- Django 1.8 compatible
- New co-author added
- Update the metainfo
- The project has moved to github
- Add manifest
- Python3 compatible
- Fix the readme
- Added get_mandatory_fieldname function.
- New TRANSMETA_MANDATORY_LANGUAGE setting, to control which field will be NOT NULL in the models.
- Support in method get_field_language for field names with underscores
- Fix a little bug in the command sync_transmeta_db (UnboundLocalError: local variable 'f' referenced before assignment)
- Change the representation (verbose_name) of the transmeta labels
- Improvements and usability in the command sync_transmeta_db
- Fix some bugs
- Documentation
- Improvements and usability in the command sync_transmeta_db
- Works with the last django (the command sync_transmeta_db)
- Works with mysql (the command sync_transmeta_db)
- Fixes error with inheritance in models.
- Allow to use a TRANSMETA_LANGUAGES settings.
- Added two options to sync_transmeta_db: -y (assume yes on all) and -d (default language code)
- works when default locale have spelling variants as es-ES or en-US.
- get_all_translatable_fields does not returned the correct tuple. Problems with inheritance.
- Make compatible with Django 1.2 and 1.3 when using ugettext_lazy in models verbose_name, fixing a hidden bug also for Django 1.1