Add a basic block for every edge that leads to a basic block with multiple predecessors
Intuition optimization: You don't need to add the extra block if the previous block is empty and doesn't have multiple sucessors.
An expression is anticipated at p if its value computed at point p will be used along all subsequent paths
Anticipated Expressions | |
Domain | Sets of expressions |
Direction | backward |
Transfer f(x) | fb(x) = EUseb ∪ (x - EKillb) |
Meet | ∩ |
Boundary | in[exit] = ∅ |
Initialization | in[b] = {all expressions} |
The expression is killed if one of it's components it's recomputed.
e will be available at p if e has been anticipated but not subsequently killed on all paths reaching p
Available Expressions | |
Domain | Sets of expressions |
Direction | forward |
Transfer f(x) | fb(x) = (Anticipated[b].in ∪ x) - EKillb) |
Meet | ∩ |
Boundary | out[entry] = ∅ |
Initialization | out[b] = {all expressions} |
earliest(b) = anticipated[b].in - available[b].in
An expression e is postponable at p if all paths leading to p have seen the earliest placement of e but not a subsequent use.
In other words an expression is postponable to the exit of block B if it is not used in the block, and either it is postponable to the entry of B or it is in earliest[B].
Postponable Expressions | |
Domain | Sets of expressions |
Direction | forward |
Transfer f(x) | fb(x) = (earliest[b] ∪ x) - EUseb) |
Meet | ∩ |
Boundary | out[entry] = ∅ |
Initialization | out[b] = {all expressions} |
latest[b] = (earliest[b] ∪[b]) ∩ (EUseb ∪ ¬(∩s ∈ succ[b](earliest[s] ∪[s])))
- Ok to place expression: earliest or postponable
- Need to place at b if either:
- used in b, or
- not OK to place in one of its successors
Eliminate temporary variable assignments unused beyond current block
Unused Expressions | |
Domain | Sets of expressions |
Direction | backward |
Transfer f(x) | fb(x) = (Euse[b] ∪ x) - latest[b]) * |
Meet | ∪ |
Boundary | in[exit] = ∅ |
Initialization | in[b] = ∅ |
* In this case, if it is in the latest the use doesn't count
Remember: for y = x + y
- When going backward the expression is first removed then added ⇒ ADDED
- When going forward the expression is first added then removed ⇒ REMOVED
For each basic block b,
if (x+y) ∈ (latest[b] ∩ ¬ used.out[b]) {}
if x+y ∈ latest[b]
at beginning of b:
create a new variable t
t = x+y
replace every ofiginal x+y by t
An assignment instance ai ('x = e') is considered redundant if all paths from Start to ai has seen an instance of 'a', aj and there are no statements between ai and aj which re-define the variable x or the operand of the expression e