FaceScape provides multi-view images, camera paramters and reconstructed 3D shapes. There are 359 subjects x 20 expressions = 7120 tuples of data. The number of available images reaches to over 400k! Please visit https://facescape.nju.edu.cn/ for data access. Users who have already applied FaceScape can login and download multi-view data directly.
The multi-view images are stored as:
├───── 1
│ ├── 1_neutral
│ │ ├───── 0.jpg
│ │ ├───── 1.jpg
│ │ ├───── ...
│ │ ├───── N.jpg
│ │ └───── params.json
│ ├── 2_smile
│ ├── ...
│ └── 20_brow_lower
├───── 2
├───── ...
└───── 359
The corresponding 3D models are stored as:
# ↓ID ↓EXP
├───── 1
│ ├── 1_neutral.ply
│ ├── 2_smile.ply
│ ├── ...
│ └── 20_brow_lower.ply
├───── 2
├───── ...
└───── 359
The 'params.json' files store the multiple information about the data. The dictionary read from 'params.json' is organized as:
- '$VIEW$_K' - Intrinsic Matrix [4x4 float]
- '$VIEW$_Rt' - Extrinsic Matrix [3x4 float]
- '$VIEW$_distortion' - Distortion Parameters (k1 k2 p1 p2 k3) [5 float]
- '$VIEW$_width' - Image Width [int]
- '$VIEW$_height' - Image Height [int]
- '$VIEW$_matches' - Number of valid matches [int]
- '$VIEW$_valid' - Image is valid or not [bool]
- '$VIEW$_sn' - Serial Number of Camera [string]
- '$VIEW$_ori' - Original Filename [string]
- Distortion: To project the reconstructed model to fit the images, the images must be undistorted in advance with the provided distortion parameters (see Projection Test below).
- Valid_label: The camera parameters of which the '$VIEW$_valid' label is False are not reliable. So when reconstructing with multi-view images, please ignore the images with False label in '$VIEW$_valid'.
- Publishing limit: All the images and models in FaceScape cannot be shown in publications except for the subjects listed in the 'publishable_list' (available in download page after login). This has been stated in the license agreement.
- Camera Model: Please see Camera Model section below.
A simple demo code is provided to parse the data. Json package is required to be installed:
Pip install json
Parameters can be parsed by the following code in Python:
import json
with open("img/$id$/$exp$.json", 'r') as f:
params = json.load(f) # read parameters
img_num = len(params)//9 # get image number
test_view = 0 # select a view in 0 ~ img_num
K = params['%d_K' % test_view] # intrinsic mat
Rt = params['%d_Rt' % test_view] # extrinsic mat
dist = params['%d_distortion' % test_view] # distortion parameter
h_src = params['%d_height' % test_view] # height
w_src = params['%d_width' % test_view] # width
valid = params['%d_valid' % test_view] # valid or not
The camera parameters of FaceScape multi-view data use the camera model that is widely used in computer vision field (CV-Cam for short). This camera coordinate is different from the camera coordinate defined in OpenGL (GL-Cam for short) and many other rendering tools. CV-Cam and GL-Cam are shown in the figure below.
Our extrinsic matrix (Rt) can be transformed from CV-Cam to GL-Cam by the following calculation:
import numpy as np
Rt_gl = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1]]).dot(Rt_cv)
A simple demo is provided to render the mesh model to fit the image. Some packages are required to be installed:
pip install numpy pyrender json opencv-python
Run the following script in terminal to unzip the multi-view data sample:
sudo apt-get install unzip
unzip ../../samples/sample_mview.zip -d ../../samples/sample_mview/
Run the demo:
python projection_test.py
The result images are saved as mv_result_*.jpg, as shown below.