- v0.6.19 Fixed install problem
- v0.6.18 (Skipped)
- v0.6.17 (Bad build)
- v0.6.16 (Bad build)
- v0.6.15 (Bad build)
- v0.6.14 (Bad build)
- v0.6.13 Added make_safe_url() to prevent cross-domain redirections.
- v0.6.12 Added Russian translation.
- v0.6.11 (Skipped)
- v0.6.10 Added Spanish translation.
- v0.6.9 Added support for Flask-Login v0.4+.
- Replaced pycrypto with pycryptodome.
Added Farsi, Italian and Turkish translations.
- v0.6.8 Added support for Flask-Login v0.3+
- v0.6.7 Uses Python package bcrypt instead of py-bcrypt.
- v0.6.6 Forgot password form now honors USER_SHOW_USERNAME_OR_EMAIL_DOES_NOT_EXIST setting.
- v0.6.4 Moved custom params from __init__() to init_app(). Added send_reset_password_email().
- v0.6.3 Fix for Python 3.4 and signals. Added UserMixin.has_role() and @roles_accepted().
- v0.6.2 Added support for invitation-only registrations.
- v0.6.1 Added Chinese (Simplified) and French translations`.
- v0.6 Changed User/UserProfile DataModels into UserAuth/User DataModels.
v0.6 Is backwards compatible with v0.5 but UserProfileClass will be deprecated
in the future. See the 'Data Models' section in this documentation.
- v0.5.5 Added user_profile view. Cleaned up base template. Support for UserProfile.roles.
- v0.5.4 Decoupled Flask-User from Flask-Babel and speaklater
- v0.5.3
- Added remember-me feature.
- Added support for a primary key name other than 'id'.
- Added USER_AUTO_LOGIN_... settings.
- Added USER_AFTER_..._ENDPOINT settings.
- Cleaned up email templates.
v0.5.3 API changes
The 'confirm_email' emails are now sent only after a resend confirm email request.
The 'registered' email is now sent after registration, whether
(Previously, the 'confirm_email' email was sent after registration
and after a resend confirm email request, and the 'registered' email was sent only
after registration and when USER_ENABLE_CONFIRM_EMAIL was False)
- v0.5.2 Added USER_AUTO_LOGIN setting.
- v0.5.1 Added Support for multiple emails per user.
- v0.5.0 Added
- v0.4.9 Added
. Cleaned up example_apps.
- v0.4.8 Removed the need for app.mail, app.babel, app.db and app.User properties.
- v0.4.7 Added 'confirm_email', 'password_changed' and 'username_changed' emails.
v0.4.7 API changes
The 'registered' email was split into 'confirm_email' and 'registered' emails.
If you've customized 'templates/flask_user/email/registered_*':
rename the 'registered_*' files into 'confirm_email_*'.
- v0.4.6 Added 'next' query parameter to confirm_email link
- v0.4.5 Save custom Register fields to User or UserProfile
v0.4.5 API changes
db_adapter.add_object()/update_object()/delete_object() now require a separate
call to db_adapter.commit()
- v0.4.4 Enhancements and Fixes: Github issues #6, #7 & #8
- v0.4.3 base.html, flask_user/public_base.html, flask_user/member_base.html.
Cleanup. Reduced package size from 83KB to 30KB.
v0.4.3 API changes
Form templates now inherit from templates/flask_user/public_base.html,
templates/flask_user/member_base.html and templates/base.html.
- v0.4.2 Cleanup of SQLAlchemyAdapter. Added tox for Python 3.4
- v0.4.1 Cleanup of customized email messages and signals.
v0.4.1 API changes
- User.email_confirmed_at --> confirmed_at
- templates/flask_user/emails/confirmation_email_* --> registered_*
- signals.confirmation_email_set --> user_registered
- template variable {{ confirmation_link }} --> {{ confirm_email_link }}
- templates/flask_user/emails/reset_password_* --> forgot_password_*
- signals.reset_password_email_sent --> user_forgot_password
- v0.4.0 Beta release. Translations via Babel.
- v0.3.8 Role-based authorization via @roles_required.
- v0.3.5 Support for Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.3, Event notifications.
- v0.3.1 Alpha release. Email sending, Confirm email, Forgot password, Reset password.
- v0.2 Change username, Change password.
- v0.1 Register, Login, Logout.