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Anton edited this page Mar 23, 2015 · 3 revisions

How to build FPC crosscompiler for arm-android


1 you should have the latest trunk version of FPC. It is easy to check out it by svn from;

2 you should have installed Android NDK (take it from

3 create a batch-file in the root of FPC trunk with the following contents: set NDK=d:\adt32\ndk10 make crossinstall CPU_TARGET=arm OS_TARGET=android CROSSBINDIR=%NDK%\toolchains\arm-linux-androideabi-4.6\prebuilt\windows\bin OPT=-dFPC_ARMEL BINUTILSPREFIX=arm-linux-androideabi- CROSSOPT="-Fl%NDK%\platforms\android-14\arch-arm\usr\lib" INSTALL_PREFIX= where NDK should be set to where NDK was installed. INSTALL_PREFIX should be specified, otherwise compiled units and binaries will be in the "PP" folder in root of the drive. At the end simply run the batch.

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