An application that gathers player statistics and ban information from Counter-Strike Global Offensive using the Steam API.
Note that this is not a module for the Steam API, it is a web application factored as a module.
Developed in Node.js
Clone the repo and do:
npm install [path]/csgo-player-stats
var cs = require('csgo-player-stats');
Then run setup with your API key. Set logInput to true if you want to log each input.
logInput : false
The player and ban information are fetched with the processSteamIds function. Use the callback function to recieve them.
cs.processSteamIds(variableWithSteamContents, function(playerStats, banStats) {
res.render('csresults', { playerStats: playerStats, banStats: banStats });
Here is an example of how it can look like. This setup is provided in examples/Jade-example.