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sndalgosignal / number stuff for creative use

20 nov 2019 | John Harrington


  1. clone this repository

  2. install pipenv

    pip3 install pipenv

  3. enter and set up environment

    cd sndalgo

    pipenv install

  4. enter the environment shell

    pipenv shell

  5. write code!


scripts and preparing the module

so, this repo has not been set up to be a package that can be installed thru pip, but it can be emulated with this... at least NOT on windows ;)

which means this is for mac and linux (either through .profile or not) only

so what i would do is first:

  1. figure out the clone path. for me its ~/projects/sndalgo.

  2. add that to your PYTHONPATH with this command:

    echo "export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:~/projects/sndalgo" >> ~/.bash_profile

  3. then add the scripts folder for that clone path ($HOME/projects/sndalgo/scripts for me) to your PATH:

    echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/projects/sndalgo/scripts" >> ~/.bash_profile

as you can see, ~ and $HOME are equivalent here. and i did git clone <this repo> in my ~/projects folder to create ~/projects/sndalgo.

scripts available / usable

there are a few scripts available:

  1. sieve
  2. pnote
  3. modulus

and when using them together with pipes, i recommend (because it works) to use the -s ' ' flag at the beginning, which outputs them as space-delimited integers.


try using sieve in your terminal after closing and reopening it (so the .bash_profile refreshes, OR by using source ~/.bash_profile in an active terminal).

specifically, try sieve --help first to see the shit.

Z_RANGE is the arguments for python's range() function separated by spaces.

SIEVE_STR is essentially a double quoted string that contains residuals, combined with logic operators. i.e. -- "-3@2 & 4 | -3@1 & 4@2 | 3 & 4@2". notice the -- before, with a space, which will denote that the - symbols in the double-quoted string are not arguments to the CLI program.


pnote outputs a number as it's human-readable key/octave/cents form...


pnote -s ' ' 0 1 2

will result in

C-1 C#/Db-1 D-1

or an easy one is

pnote -s ' ' 69 82
A4 A5


modulus takes, again, another space delimited string of integers and outputs them at modulus 12 (with option -m MODULUS to change that)

modulus -s ' ' 13 14 15 16


1 2 3 4


modulus -m 7 -s ' ' 13 14 15 16


6 0 1 2


our xenakis sieve package. this will be extremely integrated into this system.


  1. xenakis sieves extend a form of set theory that is constructable and manipulable with logical operations (i.e. AND, OR).
  2. sieves have a dual ability to operate as both CV and signal parameters, depending on how they are used.
  3. applications like step sequencers, theory guides, and sidechainers are all summated within a single body of knowledge.
  4. algorithmic composition.
  5. synthesis, analysis, and architecture of composition with scales, chords, progressions, order, and any other hand in building sonic phenomena.
  6. modular design, dimensionless, unitless.


from sndalgo.xenakis import Sieve

major_scale = Sieve('-3@2&4|-3@1&4@1|3@2&4@2|-3@0&4@3')
notes = major_scale.set(range(0,25))

ots = Sieve('1@7') & '3@1' & (7, 3, False)

print(major_scale, major_scale.simple, notes)



this can convert pitches to frequencies, integers to pitches; anything that needs conversion, normalization, etc. should be found here.


  1. conversion between different units with frequency-domain
  2. analyzing, creating, and applying scales
  3. transforming numbers into time-domain values



this should have both real-time and hard-bodied MIDI utilities.


  1. forming .mid files from inputs
  2. reading .mid files and exposing an API for them
  3. analyzing MIDI
  4. streaming (duplex) MIDI (hopefully) without dependencies


alright. it seems like we want to have a dynamically allocated input of values in a sequence for nearly all of our functions.

this sequence can be a sieve's resolution or translated midi, etc. etc.

there is the sample rate, the separator, frequency, block size, harmonics...

  • modulus
  • notes
  • z range
  • sieve
  • output format

so we have a quick few things to relate properly, and study for compilability and interoperability.

a good aim is to create a simple eco system of files and types to be commandable with one click command script (although with multiple features etc. etc.)

we need utilities like:

  • the multiple formats for sieves should be implemented
  • files AND stdin streams for pipes
  • bash and python scriptable and with a common api
  • reverse, shrink, expand, etc. for sequencing
  • operations
  • filetypes that are standardized
  • more cowbell

over time, this will be a huge tool for synthesis and processing of sound. hopefully.

update jan 1 2020

try some things out:

scripts/modulus -m 2 `./sieve '{3@0} & -3 | 2 | 3@2 & 5@3' -S 0 100  | tr '\n' ' ' 2>/dev/null` | tr '\n' ' ' && echo