In the previous step you set up your Pi and NeoPixels, lighting them up to verify that everything is working.
In this step you will set up Azure IoT Central to control the lights.
Azure IoT Central is a software-as-a-service platform for IoT, allowing you to create IoT applications with no code, except what is needed on the device. It supports up to 2 devices for free, so there is no cloud cost to this app.
IoT Central can be set up to control the Pi allowing remote control of the Neopixels.
You can learn more about IoT Central via Microsoft Learn, a hands-on, self-guided learning platform from Microsoft.
Head to Sign in if necessary
Select the Build tab from the side menu
Select the Custom apps button
Give your application a name, such as
Holiday light controller
Set the URL. This needs to be something unique, so add something like your name or date to it if you can't think of a unique URL
Leave the Application template as
Custom application
Select the pricing plan. It doesn't matter which one you select as they are all free for up to 2 devices, except for the free plan which is free for up to 5 devices, but your app is deleted after 7 days. If you want your app to last more than 7 days, select the Standard 1 or Standard 2 tier.
If you are using one of the Standard tiers, select you Azure subscription and the location nearest to you
Select Create
IoT Cental applications need device templates to define how a device can communicate. Every device needs to be assigned to a device template.
From the IoT Central side bar menu, select Device templates
Select New
Select IoT Device then Next: customize
Name the device template
Light controller
, then select Next: Review, then select Create -
In the Create a capability model section, select Custom
Select + Add interface, then Custom
Select Add capability
Add a capability with the following settings:
Display Name Name Capability Type Request Request Display Name Request Name Request Schema On On Command On Color Color String Leave all the other fields as their default values. This is a command that can be run to turn the Neopixels on to a specified color.
The color will be given as a string value representing a Hex string. It will be 6 characters long, with 2 characters each representing the R, G and B values with values from 0-255 (
). For example, red isFF0000
, green is00FF00
, blue is0000FF
, yellow isFFFF00
, white isFFFFFF
. -
Add another capability with the following settings:
Display Name Name Capability Type Request Off Off Command Off Again, leave all the other fields as their default values. This is a command that can be run to turn the Neopixels off.
Add one final capability with the following settings:
Display Name Name Capability Type Schema Writable Color Color Property String On This is a property to persist the selected color for the Neopixel, so if the Pi restarts it can sync the latest color.
Select Save from the capability menu, then Publish from the top menu, then select the Publish button.
Before a device can connect to IoT Central, it needs to be defined so that it has permissions to connect.
Select Devices from the side bar menu
Select the Light controller device template from the list
Select the New button
In the dialog, ensure the Device template is set to
Light controller
. Name the deviceNeopixel
and set the device id toneopixel
. Then select Create. -
Once the device is created, select it from the list. Select the Connect button and take a copy of the ID scope, Device ID and Primary key values.
In this step you set up Azure IoT Central to control the lights.
In the next step you will add code to the Pi to respond to commands from IoT Central to control the lights.