All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- PLACEHOLDER REMOVE IF EMPTY: risks that were introduced or discovered in the release and are known but not resolved
1.6.0 - 2022-11-25
- EDC client implementation (for negotiation and data exchange)
- New callback endpoint for EDC (path: /internal/endpoint-data-reference)
- Optional trusted port to make internal interfaces only available via that (config: server.trustedPort)
- Removed the need for the API wrapper by directly communicating with the EDC control and data plane.
1.5.0 - 2022-11-11
- Added new parameters 'startedOn' and 'jobCompleted' to Job status response
- Updated Spring Boot to 2.7.5 and Spring Security (Web and OAuth2 Client) dependencies to 5.7.5 due to CVEs
- Renamed parameter from 'status' to 'jobState' in Job status response
- Time to live for finished jobs is now configurable
1.4.0 - 2022-10-28
- Added new 'asPlanned' value for bomLifecycle request parameter - now BomAsPlanned can be traversed by the IRS to build relationships
1.3.0 - 2022-10-18
- BPDM URL (env:BPDM_URL) is now configurable
- SemanticsHub URL (env:SEMANTICSHUB_URL) and default URNs (env:SEMANTICSHUB_DEFAULT_URNS) are now configurable
- Added an administration guide covering installation and configuration topics (TRI-593)
- Tombstones Tombstone contains ProcessStep in ProcessingError
- Added new optional parameter 'callbackUrl' to Job registration request
- discovered lack of circuit breaker for communication with submodel server which is not responding (low risk) - will be addressed in future release
1.2.0 - 2022-09-30
- Automatic eclipse dash IP-ticket creation
- Automatic cucumber execution based on Tests in Jira
- Update HSTS header configuration (TRI-659)
- Encode log output to avoid log forging (TRI-653)
- Add missing X-Frame-Options header (TRI-661)
- Switching to a distroless Docker base image to avoid vulnerable library (TRI-729)
- Update EDC components to version 0.1.1
- Update testdata set to 1.3.2
- Create Tombstone for faulty/null/none BPN ManufactureId
- Update aaswrapper to 0.0.7
1.1.0 - 2022-09-12
- Aspect Model validation IRS now validates the aspect model responses requested via EDC. JSON schema files are requested on demand using Semantic Hub API.
- BPN mapping IRS job result includes BPNs and the corresponding names.
- Enabled collecting of "Batch" submodels IRS supports aspect model "Batch"
- Malformed date-time in IRS job result (TRI-627)
- Job cleanup process Jobs are completely deleted after retention period exceeded. (TRI-631)
- IRS job processing IRS jobs no longer stay stuck in state RUNNING due to malformed URLs. (TRI-675)
- Security fixes Fixed various security findings.
- IRS monitoring Added more metrics and improved Grafana dashboards.
- Submodel payload in IRS job response Submodels are stored as object instead of string.
- CORS Enabled CORS configuration
- Documentation Improved README and UML diagrams.
- GitHub integrations Trivy/KICS/Eclipse DASH tool/VeraCode
- Extended Postman collection
- IRS stability and code quality
- API docs
- Test data and upload script
- Helm charts Improved security and performance configurations. Created a All-in-One Helm Chart for IRS which includes all IRS dependencies. Helm Chart is released separately.
- Refactor relationship result object of IRS
- FOSS initial GitHub & code preparation Change package structure to
1.0.0 - 2022-07-25
- Improved Minio Helmchart Latest Minio version is used now
- Submodel Information If requested, the IRS collects submodel information now and adds it to the job result
- Improved job response The job response object contains all the required fields now with correct values
0.9.1 - 2022-06-14
- Remove AAS Proxy The IRS works without the AASProxy component
0.9.0 - 2022-04-27
- Build traceability BoM as built tree You can now use the IRS to retrieve a BoM tree with lifecycle stage "as built" for serialized components, which are distributed across the Catena-X network. In this release, the tree is being built on the aspects "SerialPartTypization" and "AssemblyPartRelationship". Focus is a tree built in the direction top-down/parent-child.
- IRS API v1.0.0 First release of the IRS API.
- Cloud Agnostic Solution You have the ability now to deploy the solution on different cloud vendor solutions. We decoupled the application from its former Azure Stack.
- Security fixes Various security fixes.
- Asynchronous Job Management Since we cannot rely on a synchronous answer of each request within the network, we provide a job management for this process.
- AAS Proxy Requests to Digital Twin Registry are executed via the AAS Proxy.
- Quality Gate for Release 1 The quality measures were implemented in accordance with the requirements for Release 1.
- Hotel Budapest catenax-ng C-X-NG ready using the provided catenax-ng infrastructure.
- SCA Composition Analysis Enablement of SCA Composition Analysis using Veracode and CodeQl.
- Github Integrations VeraCode/Dependabot/SonarCloud/CodeQl
- Select Aspects you need You are able to select the needed aspects for which you want to collect the correct endpoint information.