A cut vertex is a vertex of an undirected, connected graph G=(V,E) that will disconnect the graph if it is removed. To find the cut vertices in a graph, the edges are classified into tree, back and cross/forward edges using a DFS. Another DFS finds the edge markings for all the tree edges of G.
This space-efficient variant
- uses the O(n+m)-Bit DFS to identify and mark edges
- uses a static-space allocation to hold the edge markings
- is built as an iterator:
- init(): initializes the iterator (identifies and marks tree edges)
- more(): returns true if there are more cut vertices in the graph
- next(): gets the next found cut vertex
- isCutVertex(u): Special function that can be called at any time after init(). Returns true if u is a cut vertex, false otherwise.
- Time: O(n+m)
- Space: O(n+m) bits
#include <cstdio>
#include "sealib/iterator/cutvertexiterator.h"
#include "sealib/graph/graphcreator.h"
int main() {
Sealib::UndirectedGraph g = Sealib::GraphCreator::windmill(3,4);
Sealib::CutVertexIterator c(g);
while(c.more()) {
std::cout << "found: " << c.next() << "\n";
printf("center should be cut vertex: %d\n",c.isCutVertex(g.getOrder()-1));