diff --git a/wch-isp.man b/wch-isp.man index 7c18205..7afd792 100644 --- a/wch-isp.man +++ b/wch-isp.man @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ Prints a progress during command operation. Reset the microcontroller after the command is completed. .TP .B \-b -Do not read database +Do not read database. .TP .B \-f -Ignore if firmware size more than cached flash size (program memory) +Ignore if firmware size more than cached flash size (program memory). .TP .B \-F -Ignore if firmware size more than total flash size (program memory + const data memory) +Ignore if firmware size more than total flash size (program memory + const data memory). .TP .B \-d Enable debug information, print raw isp commands sent over USB or COM-port. @@ -39,24 +39,31 @@ Prints version information to stdout, then exits. .B \-h, --help Prints help message to stdout, then exits. .TP -.BI \--port= "PORT [baudrate]" -Specify port to connect the device. It may be 'USB' or '/dev/ttyUSB0' or '//./COM2' or something else +.BI \--port= "port [baudrate]" +Specify \fIport\fR to connect the device. It may be \fBUSB\fR or \fB/dev/ttyUSB0\fR or \fB//./COM2\fR or something else. .TP -.BI \--device= DEV -Test if connected device is DEV and exit if they differ. may be read by 'info' option. -Example: --device=CH32V203G8R6 +.BI \--device= dev +Test if connected device is \fIdev\fR and exit if they differ. \fIdev\fR may be read by \fBinfo\fR option. +.RB Example:\ --device=CH32V203G8R6 .TP .BI \--uid= uid -Select the microcontroller that matches the uid. +Select the microcontroller that matches the \fIuid\fR. .TP -.BI \--reset= pin -Specify COM-port control pin as RESET signal. May be RTS, DTR, nRTS or nDTR +.BI \--reset= number +Specify COM-port control pin \fInumber\fR as RESET signal. May be +.BR RTS ,\ DTR ,\ nRTS\ or\ nDTR . .TP -.BI \--boot0= pin -Specify COM-port control pin as Boot0 signal. May be RTS, DTR, nRTS or nDTR +.BI \--boot0= number +Specify COM-port control pin \fInumber\fR as Boot0 signal. May be +.BR RTS ,\ DTR ,\ nRTS\ or\ nDTR . .TP .BI \--address= addr -Start writing from addr +Start writing from +.IR addr . +.TP +.BI \--database-path= directory +Search device info in specified +.IR directory . .SH COMMANDS .TP .B list @@ -76,17 +83,18 @@ content against the flash content. Erase all the flash content (not implemented yet). .TP .B unlock -Disable flash write protection (modifies the chip configuration) (not implemented yet) +Disable flash write protection (modifies the chip configuration) (not implemented yet). .TP .B info Print a device information and memory dump of the chip configuration. .TP .BI optionbytes " 'CMD'" -change optionbytes - example: ./wch-isp optionbytes 'RDPR=0xA5, DATA0 = 0x42' +Change optionbytes. + Example: +.B ./wch-isp optionbytes 'RDPR=0xA5, DATA0 = 0x42' .TP .BI optionshow " 'CMD'" -show changes after apply CMD to optionbytes; Do not write +Show changes after applying \fICMD\fR to optionbytes; do not write. .SH EXAMPLES .PP List detected devices: