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Synology Install

jkirkcaldy edited this page Nov 11, 2021 · 1 revision

To install on synology, first make sure you have installed docker on your synology server. Ther are many tutoials on teh web for how to do this.

Once docker is installed, open the docker settings window on your synology server. Then click on Registry and search for Plex-utills Click on the result jkirkcaldy/plex-utills and click download.

For the image tag, select latest.

From there click on Image and you will see the image downloading. Once it has finished, select the image and click launch. On the window that pops up, click Advanced Settings.

In that window, click on Volume. We need to add three volumes for the container to work. Click on add volume and add the three volumes. These are: /config /logs /films

I recommend creating a folder called plex-utills on your array and then creating two folders in there, one for your logs and one for your config files. When done it should look like this:

The container needs only port 80 to work. By default synology will assign random ports automatically, you can change this to any free port on your system to make it easier to remember.

The only thing left to change now is the Timezone setting. To change this go to the Environment tab and scroll to the bottom of the options until you get to where it sayz TZ Europe/London

Change this to your timezone. Click here to find what that should be

Once you are done, click apply and the container will start. Click on where it says Containers to see the running container.

Select the container and click on the action menu, then details. This will show you the ports that your server has applied to the container if you left these on auto. From here you can also see the container logs, whihc is useful if something's not working correctly.

Once you have located the port number your container is running on, open a new browser window and enter : In my case the server is running on IP address and the container is using port 49158 (my ports changed when taking the images)

So I entrer into my browser window and I get the plex-utills webui


If your container is not starting properly or you get a nginx error when visiting the web page, it is likely that the permissions need to be changed on the directories that you set for the config and the logs. Change these to be read/write for everyone and try restarting the container.

You also only need to pass through your plex media directories if you want to use the backup posters feature. If you don't want to enable that then you don't need to passthrough the /films volume.

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