- Adjust deskew angle to 20 degrees max (rather than 10)
- Correcting some build issues
- Support run files (for batch mode)
- Allow re-OCRing of already OCRed docs when no other changes are made.
- Change default of deskew (and other image conversion) from 72 dpi to 300 dpi
- Provide options to not deskew first page (useful when the first page is cover art or similar)
- Fix deskewing bug when deskewing is used with OCR
- Shrink image size substantially
- Don't crash if qpdf --linearize warns
- Allow trimming of either left or right (or both) margins
- Now linearizing PDFs to avoid history of updated tags (those could expose what tool was used to redact it). Note that no original metadata was exposed.
- Added redaction capabilities
- Provided a routine to crop off the rightmost 10% or 20% of the PDF
- Used white instead of black for background in deskew