPROTO = %0011 'IPRAW _MACRAW = %0100 'MACRAW (used in socket 0) _PPPOEPROTO = %0101 'PPPoE (used in socket 0) 'Used in the socket n command register (Sn_CR) _OPEN = $01 'Initialize a socket _LISTEN = $02 'In TCP mode, waits for request from client _CONNECT = $04 'In TCP mode, sends connect request to server _DISCON = $08 'In TCP mode, request to disconnect _CLOSE = $10 'Closes socket _SEND = $20 'Transmits data _SEND_MAC = $21 'In UDP mode, like send, but uses MAC _SEND_KEEP = $22 'In TCP mode, check connection status by sending 1 byte _RECV = $40 'Receiving is processed 'Used in socket n interrupt register (Sn_IR) _SEND_OKM = %0001_0000 'Set to 1 if send operation is completed _TIMEOUTM = %0000_1000 'Set to 1 if timeout occured during transmission _RECVM = %0000_0100 'Set to 1 if data is received _DISCONM = %0000_0010 'Set to 1 if connection termination is requested _CONM = %0000_0001 'Set to 1 if connection is established 'Used in socket n status register (Sn_SR) _SOCK_CLOSED = $00 _SOCK_INIT = $13 _SOCK_LISTEN = $14 _SOCK_SYNSENT = $15 _SOCK_SYNRECV = $16 _SOCK_ESTAB = $17 _SOCK_FIN_WAIT= $18 _SOCK_CLOSING = $1A _SOCK_TIME_WAIT=$1B _SOCK_LACK_ACK =$1D _SOCK_CLOSE_WT= $1C _SOCK_UDP = $22 _SOCK_IPRAW = $32 _SOCK_MACRAW = $42 _SOCK_PPPOE = $5F _SOCK_ARP1 = $11 _SOCK_ARP2 = $21 _SOCK_ARP3 = $31 'SPI OP-code when assembly packet to read/write to W5100 _WRITEOP = $F0 'Signals a write operation in SPI mode _READOP = $0F 'Signals a read operation in SPI mode 'RX & TX definitions _TX_base = $4000 'Base address of TX buffer _RX_base = $6000 'Base address of RX buffer _TX_mask = $7FF 'Mask for default 2K buffer for each socket _RX_mask = $7FF 'Mask for default 2K buffer for each socket _UDP_header = 8 '8 bytes of data in the UDP header from the W5100 '*************************************** ' Command Definitions for ASM W5100 Indirect/parallel Routine '*************************************** '_reserved = 0 'This is the default state - means ASM is waiting for command _readIND = 1 << 16 'High level access to reading from the W5100 via indirect/parallel _writeIND = 2 << 16 'High level access to writing to the W5100 via indirect/parallel _SetMAC = 3 << 16 'Set the MAC ID in the W5100 _SetGateway = 4 << 16 'Set the gateway address in the W5100 _SetSubnet = 5 << 16 'Set the subnet address in the W5100 _SetIP = 6 << 16 'Set the IP address in the W5100 _ReadMAC = 7 << 16 'Recall the MAC ID in the W5100 _ReadGateway = 8 << 16 'Recall the gateway address in the W5100 _ReadSubnet = 9 << 16 'Recall the subnet address in the W5100 _ReadIP = 10 << 16 'Recall the IP address in the W5100 _PingBlock = 11 << 16 'Enable/disable ping response _rstHW = 12 << 16 'Reset the W5100 IC via hardware _rstSW = 13 << 16 'Reset the W5100 IC via hardware _Sopen = 14 << 16 'Open a socket _Sdiscon = 15 << 16 'Disconnect a socket _Sclose = 16 << 16 'Close a socket _lastCmd = 17 << 16 'Place holder for last command '*************************************** ' Driver Flag Definitions '*************************************** _Flag_ASMstarted = |< 1 'Flag to indicated asm routine is started succesfully'**************************************VAR 'Variables to be located here'*************************************** 'processor overhead long W5100cog 'Cog ID long W5100flags 'Flags for status 'Command setup long command 'stores command and arguments for the ASM driver 'W5100 Indirect/Parallel pin definitions 'Pins/masks are actually setup in SPIN by modifying the memory that is copied into the cog. This saves space. 'The pins/masks are defined in the dat section. The definitions include the following pins: 'Address[0] - output 'Address[1] - output 'Chip Select - active low, output 'Read cmd - active low, output 'Write cmd - active low, output 'Reset - active low, output 'Data[0] to [7] - output/input 'SPI Enable - output '***************************************OBJ 'Object declaration to be located here'*************************************** 'none'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Start/Stop Routines~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'***************************************PUB StopINDIRECT '***************************************'' Stop the W5100 Indirect/parallel Driver cog if one is running.'' Only a single cog can be running at a time.'' This routine will free a cog.'''' params: none'' return: none if W5100cog 'Is cog non-zero? cogstop(W5100cog~ - 1) 'Yes, stop the cog and then make value zero 'Reset any data held by the driver W5100flags := 0 'Clear all the flags ADD0mask := 0 'Clear all masks ADD1mask := 0 CSmask := 0 RDmask := 0 WRmask := 0 RESETmask := 0 DATAmask := 0 SENmask := 0 WRCSmask := 0 RDCSmask := 0 WRRDCSmask := 0 return 'end of StopINDIRECT '***************************************PUB StartINDIRECT(_databit0, _addr0, _addr1, _cs, _rd, _wr, _reset, _sen) : okay'***************************************'' Initializes the I/O and registers based on parameters.'' After initilization another cog is started which is the'' cog responsible for the Indirect/parallel communication to the W5100.'''' The W5100 Indirect/parallel cog will allow only one instance of itself'' to run and the it consumes only 1 cog.'''' params: the seven pins of required for indirect/parallel'' _databit0 is the pin for bit0, the other pins are assumed to be sequential following this pin.'' _sen = the pin of the W5100 SPI_EN. If not used, set to -1'' return: value of cog if started or zero if not started 'Keeps from two cogs running StopINDIRECT 'Initialize the I/O for writing the mask data to the memory area that will be copied into a COG. 'This routine assumes Indirect/parallel connection, SPI_EN will be made output low by the ASM cog ADD0mask := |< _addr0 ADD1mask := |< _addr1 CSmask := |< _cs RDmask := |< _rd WRmask := |< _wr RESETmask := |< _reset BASEpin := _databit0 'The base pin of data byte for shifting operations DATAmask := %1111_1111 << _databit0 'Special mask setup with eight pins WRCSmask := WRmask | CSmask RDCSmask := RDmask | CSmask WRRDCSmask:= WRmask | RDmask | CSmask if _sen <> -1 SENmask := |< _sen else SENmask := 0 'Clear the command buffer - be sure no commands were set before initializing command := 0 'Start a cog to execute the ASM routine okay := W5100cog := cognew(@Entry, @command) + 1 'Set a flag if cog started succesfully if okay W5100flags := _Flag_ASMstarted return 'end of StartINDIRECT'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Command Routines~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'***************************************PUB InitAddresses( _block, _macPTR, _gatewayPTR, _subnetPTR, _ipPTR)'***************************************'' Initialize all four addresses.'''' params: _block if true will wait for ASM routine to send before returning from this function '' _mac, _gateway, _subnet, _ip are pointers to appropriate size byte arrays'' return: none 'Checks on if the ASM cog is running is done in each of the following routines WriteMACaddress(_block, _macPTR) WriteGatewayAddress(_block, _gatewayPTR) WriteSubnetMask(_block, _subnetPTR) WriteIPaddress(_block, _ipPTR) return 'end of InitAddresses'***************************************PUB WriteMACaddress( _block, _macPTR)'***************************************'' Write the specified MAC address to the W5100.'''' params: _block if true will wait for ASM routine to send before continuing'' The pointer should point to a 6 byte array. '' byte[0] = highest octet and byte[5] = lowest octet'' example 02:00:00:01:23:45 where byte[0] = $02 and byte[5] = $45'' '' return: none 'If the ASM cog is running, execute the command if (W5100flags & _Flag_ASMstarted) 'Send the command command := _SetMAC + _macPTR 'wait for the command to complete or just move on if _block repeat while command return 'end of WriteMACaddress'***************************************PUB WriteGatewayAddress(_block, _gatewayPTR)'***************************************'' Write the specified gateway address to the W5100.'''' params: _block if true will wait for ASM routine to send before continuing'' The pointer should point to a 4 byte array.'' byte[0] = highest octet and byte[3] = lowest octet'' example where byte[0] = 192 and byte[3] = 1 '' '' return: none 'If the ASM cog is running, execute the command if (W5100flags & _Flag_ASMstarted) 'Send the command command := _SetGateway + _gatewayPTR 'wait for the command to complete or just move on if _block repeat while command return 'end of WriteGatewayAddress'***************************************PUB WriteSubnetMask(_block, _subnetPTR)'***************************************'' Write the specified Subnet mask to the W5100.'''' params: _block if true will wait for ASM routine to send before continuing'' The pointer should point to a 4 byte array.'' byte[0] = highest octet and byte[3] = lowest octet'' example where byte[0] = 255 and byte[3] = 0'' '' return: none 'If the ASM cog is running, execute the command if (W5100flags & _Flag_ASMstarted) 'Send the command command := _SetSubnet + _subnetPTR 'wait for the command to complete or just move on if _block repeat while command return 'end of WriteSubnetMask'***************************************PUB WriteIPaddress(_block, _ipPTR)'***************************************'' Write the specified IP address to the W5100.'''' params: _block if true will wait for ASM routine to send before continuing'' The pointer should point to a 4 byte array.'' byte[0] = highest octet and byte[3] = lowest octet'' example where byte[0] = 192 and byte[3] = 13'''' return: none 'If the ASM cog is running, execute the command if (W5100flags & _Flag_ASMstarted) 'Send the command command := _SetIP + _ipPTR 'wait for the command to complete or just move on if _block repeat while command return 'end of WriteIPaddress'***************************************PUB ReadMACaddress(_macPTR)'***************************************'' Read the MAC address from the W5100.'''' params: none '' return: The pointer should point to a 6 byte array.'' byte[0] = highest octet and byte[5] = lowest octet'' example 02:00:00:01:23:45 where byte[0] = $02 and byte[5] = $45 'If the ASM cog is running, execute the command if (W5100flags & _Flag_ASMstarted) 'Send the command command := _ReadMAC + _macPTR 'wait for the command to complete repeat while command return 'end of ReadMACaddress'***************************************PUB ReadGatewayAddress(_gatewayPTR)'***************************************'' Read the gateway address from the W5100.'''' params: none'' return: The pointer should point to a 4 byte array.'' byte[0] = highest octet and byte[3] = lowest octet'' example where byte[0] = 192 and byte[3] = 1 'If the ASM cog is running, execute the command if (W5100flags & _Flag_ASMstarted) 'Send the command command := _ReadGateway + _gatewayPTR 'wait for the command to complete repeat while command return 'end of ReadGatewayAddress'***************************************PUB ReadSubnetMask(_subnetPTR)'***************************************'' Read the specified Subnet mask from the W5100'''' params: none '' return: The pointer should point to a 4 byte array.'' byte[0] = highest octet and byte[3] = lowest octet'' example where byte[0] = 255 and byte[3] = 0 'If the ASM cog is running, execute the command if (W5100flags & _Flag_ASMstarted) 'Send the command command := _ReadSubnet + _subnetPTR 'wait for the command to complete repeat while command return 'end of ReadSubnetMask'***************************************PUB ReadIPaddress(_ipPTR)'***************************************'' Read the specified IP address from the W5100'''' params: none '' return: The pointer should point to a 4 byte array.'' byte[0] = highest octet and byte[3] = lowest octet'' example where byte[0] = 192 and byte[3] = 13 'If the ASM cog is running, execute the command if (W5100flags & _Flag_ASMstarted) 'Send the command command := _ReadIP + _ipPTR 'wait for the command to complete repeat while command return 'end of ReadIPaddress'***************************************PUB PingBlock(_block, _bool)'***************************************'' Enable/disable if the W5100 responds to pings.'''' params: _block if true will wait for ASM routine to send before continuing '' _bool is a bool, true is W5100 will NOT respond, false W5100 will respond'' return: none 'If the ASM cog is running, execute the command if (W5100flags & _Flag_ASMstarted) 'Send the command command := _pingBlock + @_bool 'wait for the command to complete or just move on if _block repeat while command return 'end of PingBlock '***************************************PUB ResetHardware(_block)'***************************************'' Reset the W5100 via hardware'''' params: _block if true will wait for ASM routine to send before continuing '' return: none 'If the ASM cog is running, execute the command if (W5100flags & _Flag_ASMstarted) 'Send the command command := _rstHW 'wait for the command to complete or just move on if _block repeat while command return 'end of ResetHardware'***************************************PUB ResetSoftware(_block)'***************************************'' Reset the W5100 via software'''' params: _block if true will wait for ASM routine to send before continuing '' return: none 'If the ASM cog is running, execute the command if (W5100flags & _Flag_ASMstarted) 'Send the command command := _rstSW 'wait for the command to complete or just move on if _block repeat while command return 'end of ResetSoftware'***************************************PUB SocketOpen(_socket, _mode, _srcPort, _destPort, _destIP)'***************************************'' Open the specified socket in the specified mode on the W5100.'' The mode can be either TCP or UDP.'''' params: _socket is a value of 0 to 3 - only four sockets on the W5100'' _mode is one of the constants specifing closed, TCP, UDP, IPRaw etc'' _srcPort, _destPort are the ports to use in the connection pass by value'' _destIP is a pointer to the destination IP byte array (use the @on the variable)'' return: none'maybe add validation of data up here in spin as oppose to ASM?? 'If the ASM cog is running, execute the command if (W5100flags & _Flag_ASMstarted) 'Send the command command := _Sopen + @_socket 'wait for the command to complete repeat while command return 'end of SocketOpen'***************************************PUB SocketTCPlisten(_socket) | temp0'***************************************'' Check if a socket is TCP and open and if so then set the socket to listen on the W5100'''' params: _socket is a value of 0 to 3 - only four sockets on the W5100'' return: none 'If the ASM cog is running, execute the command if (W5100flags & _Flag_ASMstarted) 'Check if the socket is TCP and open by looking at socket status register readIND((_S0_SR + (_socket * $0100)), @temp0, 1) if temp0.byte[0] <> _SOCK_INIT return 'Tell the W5100 to listen on the particular socket temp0 := _LISTEN writeIND(true, (_S0_CR + (_socket * $0100)), @temp0, 1) return 'end of SocketTCPlisten'***************************************PUB SocketTCPconnect(_socket) | temp0'***************************************'' Check if a socket is TCP and open and if so then set the socket to connect on the W5100'''' params: _socket is a value of 0 to 3 - only four sockets on the W5100'' return: none 'If the ASM cog is running, execute the command if (W5100flags & _Flag_ASMstarted) 'Check if the socket is TCP and open by looking at socket status register readIND((_S0_SR + (_socket * $0100)), @temp0, 1) if temp0.byte[0] <> _SOCK_INIT return 'Tell the W5100 to connect to a particular socket temp0 := _CONNECT writeIND(true, (_S0_CR + (_socket * $0100)), @temp0, 1) return 'end of SocketTCPconnect'***************************************PUB SocketTCPestablished(_socket) | temp0'***************************************'' Check if a socket has established a TCP connection'''' params: _socket is a value of 0 to 3 - only four sockets on the W5100'' return: True if established, false if not 'If the ASM cog is running, execute the command if (W5100flags & _Flag_ASMstarted) 'Check if the socket is established or not readIND((_S0_SR + (_socket * $0100)), @temp0, 1) if temp0.byte[0] <> _SOCK_ESTAB return false else return true return false 'end of SocketTCPestablished'***************************************PUB SocketTCPdisconnect(_socket)'***************************************'' Disconnects the specified socket on the W5100.'''' params: _socket is a value of 0 to 3 - only four sockets on the W5100'' return: none 'If the ASM cog is running, execute the command if (W5100flags & _Flag_ASMstarted) 'Send the command command := _Sdiscon + @_socket 'wait for the command to complete repeat while command return 'end of SocketTCPdisconnect'***************************************PUB SocketClose(_socket)'***************************************'' Closes the specified socket on the W5100.'''' params: _socket is a value of 0 to 3 - only four sockets on the W5100'' return: none 'If the ASM cog is running, execute the command if (W5100flags & _Flag_ASMstarted) 'Send the command command := _Sclose + @_socket 'wait for the command to complete repeat while command return 'end of SocketClose'***************************************PUB rxTCP(_socket, _dataPtr) | temp0, RSR, pcktptr, pcktoffset, pcktstart, rolloverpoint'*************************************** 'If the ASM cog is running, execute the command if (W5100flags & _Flag_ASMstarted) 'Check if there is data to receive from the W5100 readIND((_S0_RX_RSR0 + (_socket * $0100)), @temp0, 2) RSR.byte[1] := temp0.byte[0] RSR.byte[0] := temp0.byte[1] 'Bring over the data if there is data if RSR.word[0] <> 0 'Determine the offset and location to read data from in the W5100 readIND((_S0_RX_RD0 + (_socket * $0100)), @temp0, 2) pcktptr.byte[1] := temp0.byte[0] pcktptr.byte[0] := temp0.byte[1] pcktoffset := pcktptr & _RX_mask pcktstart := (_RX_base + (_socket * $0800)) + pcktoffset 'Read the data of the packet if (pcktoffset + RSR.word[0]) > constant(_RX_mask + 1) 'process the data in two parts because the buffers rolls over rolloverpoint := constant(_RX_mask + 1) - pcktoffset readIND(pcktstart, _dataPtr, rolloverpoint) pcktstart := (_RX_base + (_socket * $0800)) readIND(pcktstart, (_dataPtr + rolloverpoint), (RSR.word[0] - rolloverpoint)) else 'process the data in one part readIND(pcktstart, _dataPtr, RSR.word[0]) 'Update the W5100 registers, the packet pointer temp0 := (pcktptr + RSR.word[0]) pcktptr.byte[1] := temp0.byte[0] pcktptr.byte[0] := temp0.byte[1] writeIND(true, (_S0_RX_RD0 + (_socket * $0100)), @pcktptr, 2) 'Tell the W5100 we received a packet temp0 := _RECV writeIND(true, (_S0_CR + (_socket * $0100)), @temp0, 1) return RSR return 0 'end of rxTCP'***************************************PUB txTCP(_socket, _dataPtr, _size) | temp0, freespace, pcktptr, pcktoffset, pcktstart, rolloverpoint'*************************************** 'If the ASM cog is running, execute the command if (W5100flags & _Flag_ASMstarted) 'Initialize freespace := 0 'wait for room in the W5100 to send data repeat until (freespace.word[0] > _size) readIND((_S0_TX_FSRO + (_socket * $0100)), @temp0, 2) freespace.byte[1] := temp0.byte[0] freespace.byte[0] := temp0.byte[1] 'Get the place where to start writing the packet in the W5100 readIND((_S0_TX_WR0 + (_socket * $0100)), @temp0, 2) pcktptr.byte[1] := temp0.byte[0] pcktptr.byte[0] := temp0.byte[1] pcktoffset := pcktptr & _TX_mask pcktstart := (_TX_base + (_socket * $0800)) + pcktoffset 'Write the data based on rolling over in the buffer or not if (pcktoffset + _size) > constant(_TX_mask + 1) 'process the data in two parts because the buffers rolls over rolloverpoint := constant(_TX_mask + 1) - pcktoffset writeIND(true, pcktstart, _dataPtr, rolloverpoint) pcktstart := (_TX_base + (_socket * $0800)) writeIND(true, pcktstart, (_dataPtr + rolloverpoint), (_size - rolloverpoint)) else 'process the data in one part writeIND(true, pcktstart, _dataPtr, _size) 'Calculate the packet pointer for the next go around and save it temp0 := (pcktptr + _size) pcktptr.byte[1] := temp0.byte[0] pcktptr.byte[0] := temp0.byte[1] writeIND(true, (_S0_TX_WR0 + (_socket * $0100)), @pcktptr, 2) 'Tell the W5100 to send the packet temp0 := _SEND writeIND(true, (_S0_CR + (_socket * $0100)), @temp0, 1) return true return false 'end of txTCP'***************************************PUB rxUDP(_socket, _dataPtr) | temp0, RSR, pcktsize, pcktptr, pcktoffset, pcktstart, rolloverpoint'***************************************'' Receive UDP data on the specified socket. Most of the heavy lifting of receiving data is handled by the ASM routine,'' but for effeciency in coding the SPIN routine walks through the process of receiving data such as verifying and manipulating'' the various register. This routine could be completely coded in ASM for faster operation.'''' The receive routine brings over only 1 packet of UDP data at a time. The packet is based on the size of data read in the packet'' header and not the receive register size.'''' params: _socket is a value of 0 to 3 - only four sockets on the W5100'' _dataPtr is a pointer to the byte array to be written to in HUBRAM (use the @ in front of the byte variable)'' return: Non-zero value indicating bytes read from W5100 or zero if no data is read'''' The data returned is the complete packet as provided by the W5100. This means the following:'' data[0]..[3] is the source IP address, data[4],[5] is the source port, data[6],[7] is the payload size and data[8] starts the payload 'If the ASM cog is running, execute the command if (W5100flags & _Flag_ASMstarted) 'Check if there is data to receive from the W5100 readIND((_S0_RX_RSR0 + (_socket * $0100)), @temp0, 2) RSR.byte[1] := temp0.byte[0] RSR.byte[0] := temp0.byte[1] 'Bring over the data if there is data if RSR.word[0] <> 0 'Determine the offset and location to read data from in the W5100 readIND((_S0_RX_RD0 + (_socket * $0100)), @temp0, 2) pcktptr.byte[1] := temp0.byte[0] pcktptr.byte[0] := temp0.byte[1] pcktoffset := pcktptr & _RX_mask pcktstart := (_RX_base + (_socket * $0800)) + pcktoffset 'Read the header of the packet - the first 8 bytes if (pcktoffset + _UDP_header) > constant(_RX_mask + 1) 'process the header in two parts because the buffers rolls over rolloverpoint := constant(_RX_mask + 1) - pcktoffset readIND(pcktstart, _dataPtr, rolloverpoint) pcktstart := (_RX_base + (_socket * $0800)) readIND(pcktstart, (_dataPtr + rolloverpoint), (_UDP_header - rolloverpoint)) else 'process the header in one part readIND(pcktstart, _dataPtr, _UDP_header) 'Get the size of the payload portion pcktsize.byte[1] := byte[_dataPtr][6] pcktsize.byte[0] := byte[_dataPtr][7] pcktoffset := (pcktptr + _UDP_header) & _RX_mask pcktstart := (_RX_base + (_socket * $0800)) + pcktoffset _dataPtr += _UDP_header 'Read the data of the packet if (pcktoffset + pcktsize.word[0]) > constant(_RX_mask + 1) 'process the data in two parts because the buffers rolls over rolloverpoint := constant(_RX_mask + 1) - pcktoffset readIND(pcktstart, _dataPtr, rolloverpoint) pcktstart := (_RX_base + (_socket * $0800)) readIND(pcktstart, (_dataPtr + rolloverpoint), (pcktsize.word[0] - rolloverpoint)) else 'process the data in one part readIND(pcktstart, _dataPtr, pcktsize.word[0]) 'Update the W5100 registers, the packet pointer temp0 := (pcktptr + _UDP_header + pcktsize.word[0]) pcktptr.byte[1] := temp0.byte[0] pcktptr.byte[0] := temp0.byte[1] writeIND(true, (_S0_RX_RD0 + (_socket * $0100)), @pcktptr, 2) 'Tell the W5100 we received a packet temp0 := _RECV writeIND(true, (_S0_CR + (_socket * $0100)), @temp0, 1) return (pcktsize.word[0] + _UDP_header) return 0 'end of rxUDP'***************************************PUB txUDP(_socket, _dataPtr) | temp0, payloadsize, freespace, pcktptr, pcktoffset, pcktstart, rolloverpoint'***************************************'' Transmit UDP data on the specified socket and port. Most of the heavy lifting of transmitting data is handled by the ASM routine,'' but for effeciency in coding the SPIN routine walks through the process of transmitting data such as verifying and manipulating'' the various register. This routine could be completely coded in ASM for faster operation.'''' The transmit routine sends only 1 packet of UDP data at a time. The packet is based on the size of data read in the packet'' header. This routine waits for room in the W5100 to send the packet.'''' params: _socket is a value of 0 to 3 - only four sockets on the W5100'' _dataPtr is a pointer to the byte(s) of data to read from HUBRAM and sent (use the @ in front of the byte variable)'' return: True if data was put in W5100 and told to be sent, otherwise false'''' The data packet passed to this routine should be of the form of the following: '' data[0]..[3] is the destination IP address, data[4],[5] is the destination port, data[6],[7] is the payload size and data[8] starts the payload 'If the ASM cog is running, execute the command if (W5100flags & _Flag_ASMstarted) 'Get the size of the packet to send, this doesn't include the header info payloadsize := 0 freespace := 0 payloadsize.byte[1] := byte[_dataPtr][6] 'hi-byte payloadsize.byte[0] := byte[_dataPtr][7] 'lo-byte 'wait for room in the W5100 to send data repeat until (freespace.word[0] > payloadsize.word[0]) readIND((_S0_TX_FSRO + (_socket * $0100)), @temp0, 2) freespace.byte[1] := temp0.byte[0] freespace.byte[0] := temp0.byte[1] 'Tell the W5100 the destination address and destination socket writeIND(true, (_S0_DIPR0 + (_socket * $0100)), _dataPtr, 6) _dataPtr += _UDP_header 'Get the place where to start writing the packet in the W5100 readIND((_S0_TX_WR0 + (_socket * $0100)), @temp0, 2) pcktptr.byte[1] := temp0.byte[0] pcktptr.byte[0] := temp0.byte[1] pcktoffset := pcktptr & _TX_mask pcktstart := (_TX_base + (_socket * $0800)) + pcktoffset 'Write the data based on rolling over in the buffer or not if (pcktoffset + payloadsize.word[0]) > constant(_TX_mask + 1) 'process the data in two parts because the buffers rolls over rolloverpoint := constant(_TX_mask + 1) - pcktoffset writeIND(true, pcktstart, _dataPtr, rolloverpoint) pcktstart := (_TX_base + (_socket * $0800)) writeIND(true, pcktstart, (_dataPtr + rolloverpoint), payloadsize.word[0] - rolloverpoint) else 'process the data in one part writeIND(true, pcktstart, _dataPtr, payloadsize.word[0]) 'Calculate the packet pointer for the next go around and save it 'Update the W5100 registers, the packet pointer temp0 := (pcktptr + payloadsize.word[0]) pcktptr.byte[1] := temp0.byte[0] pcktptr.byte[0] := temp0.byte[1] writeIND(true, (_S0_TX_WR0 + (_socket * $0100)), @pcktptr, 2) 'Tell the W5100 to send the packet temp0 := _SEND writeIND(true, (_S0_CR + (_socket * $0100)), @temp0, 1) return true return false 'end of txUDP'***************************************PUB readIND(_register, _dataPtr, _Numbytes)'***************************************'' High level access to Indirect/parallel routine for reading from the W5100.'' Note for faster execution of functions code them in assembly routine like the examples of setting the MAC/IP addresses.'''' params: _register is the 2 byte register address. See the constant block with register definitions'' _dataPtr is the place to return the byte(s) of data read from the W5100 (use the @ in front of the byte variable)'' _Numbytes is the number of bytes to read'' return: none 'If the ASM cog is running, execute the command if (W5100flags & _Flag_ASMstarted) 'Send the command command := _readIND + @_register 'wait for the command to complete repeat while command return 'end of readIND'***************************************PUB writeIND(_block, _register, _dataPtr, _Numbytes)'***************************************'' High level access to Indirect/parallel routine for writing to the W5100.'' Note for faster execution of functions code them in assembly routine like the examples of setting the MAC/IP addresses.'''' params: _block if true will wait for ASM routine to send before continuing'' _register is the 2 byte register address. See the constant block with register definitions'' _dataPtr is a pointer to the byte(s) of data to be written (use the @ in front of the byte variable)'' _Numbytes is the number of bytes to write'' return: none 'If the ASM cog is running, execute the command if (W5100flags & _Flag_ASMstarted) 'Send the command command := _writeIND + @_register 'wait for the command to complete or just move on if _block repeat while command return 'end of writeIND'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Utility Routines~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' none'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DAT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'***************************************DAT'***************************************'' Assembly language driver for W5100 Indirect/parallel org'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Start of assembly routine'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Entry 'Upon starting the ASM cog the first thing to do is set the I/O states and directions. SPIN already 'setup the masks for each pin in the defined data section of the routine before starting the COG. 'The following ASM routine makes some assumptions about I/O states. CS, RD and WR pins are always 'assumed to be high. If code asserts them low, then a code routine must return them high before 'exiting. 'Set the initial state of the I/O, unless listed here, the output is initialized as off/low mov outa, CSmask 'W5100 Chip Select is initialized as high or outa, RDmask 'W5100 Read cmd is initialized as high or outa, WRmask 'W5100 Write cmd is initialized as high 'Remaining outputs initialized as low including reset 'NOTE: the W5100 is held in reset because the pin is low 'Next set up the I/O with the masks in the direction register 'all outputs pins are set up here because input is the default state mov dira, ADD0mask 'Set to an output and clears cog dira register or dira, ADD1mask 'Set to an output or dira, CSmask 'Set to an output or dira, RDmask 'Set to an output or dira, WRmask 'Set to an output or dira, RESETmask 'Set to an output or dira, DATAmask 'Set to an output or dira, SENmask 'Set to an output or outa, RESETmask 'Finally - make the reset line high for the W5100 to come out of reset mov t0, _UnrstTime 'Time to wait coming out of reset before proceeding add t0, cnt 'Add in the current system counter waitcnt t0, #0 'Wait mov data, #%0000_0011 'For setting up MR with Indirect mode and autoincrement address function call #wIndirectMR 'Write the values to the register '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Main loop'wait for a command to come in and then process it.'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CmdWait rdlong cmdAdd, par wz 'Check for a command being present if_z jmp #CmdWait 'If there is no command, jump to check again mov t1, cmdAdd 'Take a copy of the command/address combo to work on rdlong paramA, t1 'Get parameter A value add t1, #4 'Increment the address pointer by four bytes rdlong paramB, t1 'Get parameter B value add t1, #4 'Increment the address pointer by four bytes rdlong paramC, t1 'Get parameter C value add t1, #4 'Increment the address pointer by four bytes rdlong paramD, t1 'Get parameter D value add t1, #4 'Increment the address pointer by four bytes rdlong paramE, t1 'Get parameter E value mov t0, cmdAdd 'Take a copy of the command/address combo to work on shr t0, #16 wz 'Get the command cmp t0, #(_lastCmd>>16)+1 wc 'Check for valid command if_z_or_nc jmp #:CmdExit 'Command is invalid so exit loop shl t0, #1 'Shift left, multiply by two add t0, #:CmdTable-2 'add in the "call" address" jmp t0 'Jump to the command 'The table of commands that can be called :CmdTable call #rINDcmd 'Read a byte from the W5100 - high level call jmp #:CmdExit call #wINDcmd 'Write a byte to the W5100 - high level call jmp #:CmdExit call #wMAC 'Write the MAC ID jmp #:CmdExit call #wGateway 'Write the Gateway address jmp #:CmdExit call #wSubnet 'Write the Subnet address jmp #:CmdExit call #wIP 'Write the IP address jmp #:CmdExit call #rMAC 'Read the MAC ID jmp #:CmdExit call #rGateway 'Read the Gateway address jmp #:CmdExit call #rSubnet 'Read the Subnet address jmp #:CmdExit call #rIP 'Read the IP Address jmp #:CmdExit call #pingBlk 'Enable/disable a ping response jmp #:CmdExit call #rstHW 'Hardware reset of W5100 jmp #:CmdExit call #rstSW 'Software reset of W5100 jmp #:CmdExit call #sOPEN 'Open a socket jmp #:CmdExit call #sDISCON 'Disconnect a socket jmp #:CmdExit call #sCLOSE 'Close a socket jmp #:CmdExit call #LastCMD 'PlaceHolder for last command jmp #:CmdExit:CmdTableEnd 'End of processing a command:CmdExit wrlong _zero, par 'Clear the command status jmp #CmdWait 'Go back to waiting for a new command'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Command sub-routine to read a register from the W5100 - a high level call'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rINDcmd mov reg, paramA 'Move the register address into a variable for processing mov ram, ParamB 'Move the address of the returned byte into a variable for processing mov ctr, ParamC 'Set up a counter for number of bytes to process call #ReadMulti 'Read the byte from the W5100rINDcmd_ret ret 'Command execution complete'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Command sub-routine to write a register in the W5100 - a high level call'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------wINDcmd mov reg, paramA 'Move the register address into a variable for processing mov ram, paramB 'Move the data byte into a variable for processing mov ctr, ParamC 'Set up a counter for number of bytes to process call #writeMulti 'Write the byte to the W5100wINDcmd_ret ret 'Command execution complete'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Command sub-routine to write the MAC ID in the W5100'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------wMAC mov reg, #_SHAR0 'Move the MAC ID register address into a variable for processing mov ram, cmdAdd 'Move the address of the MAC ID array into a variable for processing mov ctr, #6 'Set up a counter of 6 bytes call #WriteMulti 'Write the bytes out to the W5100wMAC_ret ret 'Command execution complete'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Command sub-routine to write the Gateway address in the W5100'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------wGateway mov reg, #_GAR0 'Move the gateway register address into a variable for processing mov ram, cmdAdd 'Move the address of the gateway address array into a variable for processing mov ctr, #4 'Set up a counter of 4 bytes call #WriteMulti 'Write the bytes out to the W5100wGateway_ret ret 'Command execution complete'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Command sub-routine to write the Subnet address in the W5100'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------wSubnet mov reg, #_SUBR0 'Move the subnet register address into a variable for processing mov ram, cmdAdd 'Move the address of the subnet address array into a variable for processing mov ctr, #4 'Set up a counter of 4 bytes call #WriteMulti 'Write the bytes out to the W5100wSubnet_ret ret 'Command execution complete'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Command sub-routine to write the IP address in the W5100'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------wIP mov reg, #_SIPR0 'Move the IP register address into a variable for processing mov ram, cmdAdd 'Move the address of the IP address array into a variable for processing mov ctr, #4 'Set up a counter of 4 bytes call #WriteMulti 'Write the bytes out to the W5100wIP_ret ret 'Command execution complete'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Command sub-routine to Read the MAC ID in the W5100'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rMAC mov reg, #_SHAR0 'Move the MAC ID register address into a variable for processing mov ram, cmdAdd 'Move the address of the MAC ID array into a variable for processing mov ctr, #6 'Set up a counter of 6 bytes call #ReadMulti 'Read the bytes from the W5100 rMAC_ret ret 'Command execution complete'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Command sub-routine to Read the Gateway address in the W5100'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rGateway mov reg, #_GAR0 'Move the gateway register address into a variable for processing mov ram, cmdAdd 'Move the address of the gateway address array into a variable for processing mov ctr, #4 'Set up a counter of 4 bytes call #ReadMulti 'Read the bytes from the W5100rGateway_ret ret 'Command execution complete'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Command sub-routine to Read the Subnet address in the W5100'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rSubnet mov reg, #_SUBR0 'Move the subnet register address into a variable for processing mov ram, cmdAdd 'Move the address of the subnet address array into a variable for processing mov ctr, #4 'Set up a counter of 4 bytes call #ReadMulti 'Read the bytes from the W5100 rSubnet_ret ret 'Command execution complete'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Command sub-routine to Read the IP address in the W5100'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rIP mov reg, #_SIPR0 'Move the IP register address into a variable for processing mov ram, cmdAdd 'Move the address of the IP address array into a variable for processing mov ctr, #4 'Set up a counter of 4 bytes call #ReadMulti 'Read the bytes from the W5100rIP_ret ret 'Command execution complete'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Command sub-routine for enabling/disabling a ping response by the W5100, true = blocked, false = not blocked'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------pingBlk call #rIndirectMR 'Read the byte out of the mode register - so we don't overwrite current settings rdlong t0, cmdAdd 'Read the bool from SPIN command and place in a variable for testing cmp t0, #0 wz 'Is the value zero or non-zero? if_z andn data, #_PBMode 'Disable ping blocking - W5100 will respond to a ping if_nz or data, #_PBMode 'Enable ping blocking - W5100 will not respond to a ping call #wIndirectMR 'Write the modified byte out to the mode registerpingBlk_ret ret 'Command execution complete'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Command sub-routine for resetting the W5100 via hardware'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rstHW andn outa, RESETmask 'Toggle the reset line low - resets the W5100 mov t0, _rstTime 'Time to hold IC in reset add t0, cnt 'Add in the current system counter waitcnt t0, _UnrstTime 'Wait or outa, RESETmask 'Finally - make the reset line high for the W5100 to come out of reset waitcnt t0, _UnrstTime 'Time to wait to come out of resetrstHW_ret ret 'Command execution complete'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Command sub-routine for resetting the W5100 via software'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rstSW mov reg, #_MR 'Move the mode register address into a variable for processing call #ReadSingle 'Read the byte from the W5100 or data, #_RSTMODE 'Software reset call #writeSingle 'Write the byte to the W5100 mov t0, _UnrstTime 'Time to wait to come out of reset add t0, cnt 'Add in the current system counter waitcnt t0, #0 'WaitrstSW_ret ret 'Command execution complete'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Command sub-routine for opening a socket'this routine relies upond t0 being persistant across calls to writing routines'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sOPEN mov t0, paramA 'Move the socket number into t0 ($000s) shl t0, #8 'Move the socket number to the third digit ($0s00). This is the offset to use for below ops. 'set the mode mov reg, _S0_MR_d 'Move the register address into a variable for processing add reg, t0 'Add in the offset for the particular socket to be worked on mov data, paramB 'Move over the socket type call #WriteSingle 'Write the byte to the W5100 'set the source port mov reg, _S0_PORT1_d 'Move the register address into a variable for processing add reg, t0 'Add in the offset for the particular socket to be worked on mov data, paramC 'Move over the source socket value call #WriteSingle 'Write the byte to the W5100 sub reg, #1 'Increment the register address mov data, paramC 'Move over the source socket value shr data, #8 'shift the data over one byte call #WriteSingle 'Write the byte to the W5100 'set the destination port mov reg, _S0_DPORT1_d 'Move the register address into a variable for processing add reg, t0 'Add in the offset for the particular socket to be worked on mov data, paramD 'Move over the destination socket value call #WriteSingle 'Write the byte to the W5100 sub reg, #1 'Increment the register address mov data, paramD 'Move over the destination socket value shr data, #8 'shift the data over one byte call #WriteSingle 'Write the byte to the W5100 'set the destination IP mov reg, _S0_DIPR0_d 'Move the register address into a variable for processing add reg, t0 'Add in the offset for the particular socket to be worked on mov ram, paramE 'Move the address of the IP address array into a variable for processing mov ctr, #4 'Set up a counter of 4 bytes call #WriteMulti 'Write the bytes out to the W5100 'set the port open mov reg, _S0_CR_d 'Move the register address into a variable for processing add reg, t0 'Add in the offset for the particular socket to be worked on mov data, #_OPEN 'Move over the command call #WriteSingle 'Write the byte to the W5100sOPEN_ret ret 'Command execution complete'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Command sub-routine for disconnecting a socket'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sDISCON mov t0, paramA 'Move the socket number into t0 ($000s) shl t0, #8 'Move the socket number to the third digit ($0s00). This is the offset to use for below ops. 'set the port to disconnect mov reg, _S0_CR_d 'Move the register address into a variable for processing add reg, t0 'Add in the offset for the particular socket to be worked on mov data, #_DISCON 'Move over the command call #WriteSingle 'Write the byte to the W5100sDISCON_ret ret 'Command execution complete'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Command sub-routine for closing a socket'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sCLOSE mov t0, paramA 'Move the socket number into t0 ($000s) shl t0, #8 'Move the socket number to the third digit ($0s00). This is the offset to use for below ops. 'set the port close mov reg, _S0_CR_d 'Move the register address into a variable for processing add reg, t0 'Add in the offset for the particular socket to be worked on mov data, #_CLOSE 'Move over the command call #WriteSingle 'Write the byte to the W5100sCLOSE_ret ret 'Command execution complete'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Command sub-routine holding place'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LastCMDLastCMD_ret ret 'Command execution complete'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Sub-routine to map write to SPI or Indirect/parallel' data and reg setup before calling this routine'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WriteSingle call #wIndirectAR 'Set up the address register call #wIndirectDRsetup 'Set up the data register for writing call #wIndirectDRbyte 'Write the dataWriteSingle_ret ret 'Return to the calling code'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Sub-routine to map read to SPI or Indirect/parallel' reg setup before calling this routine'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ReadSingle call #wIndirectAR 'Set up the address register call #rIndirectDRsetup 'Set up the data registers for reading call #rIndirectDRbyte 'Read the dataReadSingle_ret ret 'Return to the calling code'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Sub-routine to map write to SPI or Indirect/parallel and to loop through bytes' ram and reg and ctr setup before calling this routine'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WriteMulti call #wIndirectAR 'Set up the address register call #wIndirectDRsetup 'Set up the data register for writing:bytes rdbyte data, ram 'Read the byte/octet from hubram - this should also clear the DATA value, byte is zero extended call #wIndirectDRbyte 'Write the data add ram, #1 'Increment the hubram address by one byte djnz ctr, #:bytes 'Check if there is another byte, if so, process it WriteMulti_ret ret 'Return to the calling code'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Sub-routine to map read to SPI or Indirect/parallel and to loop through bytes' reg and ctr setup before calling this routine'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ReadMulti call #wIndirectAR 'Set up the address register call #rIndirectDRsetup 'Set up the data registers for reading:bytes call #rIndirectDRbyte 'Read the data wrbyte data, ram 'Write the byte to hubram add ram, #1 'Increment the hubram address by one byte djnz ctr, #:bytes 'Check if there is another if so, process itReadMulti_ret ret 'Return to the calling code'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Sub-routine to write to the indirect/parallel Mode Register' data setup before calling this routine'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------wIndirectMR or dira, DATAmask 'Ensure data pins are outputs andn outa, ADD0mask 'Set Address to %00 - Mode Register access andn outa, ADD1mask and data, _bytemaskLSB 'Prepare the data, ensure there is only a byte in the data shl data, BASEpin 'Move the data over so it is in the correct spot for copying to outa andn outa, DATAmask 'Clear the data pins in outa or outa, data 'Set the new data in outa andn outa, WRCSmask 'Clear the WR and CS bits - W5100 reads the data' nop 'Kill time - needed? or outa, WRRDCSmask 'Turn on WR, RD, and CS bits - end of transaction wIndirectMR_ret ret 'Return to the calling code'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Sub-routine to read from the indirect/parallel Mode Register' data is returned in the lower byte'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rIndirectMR andn dira, DATAmask 'Ensure data pins are inputs andn outa, ADD0mask 'Set Address to %00 - Mode Register access andn outa, ADD1mask andn outa, RDCSmask 'Clear the RD and CS bits nop 'Kill time? Needed, maybe - see W5100 data sheet, may even want 2 nops mov data, ina 'Copy data from ina or outa, WRRDCSmask 'Turn on WR, RD, and CS bits shr data, BASEpin 'Move the byte to the lowest byte and data, _bytemaskLSB 'Finalize the data to have only the lowest byte rIndirectMR_ret ret 'Return to the calling code'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Sub-routine to write to the indirect/parallel Address Registers' reg setup before calling this routine'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------wIndirectAR 'MSB address byte or dira, DATAmask 'Ensure data pins are outputs or outa, ADD0mask 'Set Address to %01 - MSB address Register access andn outa, ADD1mask mov t1, reg 'Get a copy of reg for manipulating and t1, _bytemaskMSB 'Prepare the byte for sending to W5100 shr t1, #8 'Right justify the byte shl t1, BASEpin 'Move the byte to the data lines andn outa, DATAmask 'Clear the data pins in outa or outa, t1 'Set the MSB address in outa andn outa, WRCSmask 'Clear the WR and CS bits - W5100 reads the data' nop 'Kill time - needed? or outa, WRRDCSmask 'Turn on WR, RD, and CS bits - end of transaction 'LSB address byte andn outa, ADD0mask 'Set Address to %10 - LSB address Register access or outa, ADD1mask mov t1, reg 'Get a copy of reg for manipulating and t1, _bytemaskLSB 'Prepare the byte for sending to W5100 shl t1, BASEpin 'Move the byte to the data lines andn outa, DATAmask 'Clear the data pins in outa or outa, t1 'Set the LSB address in outa andn outa, WRCSmask 'Clear the WR and CS bits - W5100 reads the data' nop 'Kill time - needed? or outa, WRRDCSmask 'Turn on WR, RD, and CS bits - end of transaction wIndirectAR_ret ret 'Return to the calling code'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Sub-routine to setup for writing to the indirect/parallel Data Registers'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------wIndirectDRsetup or dira, DATAmask 'Ensure data pins are outputs or outa, ADD0mask 'Set Address to %11 - Data Register access or outa, ADD1mask wIndirectDRsetup_ret ret 'Return to the calling code'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Sub-routine to write to the indirect/parallel Data Registers - must be setup first' data setup before calling this routine'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------wIndirectDRbyte shl data, BASEpin 'Move the data over so it is in the correct spot for copying to outa andn outa, DATAmask 'Clear the data pins in outa or outa, data 'Set the new data in outa andn outa, WRCSmask 'Clear the WR and CS bits - W5100 reads the data' nop 'Kill time - needed? or outa, WRRDCSmask 'Turn on WR, RD, and CS bits - end of transaction wIndirectDRbyte_ret ret 'Return to the calling code'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Sub-routine to setup for reading from the indirect/parallel Data Registers'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rIndirectDRsetup andn dira, DATAmask 'Ensure data pins are inputs or outa, ADD0mask 'Set Address to %11 - Data Register access or outa, ADD1mask rIndirectDRsetup_ret ret 'Return to the calling code'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Sub-routine to read from the indirect/parallel Data Registers - must be setup first' data is returned in the lower byte'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rIndirectDRbyte andn outa, RDCSmask 'Clear the RD and CS bits nop 'Kill time? Needed, maybe - see W5100 data sheet, may even want 2 nops mov data, ina 'Copy data from ina or outa, WRRDCSmask 'Turn on WR, RD, and CS bits shr data, BASEpin 'Move the byte to the lowest byte and data, _bytemaskLSB 'Finalize the data to have only the lowest byte rIndirectDRbyte_ret ret 'Return to the calling codeDAT'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Defined data_zero long 0 'Zero_bytemaskLSB long $FF 'Byte mask LSB_bytemaskMSB long $FF00 'Byte mask MSB_wordmask long $FFFF 'Word mask_rstTime long 100_000 'Time to hold in reset_UnrstTime long 200_000 'Time to wait coming out of reset'Pin/mask definitions are initianlized in SPIN and program/memory modified here before the COG is startedADD0mask long 0-0 'W5100 Address[0] - outputADD1mask long 0-0 'W5100 Address[1] - outputCSmask long 0-0 'W5100 Chip Select - active low, outputRDmask long 0-0 'W5100 Read cmd - active low, outputWRmask long 0-0 'W5100 Write cmd - active low, outputRESETmask long 0-0 'W5100 Reset - active low, outputBASEpin long 0-0 'Base pin of data byte for shifting operationDATAmask long 0-0 'W5100 Data[0] to [7] - output/inputWRCSmask long 0-0 'RDCSmask long 0-0 'WRRDCSmask long 0-0 'SENmask long 0-0 'W5100 SPI Enable 0 output, low = indirect/parallel, high = SPI'Data defined in constant section, but needed in the ASM for program operation_S0_MR_d long _S0_MR_S0_PORT1_d long _S0_PORT1_S0_DPORT1_d long _S0_DPORT1_S0_DIPR0_d long _S0_DIPR0_S0_CR_d long _S0_CR'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Uninitialized data'temporary variablest0 res 1 'temp0t1 res 1 'temp1'Parameters read from commands passed into the ASM routinecmdAdd res 1 'Combo of command and address passed into ASMparamA res 1 'Parameter AparamB res 1 'Parameter BparamC res 1 'Parameter CparamD res 1 'Parameter DparamE res 1 'Parameter Ereg res 1 'Register address of W5100 for processingram res 1 'Ram address of Prop Hubram for reading/writing data fromctr res 1 'Counter of bytes for loopingdata res 1 'Data read to/from the W5100fit 496 'Ensure the ASM program and defined/res variables fit in a COG.{{┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐│ TERMS OF USE: MIT License │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤│Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation │ │files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, ││modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software││is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ││ ││The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.││ ││THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE ││WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR ││COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ││ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. │└──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘}}