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Image Classification with Mobilenet v2 using TensorFlow Low Level APIs

TensorFlow v2 provides slim and keras implementation of Mobilenet v2, though for some reasons, it is good to develop this model with Low Level APIs (i.e. tf.nn.*) providing us full control on how the layers are being formed.

This repository contains the code in Object oriented based bare-metal implementation which wraps all the operations within tf.keras.Model/tf.keras.layers.Layers allowing user to levarage high level APIs for training avoiding boiler plat code for this. Though all the operations are open and performed with low level APIs hence it still maintains full control of all the Weights/Biases and Operations.

Here, repository contains source code for inference only and it does not involve any of the training scripts due to the fact that it uses ImageNet weights from pre-trained MobileNetV2 with help of APIs model.load_weights(). Though if one want to use Model for transfer learning or retraining, they can still use the model definition and use Keras APIs such as model.compile() and to train the model.

The implementation initializes weights and biases with glorot_uniform and zeros, respectively. This can easily be changed if one requires to use some other random initializers by simply passing arguments to subsequent layer instants.


To try these implementation, you might need TensorFlow v2.0 which can be installed as explained in TensorFlow Installation Guide

python -m pip install -U pip
python -m pip install -U -r requirements.txt


There are three programs this repository provides

  1. TensorFlow Graph Inference: Use MobileNet V2 Model definition and perform inference on given image.

python -i <path/to/image> or bazel run //:tf_inference -- -i <path/to/image>

n03763968 military_uniform 0.892423510551
n04350905 suit 0.0122225638479
n04591157 Windsor_tie 0.00553366355598
n02817516 bearskin 0.00538204563782
n09835506 ballplayer 0.0041116909124
  1. TensorFlow Lite Model Conversion: Use MobileNet V2 Model definition and convert that to Integer TFLite Model.

python --save_to <path/to/save/dir> or bazel run //:tflite_converter -- --save_to <path/to/save/dir>

2020-01-19 20:08:01.124998: I tensorflow/core/grappler/optimizers/]   constant folding: Graph size after: 549 nodes (0), 577 edges (0), time = 30.773ms.
INFO: Initialized TensorFlow Lite runtime.
Downloading data from
98951168/98948031 [==============================] - 15s 0us/step
98959360/98948031 [==============================] - 15s 0us/step
Found 3925 images belonging to 10 classes.
  1. TensorFlow Lite Inference: Run inference for given image and provided TFLite Model (INT8).

python -i <path/to/image> or bazel run //:tflite_inference -- -i <path/to/image>

INFO: Initialized TensorFlow Lite runtime.
n03763968 military_uniform 0.640625
n04350905 suit 0.0546875
n04591157 Windsor_tie 0.0234375
n09835506 ballplayer 0.01953125
n02817516 bearskin 0.01953125

Note: To know all the supported arguments run python -h.

python -h
usage: [-h] [-i IMAGE] [--input_mean INPUT_MEAN]
                           [--input_std INPUT_STD] [--data_format DATA_FORMAT]
                           [--save_to SAVE_TO]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i IMAGE, --image IMAGE
                        image to be classified
  --input_mean INPUT_MEAN
  --input_std INPUT_STD
                        input standard deviation
  --data_format DATA_FORMAT
                        data format (channel_first or channel_last)
  --save_to SAVE_TO     directory name for saving intermediate_outputs
  1. TensorFlow Lite Inference: Save Intermediate Tensors to file.

python --save_to <path/to/resultdir> -i <path/to/image> --data_format channel_first

Note, it is advisable to use data_format as channel_first due to reduced complexity while interpreting tensors from txt file. Hence, default data_format is always set to channel_first for saving tensors. (i.e. Tensors are internally converted to NCHW from NHWC)


Details on MobileNet v2 Architecture and layer information can be found in layers_to_tensor_map.xlsx

Model Diagram can be found at data/model.png.

All the MobileNet V2 layer implementations with Low Level APIs from TensorFlow (such as tf.nn.relu, tf.nn.conv2d etc.) are implemented as custom layer classes (see mobilenet/layers/*.py) which is being modelled into MobileNet V2 Architecture (see mobilenet/


  1. MobileNetV2: Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks
  2. Architecture and layer definitions were referred or reused from TensorFlow GitHub

Generated Model Architecture Diagram
