% Big Data and Functional Programming % Jim Baker % jim.baker@{colorado.edu|python.org|rackspace.com}
- What is "Big Data"?
- Why is PoPL - a theory course - one of the most pragmatic courses in the CS curriculum?
- A: functional programming
- Explore Big Data and FP, especially by thinking about functions and how they combine
- Specific approachs like MapReduce and the Lambda architecture
- Embracing failure and supporting scale free computation
- FP as the foundation of such companies as GOOG ($357B market cap), FB ($143B), TWTR ($24B)
- Racker working on auto scaling, scalable real time architectures, and OpenStack
- Core developer of Jython
- Co-author of Definitive Guide to Jython from Apress
- Occasional teacher of this class (spring 2013 and fall 2013)
- Leader, Boulder/Denver Storm Users meetup
- Formerly, part of original developer team of Ubuntu Juju - lots of experience with ZooKeeper
- Still not too late!
- Work on Scala and Big Data problems in Austin this summer
- Strong student in this class
- Talk to me during lunch if you're interested
Lunch today on the practice of computer science
- Meet at
in C4C lobby WHEN
+ 0:05 - sit together on the west side of C4C
- Meet at
should we meet?
Many definitions in common play
Useful summary paper on the these definitions - "Undefined By Data: A Survey of Big Data Definitions", Jonathan Stuart Ward and Adam Barker, http://arxiv.org/pdf/1309.5821v1.pdf
3 Vs of Big Data:
- Volume
- Velocity
- Variety
- Could equally be true of previous efforts in data warehousing, business intelligence
- Still valid for the business case
- A bit of a leap to a CS definition
Big data combines
- Relational database
- New types of data sources - cited as unstructured, but generally have some structure
- Need new tools to help with this combination
Plays with Oracle's preeminence as a proprietary RDBMS vendor
- Focus on volume
- "Generating a median of 300 terabytes (TB) of data weekly"
Intel helpfully sells hardware to process this data
Big data is the term increasingly used to describe the process of applying serious computing power - the latest in machine learning and artificial intelligence - to seriously massive and often highly complex sets of information.
Big data is a term describing the storage and analysis of large and or complex data sets using a series of techniques including, but not limited to: NoSQL, MapReduce and machine learning.
Ward & Barker capture some key ideas
Still unsatisfying
Another approach: family of related computational models that support scale free computing on data
- Inherently functional idea, goes back to the original idea of MapReduce
- Intuitive idea: I can run the same program on my laptop as I do on 1000 node compute cluster
- Expect to see (near) linear scale-up in some useful way - size of problem, response time, or both
- Every day evidence of scale free at work - think Google Search
What is this MapReduce idea?
Map - or sometimes
Reduce - might also call this
Related to such ideas as
- Scatter in scatter/gather
- Divide & conquer
- Problem partition
Data is consistently mapped to the same node in a given cluster
- What is the word count problem?
- Vs how we usually say it - "wordcount"
- High-level domain specific language (DSL) in Scala for writing map-reduce jobs
- Runs on top of Cascalog
- Expect to see more of Scalding in this class
- Or perhaps your future work!
import com.twitter.scalding._
class WordCountJob(args : Args) extends Job(args) {
TextLine( args("input") )
.flatMap('line -> 'word) {
line : String => line.split("""\s+""") }
.groupBy('word) { _.size }
.write( Tsv( args("output") ) )
def wordCount(
source: Iterable[String],
store: MutableMap[String, Long]) =
source.flatMap {
sentence =>
toWords(sentence).map(_ -> 1L)
}.foreach {
case (k, v) =>
store.update(k, store.get(k) + v) }
- Actually useful
- N grams
- Machine translation of natural language
- Historical usage of words and phrases
val sc = new SparkContext(...)
val users = sc
.map(line => line.split)
.map( parts => (parts.head, parts.tail))
val followerGraph = Graph.textFile(sc, ...)
val graph = followerGraph.outerJoinVertices(users){
case (uid, deg, Some(attrList)) => attrList
case (uid, deg, None) => Array.empty[String] }
val pagerankGraph = Analytics.pagerank(graph)
val userInfoWithPageRank =
graph.outerJoinVertices(pagerankGraph.vertices) {
case (uid, attrList, Some(pr)) => (pr, attrList)
case (uid, attrList, None) => (pr, attrList)
Modified example from http://amplab.github.io/graphx/
- Scala is not just a convenient language to write code
- Could also write such programs in Python or your favorite language
- But something deeper - use how functions combine to support scale free
- Can also rewrite our functions in certain cases - query optimization
Some possible properties:
- The object
$f$ we call a function is in fact a function! - Identity -
$f(z) = z$ - Associativity (usually)
- Commutativity (very useful when feasible, but hard to reason about)
- Totality (vs partial functions)
- Any other properties?
- Idempotence
- Referential transparency
- Captures an idea that a given function
$f$ is a black box - But one that's not capturing some state
$f$ is associative if order of operations can be freely rearranged - But does not imply we can freely rearrange the sequence of operands
- Alternative perspective: we can put the parentheses where it makes sense
- What can we parallelize if this holds of our problem?
- What are common examples of nonassociative functions/operations?
$\Rightarrow$ certainly anything with side effects!
- Totality (closed over an operation), associative for operation ("plus"), identity ("zero")
- What does this look like?
$\Rightarrow$ folds! - Remember the definition of
- Blog post announcing Algebird
- Algebird source
- Fantastic perspective - Programming isn't Math
- Foundation of Summingbird, Scalding
- Monads are monoids in the category of endofunctors...
- Most monads we have seen, we are interested in sequencing composable operations, taking advantage of associativity
- Back to this later! Let's explore one interesting detail...
- Local sequencing is fairly cheap
- Maintaining order requires communication
- Communication proceeds no faster than the speed of light
- Unless we have ansibles ;)
How far does light in a vacuum approximately travel in one nanosecond?
- A - 1 kilometer
- B - 1 meter
- C - 1 foot
- D - 1 cm
- E - 1 mm
- Useful unit: a light-foot
$\approx$ 1.0167 nanoseconds - Useful in the same way that units like tablespoons are useful - everyday intuitions
- Pioneering computer scientist Grace Hopper liked to talk about this unit
- Need to consider the velocity factor
- Consider a 1 foot USB cable: - No specifics about velocity factor on USB cables I could find - But gives some insight into what a nanosecond really is
- It's all about the locality, to minimize communication hops and distance
- Same core, same chip, same board, same unit, same rack, same aisle, same data center...
- Design focused on communication latency as much as it's storage, computation
- Big problem because of communication bottlenecks
- Bigger problem because of data center connection reliability
- These issues are related!
- Datacenters are now distributed around the world
- Observations of ping time between cities by one network provider
- What could possibly go wrong?!!
Good intro/reminder of special relativity
Einstein and clocks in Bern, Switzerland in 1905
Einstein was pondering the implication of two things:
- Established principle since Galieo of the relativity of frames of reference
- The speed of light (
$c$ ) is constant, as established by the then recent Michelson-Morley experiment
- Einstein showed the relativity of simultaneity
- We cannot make statements about the whether two spatially-separated events are truly simultaneous
- We can only say something about causality - that
$A$ depends on$B$ , which depends on$C$
- Agreement protocols depend on exchanging messages
- Could explore this in a future CS course - Paxos and related coordination protocols
- Support such ideas as leader election, distributed transactions, and distributed counters
- Can we avoid coordination costs?
$\Rightarrow$ yes! (at least sometimes)
$f$ is commutative if order of operands can be freely rearranged - What can we parallelize if this holds of our problem?
- What are common examples of noncommutative functions/operations?
- Operations can be re-ordered
- Example: Amazon shopping cart
- Databases includign Cassandra, Riak, Dynamo
- Start with high precision time
- Local atomic clocks for precision, GPS for accuracy
- Network Time Protocol
$\rightarrow$ Precision Time Protocol for submicrosecond accuracy - Ready availability of relatively inexpensive atomic clocks
- Add time versioned databases
- Google's Spanner database implements this idea
- Q: how does this avoid violating the relativity of simultaneity?