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Objects that are far from me.
She is growing.
Vídeo: Present continuous
Vídeo: Uncountable nouns
How much is the pasta?
Vídeo: How much and how many?
Specific time
Vídeo: AT as a preposition of time
I love learning English.
Vídeo: Preferences using ing
This is a wonderful English course!
Razón: Los adjetivos llevan un orden el cúal es, OPINION | SIZE | PHYSICAL | SHAPE | AGE | COLOR | MATERIAL | NOUN
I want to learn and to grow.
It’s about 1 kilometer.
Yes, I finished it.
Razón: El verbo auxiliar DID indica el tiempo pasado, para responder se debe conjugar el verbo a pasado.
I went to the mountains.
Razón: El verbo auxiliar DID indica el tiempo pasado, para responder se debe conjugar el verbo a pasado.
I love to cook and to have fun.
Razón: Para expresar preferencias podemos usar, love/like/hate de 2 formas, agregando al verbo la terminación ING o usar To, I love cooking / I love to cook, ambas oraciones significan lo mismo.
Vídeo: Preferences using ing
Yes, I did.
Razón: El verbo auxiliar DID indica el tiempo pasado, para responder se debe conjugar el verbo a pasado.
It is Simon's apartment.
Vídeo: [Express possession with plural nouns: "s"]( "Express possession with plural nouns: "s"")
To indicate the positions of an object.
Vídeo: Prepositions of place
It is a quarter after four.
I woke up at 6am.
Razón: El verbo auxiliar DID indica el tiempo pasado, para responder se debe conjugar el verbo a pasado. ¿ A qué hora te despertaste? Me desperté a las 6 AM.
Vídeo: Wh questions
She ate eggs and bread.