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TorchQuant is a comprehensive high-performance quantitative finance library built on top of PyTorch's automatic differentiation and GPU acceleration. It is a differentiable pricing framework with high-accuracy numerical methods. It provides comprehensive tools for derivatives pricing, risk management, and stochastic model calibration.


  • Asset Pricing:

    • Option pricing models including BSM, Heston, binomial tree, and Monte Carlo simulations.
    • Bond pricing models including callable, putable, and convertible bonds.
    • Advanced options support for American, Bermudan, Asian, barrier and look-back options.
    • Implied volatility calculation using "Let's be rational" algorithm.
    • Futures and currency pricing.
  • Risk Management:

    • Greeks calculation utilizing Malliavin calculus.
    • Scenario analysis and stress testing.
    • Market risk measures such as VaR and Expected Shortfall.
    • Credit risk models including structural and reduced form models.
    • Valuation adjustments (CVA, DVA, MVA, FVA).
  • Neural Network-based Model Calibration:

    • Calibration for stochastic models like Heston, Vasicek, SABR, and more.
    • Local volatility models including Dupire.
    • Optimal Transport for model calibration
  • Sequence Methods:

    • Seq2Seq PDE solvers


You can install torchquant via pip:

pip install --upgrade torchquantlib

Usage (check out the examples folder for more information)

Exotic Options

American Option

import torch
from torchquantlib.core.asset_pricing.option_pricing.american_option import american_option

spot = torch.tensor(100.0)
strike = torch.tensor(105.0)
expiry = torch.tensor(1.0)
volatility = torch.tensor(0.2)
rate = torch.tensor(0.05)
steps = 100

price = american_option('call', spot, strike, expiry, volatility, rate, steps)
print(f'American Option Price: {price.item()}')

Bermudan Option

import torch
from torchquantlib.core.asset_pricing.option_pricing.bermudan_option import bermudan_option

spot = torch.tensor(100.0)
strike = torch.tensor(105.0)
expiry = torch.tensor(1.0)
volatility = torch.tensor(0.2)
rate = torch.tensor(0.05)
steps = 100
exercise_dates = torch.tensor([30, 60, 90])

price = bermudan_option('call', spot, strike, expiry, volatility, rate, steps, exercise_dates)
print(f'Bermudan Option Price: {price.item()}')

Asian Option

import torch
from torchquantlib.core.asset_pricing.option_pricing.asian_option import asian_option

spot = torch.tensor(100.0)
strike = torch.tensor(105.0)
expiry = torch.tensor(1.0)
volatility = torch.tensor(0.2)
rate = torch.tensor(0.05)
steps = 100

price = asian_option('call', spot, strike, expiry, volatility, rate, steps)
print(f'Asian Option Price: {price.item()}')

Greeks Calculation using Malliavin Calculus

import torch
from torchquantlib.core.risk.greeks.malliavin import malliavin_greek

option_price = torch.tensor(10.0)
underlying_price = torch.tensor(100.0)
volatility = torch.tensor(0.2)
expiry = torch.tensor(1.0)

greek = malliavin_greek(option_price, underlying_price, volatility, expiry)
print(f'Malliavin Greek: {greek.item()}')

Model Calibration by Optimal Transport

Heston Model Calibration


import numpy as np
import torch
from torchquantlib.calibration import model_calibrator
from torchquantlib.models.stochastic_volatility.heston import Heston

# Generate synthetic observed data using true Heston parameters
N_observed = 1000
S0 = 100.0
T = 1.0
true_params = {
    'kappa': 2.0,
    'theta': 0.04,
    'sigma_v': 0.3,
    'rho': -0.7,
    'v0': 0.04,
    'mu': 0.05

heston_true = Heston(**true_params)
S_observed = heston_true.simulate(S0=S0, T=T, N=N_observed)

# Initialize the Heston model with initial guesses
heston_model = Heston(

# Set up the calibrator
calibrator = model_calibrator(
    observed_data=S_observed.detach().cpu().numpy(),  # Convert tensor to numpy array

# Calibrate the model
calibrator.calibrate(num_epochs=1000, steps=100, verbose=True)

# Get the calibrated parameters
calibrated_params = calibrator.get_calibrated_params()
print("Calibrated Parameters:")
for name, value in calibrated_params.items():
    print(f"{name}: {value:.6f}")

Seq2Seq PDE Solver

from torchquantlib.utils import Seq2SeqPDESolver
# Define model parameters
input_dim = 1      # Adjust based on your input features
hidden_dim = 64    # Number of features in the hidden state
output_dim = 1     # Adjust based on your output features
num_layers = 2     # Number of stacked LSTM layers

# Initialize the model, loss function, and optimizer
model = Seq2SeqPDESolver(input_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim, num_layers)
criterion = nn.MSELoss()
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001)

# Training loop (simplified)
num_epochs = 100
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
    output = model(src, trg)
    loss = criterion(output, trg)
    print(f'Epoch {epoch+1}/{num_epochs}, Loss: {loss.item():.4f}')

Credit Risk Measurement

import torch
from torchquantlib.core.risk.credit_risk.structural_model import merton_model
from torchquantlib.core.risk.credit_risk.reduced_form_model import reduced_form_model

asset_value = torch.tensor(100.0)
debt = torch.tensor(80.0)
volatility = torch.tensor(0.2)
rate = torch.tensor(0.05)
expiry = torch.tensor(1.0)

# Merton Model
equity_value = merton_model(asset_value, debt, volatility, rate, expiry)
print(f'Equity Value (Merton Model): {equity_value.item()}')

lambda_0 = torch.tensor(0.02)
default_intensity = torch.tensor(0.05)
recovery_rate = torch.tensor(0.4)
time = torch.tensor(1.0)

# Reduced Form Model
expected_loss = reduced_form_model(lambda_0, default_intensity, recovery_rate, time)
print(f'Expected Loss (Reduced Form Model): {expected_loss.item()}')


Q4 2024

  • Develop an interactive dashboard for visualizing risk metrics and option pricing.

Q3 2025

  • Add support for more asset classes such as commodities and real estate.
  • Enhance the calibration module to support a broader range of models and optimization techniques.


To contribute to TorchQuant, clone the repository and install the required dependencies:

git clone
cd torchquant
pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the tests to ensure everything is working:



This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.