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-  "author": {
-    "name": "Apache Software Foundation"
-  },
-  "bugs": {
-    "url": "https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-compat/issues"
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-  "cordova": {
-    "id": "cordova-plugin-compat",
-    "platforms": [
-      "android"
-    ]
-  },
-  "description": "[DEPRECATED] This repo is for remaining backwards compatible with previous versions of Cordova.",
-  "engines": {
-    "cordovaDependencies": {
-      "<1.2.0": {
-        "cordova": ">=5.0.0"
-      },
-      ">=1.2.0": {
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-        "cordova-android": "<6.3.0"
-      }
-    }
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-  "homepage": "http://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-compat#readme",
-  "keywords": [
-    "ecosystem:cordova",
-    "ecosystem:phonegap",
-    "cordova-android"
-  ],
-  "license": "Apache-2.0",
-  "name": "cordova-plugin-compat",
-  "repository": {
-    "type": "git",
-    "url": "git://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-compat.git"
-  },
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--- a/plugins/cordova-plugin-compat/plugin.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
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-  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-  distributed with this work for additional information
-  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-  specific language governing permissions and limitations
-  under the License.
-  xmlns="http://cordova.apache.org/ns/plugins/1.0" id="cordova-plugin-compat" version="1.2.0">
-  <name>Compat</name>
-  <description>[DEPRECATED] Cordova Compatibility Plugin</description>
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-      <6.3.0"/>
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-    </platform>
-  </plugin>
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# appveyor file
+# http://www.appveyor.com/docs/appveyor-yml
+max_jobs: 1
+shallow_clone: true
+  - git config --global core.autocrlf true
+  - Visual Studio 2017
+  nodejs_version: "4"
+  matrix:
+    - PLATFORM: windows-10-store
+  - npm cache clean -f
+  - node --version
+  - npm install -g cordova-paramedic@https://github.com/apache/cordova-paramedic.git
+  - npm install -g cordova
+build: off
+  - cordova-paramedic --config pr\%PLATFORM% --plugin . --justBuild
diff --git a/plugins/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/.jscsrc b/plugins/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/.jscsrc
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+      "while",
+      "do"
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--- /dev/null
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+#If ignorance is bliss, then somebody knock the smile off my face
diff --git a/plugins/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/.travis.yml b/plugins/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/.travis.yml
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+sudo: false
+  jwt:
+    secure: hXzjjCvaueH+0Mm66ym6nE3jncWjjGIXIqhrqQUpWI7WTzcEXPFzA2ljyMNcMbPCcXSpq7u3oEBgZl5VUd+PWfBWKCFbcTu0KP1KP7s2GeTp/xvWWoxxRYfU8FhUh5ei/opSBBDhT9zqt85efHt09aqAzos0THLpYPGxFPknzY0=
+  global:
+  include:
+  - env: PLATFORM=ios-9.3
+    os: osx
+    osx_image: xcode7.3
+    language: node_js
+    node_js: '4.2'
+  - env: PLATFORM=ios-10.0
+    os: osx
+    osx_image: xcode7.3
+    language: node_js
+    node_js: '4.2'
+  - env: PLATFORM=android-4.4
+    os: linux
+    language: android
+    jdk: oraclejdk8
+    android:
+      components:
+      - tools
+      - build-tools-26.0.2
+  - env: PLATFORM=android-5.1
+    os: linux
+    language: android
+    jdk: oraclejdk8
+    android:
+      components:
+      - tools
+      - build-tools-26.0.2
+  - env: PLATFORM=android-6.0
+    os: linux
+    language: android
+    jdk: oraclejdk8
+    android:
+      components:
+      - tools
+      - build-tools-26.0.2
+  - env: PLATFORM=android-7.0
+    os: linux
+    language: android
+    jdk: oraclejdk8
+    android:
+      components:
+      - tools
+      - build-tools-26.0.2
+- rm -rf ~/.nvm && git clone https://github.com/creationix/nvm.git ~/.nvm && (cd ~/.nvm
+  && git checkout `git describe --abbrev=0 --tags`) && source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh && nvm
+- node --version
+- if [[ "$PLATFORM" =~ android ]]; then gradle --version; fi
+- if [[ "$PLATFORM" =~ ios ]]; then npm install -g ios-deploy; fi
+- if [[ "$PLATFORM" =~ android ]]; then echo y | android update sdk -u --filter android-22,android-23,android-24,android-25,android-26;
+  fi
+- git clone https://github.com/apache/cordova-paramedic /tmp/paramedic && pushd /tmp/paramedic
+  && npm install && popd
+- npm install -g cordova
+- npm install
+- npm test
+- node /tmp/paramedic/main.js --config pr/$PLATFORM --plugin $(pwd) --shouldUseSauce
+  --fileTransferServer http://sheltered-retreat-43956.herokuapp.com
+  --buildName travis-plugin-file-transfer-$TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER
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+    "url": "https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB"
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+    "url": "git+https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-file-transfer.git"
+  },
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+    "lint": "jshint www && jshint src && jshint tests",
+    "style": "jscs tests/tests.js",
+    "test": "npm run lint && npm run style"
+  },
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+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+  distributed with this work for additional information
+  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+  specific language governing permissions and limitations
+  under the License.
+<plugin xmlns="http://apache.org/cordova/ns/plugins/1.0"
+    xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
+    id="cordova-plugin-file-transfer"
+    version="1.7.1">
+    <name>File Transfer</name>
+    <description>Cordova File Transfer Plugin</description>
+    <license>Apache 2.0</license>
+    <keywords>cordova,file,transfer</keywords>
+    <repo>https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cordova-plugin-file-transfer.git</repo>
+    <issue>https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB/component/12320650</issue>
+    <dependency id="cordova-plugin-file" version=">=5.0.0" />
+    <js-module src="www/FileTransferError.js" name="FileTransferError">
+        <clobbers target="window.FileTransferError" />
+    </js-module>
+    <js-module src="www/FileTransfer.js" name="FileTransfer">
+        <clobbers target="window.FileTransfer" />
+    </js-module>
+    <!-- android -->
+    <platform name="android">
+        <config-file target="res/xml/config.xml" parent="/*">
+            <feature name="FileTransfer" >
+                <param name="android-package" value="org.apache.cordova.filetransfer.FileTransfer"/>
+            </feature>
+        </config-file>
+        <config-file target="AndroidManifest.xml" parent="/*">
+            <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
+        </config-file>
+        <source-file src="src/android/FileTransfer.java" target-dir="src/org/apache/cordova/filetransfer" />
+        <source-file src="src/android/FileProgressResult.java" target-dir="src/org/apache/cordova/filetransfer" />
+        <source-file src="src/android/FileUploadResult.java" target-dir="src/org/apache/cordova/filetransfer" />
+    </platform>
+    <!-- amamzon-fireos -->
+    <platform name="amazon-fireos">
+        <config-file target="res/xml/config.xml" parent="/*">
+            <feature name="FileTransfer" >
+                <param name="android-package" value="org.apache.cordova.filetransfer.FileTransfer"/>
+            </feature>
+        </config-file>
+        <config-file target="AndroidManifest.xml" parent="/*">
+            <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
+        </config-file>
+        <source-file src="src/amazon/FileTransfer.java" target-dir="src/org/apache/cordova/filetransfer" />
+        <source-file src="src/android/FileProgressResult.java" target-dir="src/org/apache/cordova/filetransfer" />
+        <source-file src="src/android/FileUploadResult.java" target-dir="src/org/apache/cordova/filetransfer" />
+    </platform>
+    <!-- ubuntu -->
+    <platform name="ubuntu">
+        <header-file src="src/ubuntu/file-transfer.h" />
+        <source-file src="src/ubuntu/file-transfer.cpp" />
+    </platform>
+    <!-- blackberry10 -->
+    <platform name="blackberry10">
+        <config-file target="www/config.xml" parent="/widget">
+            <feature name="FileTransfer" value="FileTransfer"></feature>
+        </config-file>
+        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/FileTransferProxy.js" name="FileTransferProxy" >
+            <runs />
+        </js-module>
+        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/xhrFileTransfer.js" name="xhrFileTransfer" />
+        <!--
+        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/abort.js" name="abortProxy" />
+        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/download.js" name="downloadProxy" />
+        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/upload.js" name="uploadProxy" />
+        -->
+    </platform>
+    <!-- ios -->
+    <platform name="ios">
+        <config-file target="config.xml" parent="/*">
+            <feature name="FileTransfer">
+                <param name="ios-package" value="CDVFileTransfer" />
+            </feature>
+        </config-file>
+        <header-file src="src/ios/CDVFileTransfer.h" />
+        <source-file src="src/ios/CDVFileTransfer.m" />
+        <framework src="AssetsLibrary.framework" />
+    </platform>
+    <!-- wp7 -->
+    <platform name="wp7">
+        <config-file target="config.xml" parent="/*">
+            <feature name="FileTransfer">
+                <param name="wp-package" value="FileTransfer"/>
+            </feature>
+        </config-file>
+        <source-file src="src/wp/FileTransfer.cs" />
+        <js-module src="www/wp7/base64.js" name="base64">
+            <clobbers target="window.FileTransferBase64" />
+        </js-module>
+    </platform>
+    <!-- wp8 -->
+    <platform name="wp8">
+        <config-file target="config.xml" parent="/*">
+            <feature name="FileTransfer">
+                <param name="wp-package" value="FileTransfer"/>
+            </feature>
+        </config-file>
+        <source-file src="src/wp/FileTransfer.cs" />
+    </platform>
+    <!-- windows8 -->
+    <platform name="windows8">
+        <js-module src="src/windows/FileTransferProxy.js" name="FileTransferProxy">
+            <runs />
+        </js-module>
+    </platform>
+    <!-- windows -->
+    <platform name="windows">
+        <js-module src="src/windows/FileTransferProxy.js" name="FileTransferProxy">
+            <runs />
+        </js-module>
+    </platform>
+    <!-- firefoxOS -->
+    <platform name="firefoxos">
+        <config-file target="config.xml" parent="/*">
+            <permission name="systemXHR" privileged="true"/>
+        </config-file>
+        <js-module src="www/firefoxos/FileTransferProxy.js" name="FileTransferProxy">
+            <runs/>
+        </js-module>
+    </platform>
+    <!-- browser -->
+    <platform name="browser">
+        <js-module src="www/browser/FileTransfer.js" name="BrowserFileTransfer">
+            <clobbers target="window.FileTransfer" />
+        </js-module>
+    </platform>
diff --git a/plugins/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/src/ubuntu/file-transfer.cpp b/plugins/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/src/ubuntu/file-transfer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b1adea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/src/ubuntu/file-transfer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright 2013 Canonical Ltd.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ *
+#include "file-transfer.h"
+#include <plugins/cordova-plugin-file/file.h>
+#include <cassert>
+static void SetHeaders(QNetworkRequest &request, const QVariantMap &headers) {
+    for (const QString &key: headers.keys()) {
+        QVariant val = *headers.find(key);
+        QString value = val.toString();
+        if (val.userType() == QMetaType::QVariantList || val.userType() == QMetaType::QStringList) {
+            QList<QVariant> list = val.toList();
+            for (QVariant v: list) {
+                if (value.size())
+                    value += ", ";
+                value += v.toString();
+            }
+        }
+        request.setRawHeader(key.toUtf8(), value.toUtf8());
+    }
+void FileTransfer::download(int scId, int ecId, const QString& url, const QString &target, bool /*trustAllHost*/, int id, const QVariantMap &headers) {
+    QSharedPointer<FileTransferRequest> request(new FileTransferRequest(_manager, scId, ecId, id, this));
+    assert(_id2request.find(id) == _id2request.end());
+    _id2request.insert(id, request);
+    request->connect(request.data(), &FileTransferRequest::done, [&]() {
+        auto it = _id2request.find(id);
+        while (it != _id2request.end() && it.key() == id) {
+            if (it.value().data() == request.data()) {
+                _id2request.erase(it);
+                break;
+            }
+            it++;
+        }
+    });
+    request->download(url, target, headers);
+void FileTransfer::upload(int scId, int ecId, const QString &fileURI, const QString& url, const QString& fileKey, const QString& fileName, const QString& mimeType,
+                          const QVariantMap & params, bool /*trustAllHosts*/, bool /*chunkedMode*/, const QVariantMap &headers, int id, const QString &/*httpMethod*/) {
+    QSharedPointer<FileTransferRequest> request(new FileTransferRequest(_manager, scId, ecId, id, this));
+    assert(_id2request.find(id) == _id2request.end());
+    _id2request.insert(id, request);
+    request->connect(request.data(), &FileTransferRequest::done, [&]() {
+        auto it = _id2request.find(id);
+        while (it != _id2request.end() && it.key() == id) {
+            if (it.value().data() == request.data()) {
+                _id2request.erase(it);
+                break;
+            }
+            it++;
+        }
+    });
+    request->upload(url, fileURI, fileKey, fileName, mimeType, params, headers);
+void FileTransfer::abort(int scId, int ecId, int id) {
+    Q_UNUSED(scId)
+    Q_UNUSED(ecId)
+    auto it = _id2request.find(id);
+    while (it != _id2request.end() && it.key() == id) {
+        (*it)->abort();
+        it++;
+    }
+void FileTransferRequest::download(const QString& uri, const QString &targetURI, const QVariantMap &headers) {
+    QUrl url(uri);
+    QNetworkRequest request;
+    QSharedPointer<CPlugin> filePlugin(_plugin->cordova()->getPlugin<File>());
+    if (!filePlugin.data())
+        return;
+    if (!url.isValid()) {
+        QVariantMap map;
+        map.insert("code", INVALID_URL_ERR);
+        map.insert("source", uri);
+        map.insert("target", targetURI);
+        _plugin->cb(_ecId, map);
+        emit done();
+        return;
+    }
+    request.setUrl(url);
+    if (url.password().size() || url.userName().size()) {
+        QString headerData = "Basic " + (url.userName() + ":" + url.password()).toLocal8Bit().toBase64();
+        request.setRawHeader("Authorization", headerData.toLocal8Bit());
+    }
+    SetHeaders(request, headers);
+    _reply = QSharedPointer<QNetworkReply>(_manager.get(request));
+    _reply->connect(_reply.data(), &QNetworkReply::finished, [this, targetURI, uri, filePlugin]() {
+        if (!_scId || _reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError)
+            return;
+        QPair<bool, QFileInfo> f1(dynamic_cast<File*>(filePlugin.data())->resolveURI(targetURI));
+        QFile res(f1.second.absoluteFilePath());
+        if (!f1.first || !res.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
+            QVariantMap map;
+            map.insert("code", INVALID_URL_ERR);
+            map.insert("source", uri);
+            map.insert("target", targetURI);
+            _plugin->cb(_ecId, map);
+            emit done();
+            return;
+        }
+        res.write(_reply->readAll());
+        _plugin->cb(_scId, dynamic_cast<File*>(filePlugin.data())->file2map(f1.second));
+        emit done();
+    });
+    _reply->connect(_reply.data(), SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), this, SLOT(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)));
+    _reply->connect(_reply.data(), SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)), this, SLOT(progress(qint64, qint64)));
+void FileTransferRequest::upload(const QString& _url, const QString& fileURI, QString fileKey, QString fileName, QString mimeType, const QVariantMap &params, const QVariantMap &headers) {
+    QUrl url(_url);
+    QNetworkRequest request;
+    QSharedPointer<CPlugin> filePlugin(_plugin->cordova()->getPlugin<File>());
+    if (!filePlugin.data())
+        return;
+    if (!url.isValid()) {
+        QVariantMap map;
+        map.insert("code", INVALID_URL_ERR);
+        map.insert("source", fileURI);
+        map.insert("target", _url);
+        _plugin->cb(_ecId, map);
+        emit done();
+        return;
+    }
+    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> f1(dynamic_cast<File*>(filePlugin.data())->resolveURI(fileURI));
+    QFile file(f1.second.absoluteFilePath());
+    if (!f1.first || !file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
+        QVariantMap map;
+        map.insert("code", FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR);
+        map.insert("source", fileURI);
+        map.insert("target", _url);
+        _plugin->cb(_ecId, map);
+        emit done();
+        return;
+    }
+    QString content{file.readAll()};
+    request.setUrl(url);
+    if (url.password().size() || url.userName().size()) {
+        QString headerData = "Basic " + (url.userName() + ":" + url.password()).toLocal8Bit().toBase64();
+        request.setRawHeader("Authorization", headerData.toLocal8Bit());
+    }
+    SetHeaders(request, headers);
+    QString boundary = QString("CORDOVA-QT-%1A").arg(qrand());
+    while (content.contains(boundary)) {
+        boundary += QString("B%1A").arg(qrand());
+    }
+    request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, QString("multipart/form-data; boundary=") + boundary);
+    fileKey.replace("\"", "");
+    fileName.replace("\"", "");
+    mimeType.replace("\"", "");
+    QString part = "--" + boundary + "\r\n";
+    part += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + fileKey +"\"; filename=\"" + fileName + "\"\r\n";
+    part += "Content-Type: " + mimeType + "\r\n\r\n";
+    part += content + "\r\n";
+    for (QString key: params.keys()) {
+        part += "--" + boundary + "\r\n";
+        part += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" +  key + "\";\r\n\r\n";
+        part += params.find(key)->toString();
+        part += "\r\n";
+    }
+    part += QString("--") + boundary + "--" + "\r\n";
+    _reply = QSharedPointer<QNetworkReply>(_manager.post(request, QByteArray(part.toUtf8())));
+    _reply->connect(_reply.data(), &QNetworkReply::finished, [this, content]() {
+        if (_reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError)
+            return;
+        int status = 200;
+        QVariant statusCode = _reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute);
+        if (statusCode.isValid()) {
+            status = statusCode.toInt();
+        }
+        QVariantMap map;
+        map.insert("responseCode", status);
+        map.insert("response", QString(_reply->readAll()));
+        map.insert("bytesSent", content.size());
+        _plugin->cb(_scId, map);
+        emit done();
+    });
+    _reply->connect(_reply.data(), SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), this, SLOT(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)));
+    _reply->connect(_reply.data(), SIGNAL(uploadProgress(qint64, qint64)), this, SLOT(progress(qint64, qint64)));
+void FileTransferRequest::abort() {
+    QVariantMap map;
+    map.insert("code", ABORT_ERR);
+    _plugin->cb(_ecId, map);
+    _scId = 0;
+    emit done();
+void FileTransferRequest::error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError code) {
+    Q_UNUSED(code);
+    int status = 404;
+    QVariant statusCode = _reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute);
+    if (statusCode.isValid()) {
+        status = statusCode.toInt();
+    }
+    QVariantMap map;
+    map.insert("http_status", status);
+    map.insert("body", QString(_reply->readAll()));
+    map.insert("code", CONNECTION_ERR);
+    _plugin->cb(_ecId, map);
+    emit done();
+void FileTransferRequest::progress(qint64 bytesReceived, qint64 bytesTotal) {
+    QVariantMap map;
+    map.insert("lengthComputable", true);
+    map.insert("total", bytesTotal);
+    map.insert("loaded", bytesReceived);
+    if (bytesReceived && bytesTotal && _scId)
+        _plugin->callbackWithoutRemove(_scId, CordovaInternal::format(map));
diff --git a/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/www/blackberry10/.jshintrc b/plugins/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/www/blackberry10/.jshintrc
similarity index 100%
rename from plugins/cordova-plugin-file/www/blackberry10/.jshintrc
rename to plugins/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/www/blackberry10/.jshintrc
diff --git a/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/.appveyor.yml b/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/.appveyor.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cd6d53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/.appveyor.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# appveyor file
+# http://www.appveyor.com/docs/appveyor-yml
+max_jobs: 1
+shallow_clone: true
+  - git config --global core.autocrlf true
+  - Visual Studio 2017
+  nodejs_version: "4"
+  matrix:
+    - PLATFORM: windows-10-store
+  - npm cache clean -f
+  - node --version
+  - npm install -g cordova-paramedic@https://github.com/apache/cordova-paramedic.git
+  - npm install -g cordova
+build: off
+  - cordova-paramedic --config pr\%PLATFORM% --plugin . --justBuild
diff --git a/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/.eslintrc.yml b/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/.eslintrc.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cccb8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/.eslintrc.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+root: true
+extends: semistandard
+  indent:
+    - error
+    - 4
+  camelcase: off
+  padded-blocks: off
+  operator-linebreak: off
+  no-throw-literal: off
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/.travis.yml b/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/.travis.yml
index b9af4c5..77dd88e 100644
--- a/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/.travis.yml
+++ b/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/.travis.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,78 @@
-language: node_js
 sudo: false
-  - "4.2"
+  jwt:
+    secure: JYUSu0UCRC8cpcuh39sn9RqkGBFbG7Hcil3NTpTWbnDRbNrlZeCzDDSirSRD9rPC+M3AEmTo3zKHuWusjUSV4NWLoad/Yd0JXgSNKmxxdESlN6stxCn7oK1I7DwcSlW7capx/44fEjOZ5hajO4mjM/QYuu7+QOuaKvhP5jQjong=
+  global:
+  include:
+  - env: PLATFORM=browser-firefox
+    os: linux
+    language: node_js
+    node_js: '4.2'
+  - env: PLATFORM=browser-safari
+    os: linux
+    language: node_js
+    node_js: '4.2'
+  - env: PLATFORM=browser-edge
+    os: linux
+    language: node_js
+    node_js: '4.2'
+  - env: PLATFORM=ios-9.3
+    os: osx
+    osx_image: xcode7.3
+    language: node_js
+    node_js: '4.2'
+  - env: PLATFORM=ios-10.0
+    os: osx
+    osx_image: xcode7.3
+    language: node_js
+    node_js: '4.2'
+  - env: PLATFORM=android-4.4
+    os: linux
+    language: android
+    jdk: oraclejdk8
+    android:
+      components:
+      - tools
+  - env: PLATFORM=android-5.1
+    os: linux
+    language: android
+    jdk: oraclejdk8
+    android:
+      components:
+      - tools
+  - env: PLATFORM=android-6.0
+    os: linux
+    language: android
+    jdk: oraclejdk8
+    android:
+      components:
+      - tools
+  - env: PLATFORM=android-7.0
+    os: linux
+    language: android
+    jdk: oraclejdk8
+    android:
+      components:
+      - tools
+- rm -rf ~/.nvm && git clone https://github.com/creationix/nvm.git ~/.nvm && (cd ~/.nvm
+  && git checkout `git describe --abbrev=0 --tags`) && source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh && nvm
+- node --version
+- if [[ "$PLATFORM" =~ android ]]; then gradle --version; fi
+- if [[ "$PLATFORM" =~ ios ]]; then npm install -g ios-deploy; fi
+- if [[ "$PLATFORM" =~ android ]]; then echo y | android update sdk -u --filter android-22,android-23,android-24,android-25,android-26;
+  fi
+- git clone https://github.com/apache/cordova-paramedic /tmp/paramedic && pushd /tmp/paramedic
+  && npm install && popd
+- npm install -g cordova
+- npm install
+- npm test
+- node /tmp/paramedic/main.js --config pr/$PLATFORM --plugin $(pwd) --shouldUseSauce
+  --buildName travis-plugin-file-$TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER
diff --git a/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/package.json b/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/package.json
index fa38248..82fc38f 100644
--- a/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/package.json
+++ b/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/package.json
@@ -1,61 +1,62 @@
-  "_args": [
-    [
-      "cordova-plugin-file@4.3.3",
-      "/home/jfolpf/form-for-parking-violation"
-    ]
-  ],
-  "_from": "cordova-plugin-file@4.3.3",
-  "_id": "cordova-plugin-file@4.3.3",
+  "_from": "cordova-plugin-file@6.0.1",
+  "_id": "cordova-plugin-file@6.0.1",
   "_inBundle": false,
-  "_integrity": "sha1-AS6Xqhr7kfhJFuY0G1SDZtI96bk=",
+  "_integrity": "sha1-SWBrjBWlaI1HKPkuSnMloGHeB/U=",
   "_location": "/cordova-plugin-file",
   "_phantomChildren": {},
   "_requested": {
     "type": "version",
     "registry": true,
-    "raw": "cordova-plugin-file@4.3.3",
+    "raw": "cordova-plugin-file@6.0.1",
     "name": "cordova-plugin-file",
     "escapedName": "cordova-plugin-file",
-    "rawSpec": "4.3.3",
+    "rawSpec": "6.0.1",
     "saveSpec": null,
-    "fetchSpec": "4.3.3"
+    "fetchSpec": "6.0.1"
   "_requiredBy": [
+    "#USER",
-  "_resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/cordova-plugin-file/-/cordova-plugin-file-4.3.3.tgz",
-  "_spec": "4.3.3",
+  "_resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/cordova-plugin-file/-/cordova-plugin-file-6.0.1.tgz",
+  "_shasum": "49606b8c15a5688d4728f92e4a7325a061de07f5",
+  "_spec": "cordova-plugin-file@6.0.1",
   "_where": "/home/jfolpf/form-for-parking-violation",
   "author": {
     "name": "Apache Software Foundation"
   "bugs": {
-    "url": "https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-file/issues"
+    "url": "https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB"
+  "bundleDependencies": false,
   "cordova": {
     "id": "cordova-plugin-file",
     "platforms": [
-      "amazon-fireos",
-      "ubuntu",
+      "browser",
-      "wp7",
-      "wp8",
-      "blackberry10",
-      "windows8",
-      "windows",
-      "firefoxos"
+      "windows"
+  "deprecated": false,
   "description": "Cordova File Plugin",
   "devDependencies": {
-    "jshint": "^2.6.0"
+    "eslint": "^3.19.0",
+    "eslint-config-semistandard": "^11.0.0",
+    "eslint-config-standard": "^10.2.1",
+    "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.3.0",
+    "eslint-plugin-node": "^5.0.0",
+    "eslint-plugin-promise": "^3.5.0",
+    "eslint-plugin-standard": "^3.0.1"
   "engines": {
     "cordovaDependencies": {
       "5.0.0": {
+        "cordova-android": ">=6.3.0"
+      },
+      "7.0.0": {
         "cordova": ">100"
@@ -66,16 +67,10 @@
-    "cordova-amazon-fireos",
-    "cordova-ubuntu",
+    "cordova-browser",
-    "cordova-wp7",
-    "cordova-wp8",
-    "cordova-blackberry10",
-    "cordova-windows8",
-    "cordova-windows",
-    "cordova-firefoxos"
+    "cordova-windows"
   "license": "Apache-2.0",
   "name": "cordova-plugin-file",
@@ -84,9 +79,9 @@
     "url": "git+https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-file.git"
   "scripts": {
-    "jshint": "node node_modules/jshint/bin/jshint www && node node_modules/jshint/bin/jshint src && node node_modules/jshint/bin/jshint tests",
-    "test": "npm run jshint"
+    "eslint": "node node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint www && node node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint src && node node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint tests",
+    "test": "npm run eslint"
   "types": "./types/index.d.ts",
-  "version": "4.3.3"
+  "version": "6.0.1"
diff --git a/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/plugin.xml b/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/plugin.xml
index d1662ce..ecd15e9 100644
--- a/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/plugin.xml
+++ b/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/plugin.xml
@@ -21,14 +21,17 @@
 <plugin xmlns="http://apache.org/cordova/ns/plugins/1.0"
-      version="4.3.3">
+      version="6.0.1">
     <description>Cordova File Plugin</description>
     <license>Apache 2.0</license>
-    <dependency id="cordova-plugin-compat" version="^1.0.0" />
+    <engines>
+        <engine name="cordova-android" version=">=6.3.0" />
+    </engines>
     <js-module src="www/DirectoryEntry.js" name="DirectoryEntry">
         <clobbers target="window.DirectoryEntry" />
@@ -161,61 +164,6 @@ to config.xml in order for the application to find previously stored files.
-    <!-- amazon-fireos -->
-    <platform name="amazon-fireos">
-        <config-file target="res/xml/config.xml" parent="/*">
-            <feature name="File" >
-                <param name="android-package" value="org.apache.cordova.file.FileUtils"/>
-                <param name="onload" value="true" />
-            </feature>
-        </config-file>
-        <config-file target="AndroidManifest.xml" parent="/*">
-            <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
-        </config-file>
-        <source-file src="src/android/EncodingException.java" target-dir="src/org/apache/cordova/file" />
-        <source-file src="src/android/FileExistsException.java" target-dir="src/org/apache/cordova/file" />
-        <source-file src="src/android/InvalidModificationException.java" target-dir="src/org/apache/cordova/file" />
-        <source-file src="src/android/NoModificationAllowedException.java" target-dir="src/org/apache/cordova/file" />
-        <source-file src="src/android/TypeMismatchException.java" target-dir="src/org/apache/cordova/file" />
-        <source-file src="src/android/FileUtils.java" target-dir="src/org/apache/cordova/file" />
-        <source-file src="src/android/DirectoryManager.java" target-dir="src/org/apache/cordova/file" />
-        <source-file src="src/android/LocalFilesystemURL.java" target-dir="src/org/apache/cordova/file" />
-        <source-file src="src/android/Filesystem.java" target-dir="src/org/apache/cordova/file" />
-        <source-file src="src/android/LocalFilesystem.java" target-dir="src/org/apache/cordova/file" />
-        <source-file src="src/android/ContentFilesystem.java" target-dir="src/org/apache/cordova/file" />
-        <source-file src="src/android/AssetFilesystem.java" target-dir="src/org/apache/cordova/file" />
-        <!-- android specific file apis -->
-        <js-module src="www/android/FileSystem.js" name="androidFileSystem">
-            <merges target="window.FileSystem" />
-        </js-module>
-        <js-module src="www/fileSystems-roots.js" name="fileSystems-roots">
-            <runs/>
-        </js-module>
-        <js-module src="www/fileSystemPaths.js" name="fileSystemPaths">
-            <merges target="cordova" />
-            <runs/>
-        </js-module>
-    </platform>
-    <!-- ubuntu -->
-    <platform name="ubuntu">
-        <header-file src="src/ubuntu/file.h" />
-        <source-file src="src/ubuntu/file.cpp" />
-        <js-module src="www/ubuntu/FileSystem.js" name="ubuntuFileSystem1">
-            <merges target="window.FileSystem" />
-        </js-module>
-        <js-module src="www/ubuntu/FileWriter.js" name="FileWriter1">
-            <merges target="window.FileWriter" />
-        </js-module>
-        <js-module src="www/ubuntu/fileSystems-roots.js" name="fileSystems-roots">
-            <runs/>
-        </js-module>
-    </platform>
     <!-- ios -->
     <platform name="ios">
         <config-file target="config.xml" parent="/*">
@@ -277,101 +225,6 @@ to config.xml in order for the application to find previously stored files.
-    <!-- wp7 -->
-    <platform name="wp7">
-        <config-file target="config.xml" parent="/*">
-            <feature name="File">
-                <param name="wp-package" value="File"/>
-            </feature>
-        </config-file>
-        <source-file src="src/wp/File.cs" />
-        <!-- wp specific file apis -->
-        <js-module src="www/wp/FileUploadOptions.js" name="FileUploadOptions1">
-            <merges target="window.FileUploadOptions" />
-        </js-module>
-    </platform>
-    <!-- wp8 -->
-    <platform name="wp8">
-        <config-file target="config.xml" parent="/*">
-            <feature name="File">
-                <param name="wp-package" value="File"/>
-            </feature>
-        </config-file>
-        <source-file src="src/wp/File.cs" />
-        <!-- wp specific file apis -->
-        <js-module src="www/wp/FileUploadOptions.js" name="FileUploadOptions1">
-            <merges target="window.FileUploadOptions" />
-        </js-module>
-    </platform>
-    <!-- blackberry10 -->
-    <platform name="blackberry10">
-        <config-file target="www/config.xml" parent="/widget">
-            <feature name="File" value="File" />
-        </config-file>
-        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/FileProxy.js" name="FileProxy" >
-            <runs />
-        </js-module>
-        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/info.js" name="bb10FileSystemInfo">
-            <runs />
-        </js-module>
-        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/createEntryFromNative.js" name="bb10CreateEntryFromNative">
-            <runs />
-        </js-module>
-        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/requestAnimationFrame.js" name="bb10RequestAnimationFrame">
-            <runs />
-        </js-module>
-        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/FileSystem.js" name="bb10FileSystem">
-            <merges target="window.FileSystem" />
-        </js-module>
-        <js-module src="www/fileSystems-roots.js" name="fileSystems-roots">
-            <runs/>
-        </js-module>
-        <js-module src="www/fileSystemPaths.js" name="fileSystemPaths">
-            <merges target="cordova" />
-        </js-module>
-        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/copyTo.js" name="copyToProxy" />
-        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/getDirectory.js" name="getDirectoryProxy" />
-        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/getFile.js" name="getFileProxy" />
-        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/getFileMetadata.js" name="getFileMetadataProxy" />
-        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/getMetadata.js" name="getMetadataProxy" />
-        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/getParent.js" name="getParentProxy" />
-        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/moveTo.js" name="moveToProxy" />
-        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/readAsArrayBuffer.js" name="readAsArrayBufferProxy" />
-        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/readAsBinaryString.js" name="readAsBinaryStringProxy" />
-        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/readAsDataURL.js" name="readAsDataURLProxy" />
-        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/readAsText.js" name="readAsTextProxy" />
-        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/readEntries.js" name="readEntriesProxy" />
-        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/remove.js" name="removeProxy" />
-        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/removeRecursively.js" name="removeRecursivelyProxy" />
-        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/resolveLocalFileSystemURI.js" name="resolveLocalFileSystemURIProxy" />
-        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/requestAllFileSystems.js" name="requestAllFileSystemsProxy" />
-        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/requestFileSystem.js" name="requestFileSystemProxy" />
-        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/setMetadata.js" name="setMetadataProxy" />
-        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/truncate.js" name="truncateProxy" />
-        <js-module src="www/blackberry10/write.js" name="writeProxy" />
-        <source-file src="src/blackberry10/index.js" target-dir="File" />
-    </platform>
-    <!-- windows8 -->
-    <platform name="windows8">
-        <js-module src="src/windows/FileProxy.js" name="FileProxy">
-            <runs />
-        </js-module>
-        <js-module src="www/fileSystemPaths.js" name="fileSystemPaths">
-            <merges target="cordova" />
-            <runs/>
-        </js-module>
-    </platform>
     <!-- windows -->
     <platform name="windows">
         <js-module src="src/windows/FileProxy.js" name="FileProxy">
@@ -384,23 +237,6 @@ to config.xml in order for the application to find previously stored files.
-    <!-- firefox os -->
-    <platform name="firefoxos">
-        <js-module src="src/firefoxos/FileProxy.js" name="FileProxy">
-            <runs />
-        </js-module>
-        <js-module src="www/fileSystemPaths.js" name="fileSystemPaths">
-            <merges target="cordova" />
-            <runs/>
-        </js-module>
-        <!-- Firefox OS specific file apis -->
-        <js-module src="www/firefoxos/FileSystem.js" name="firefoxFileSystem">
-            <merges target="window.FileSystem" />
-        </js-module>
-    </platform>
     <platform name="browser">
         <!-- File for Chrome -->
         <js-module src="www/browser/Preparing.js" name="Preparing">
diff --git a/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/src/ubuntu/file.cpp b/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/src/ubuntu/file.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 395ab2d..0000000
--- a/plugins/cordova-plugin-file/src/ubuntu/file.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,912 +0,0 @@
- *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- *  limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "file.h"
-#include <QApplication>
-namespace {
-    class FileError {
-    public:
-        static const QString kEncodingErr;
-        static const QString kTypeMismatchErr;
-        static const QString kNotFoundErr;
-        static const QString kSecurityErr;
-        static const QString kAbortErr;
-        static const QString kNotReadableErr;
-        static const QString kNoModificationAllowedErr;
-        static const QString kInvalidStateErr;
-        static const QString kSyntaxErr;
-        static const QString kInvalidModificationErr;
-        static const QString kQuotaExceededErr;
-        static const QString kPathExistsErr;
-    };
-    bool checkFileName(const QString &name) {
-        if (name.contains(":")){
-            return false;
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
-const QString FileError::kEncodingErr("FileError.ENCODING_ERR");
-const QString FileError::kTypeMismatchErr("FileError.TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR");
-const QString FileError::kNotFoundErr("FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR");
-const QString FileError::kSecurityErr("FileError.SECURITY_ERR");
-const QString FileError::kAbortErr("FileError.ABORT_ERR");
-const QString FileError::kNotReadableErr("FileError.NOT_READABLE_ERR");
-const QString FileError::kNoModificationAllowedErr("FileError.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR");
-const QString FileError::kInvalidStateErr("FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR");
-const QString FileError::kSyntaxErr("FileError.SYNTAX_ERR");
-const QString FileError::kInvalidModificationErr("FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR");
-const QString FileError::kQuotaExceededErr("FileError.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR");
-const QString FileError::kPathExistsErr("FileError.PATH_EXISTS_ERR");
-File::File(Cordova *cordova) :
-    CPlugin(cordova),
-    _persistentDir(QString("%1/.local/share/%2/persistent").arg(QDir::homePath()).arg(QCoreApplication::applicationName())) {
-    QDir::root().mkpath(_persistentDir.absolutePath());
-QVariantMap File::file2map(const QFileInfo &fileInfo) {
-    QVariantMap res;
-    res.insert("name", fileInfo.fileName());
-    QPair<QString, QString> r = GetRelativePath(fileInfo);
-    res.insert("fullPath", QString("/") + r.second);
-    res.insert("filesystemName", r.first);
-    res.insert("nativeURL", QString("file://localhost") + fileInfo.absoluteFilePath());
-    res.insert("isDirectory", (int)fileInfo.isDir());
-    res.insert("isFile", (int)fileInfo.isFile());
-    return res;
-QVariantMap File::dir2map(const QDir &dir) {
-    return file2map(QFileInfo(dir.absolutePath()));
-QPair<QString, QString> File::GetRelativePath(const QFileInfo &fileInfo) {
-    QString fullPath = fileInfo.isDir() ? QDir::cleanPath(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath()) : fileInfo.absoluteFilePath();
-    QString relativePath1 = _persistentDir.relativeFilePath(fullPath);
-    QString relativePath2 = QDir::temp().relativeFilePath(fullPath);
-    if (!(relativePath1[0] != '.' || relativePath2[0] != '.')) {
-        if (relativePath1.size() > relativePath2.size()) {
-            return QPair<QString, QString>("temporary", relativePath2);
-        } else {
-            return QPair<QString, QString>("persistent", relativePath1);
-        }
-    }
-    if (relativePath1[0] != '.')
-        return QPair<QString, QString>("persistent", relativePath1);
-    return QPair<QString, QString>("temporary", relativePath2);
-void File::requestFileSystem(int scId, int ecId, unsigned short type, unsigned long long size) {
-    QDir dir;
-    if (size >= 1000485760){
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kQuotaExceededErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    if (type == 0)
-        dir = QDir::temp();
-    else
-        dir = _persistentDir;
-    if (type > 1) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kSyntaxErr);
-        return;
-    } else {
-        QVariantMap res;
-        res.insert("root", dir2map(dir));
-        if (type == 0)
-            res.insert("name", "temporary");
-        else
-            res.insert("name", "persistent");
-        this->cb(scId, res);
-    }
-QPair<bool, QFileInfo> File::resolveURI(int ecId, const QString &uri) {
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> result;
-    result.first = false;
-    QUrl url = QUrl::fromUserInput(uri);
-    if (url.scheme() == "file" && url.isValid()) {
-        result.first = true;
-        result.second = QFileInfo(url.path());
-        return result;
-    }
-    if (url.scheme() != "cdvfile") {
-        if (ecId)
-            this->callback(ecId, FileError::kTypeMismatchErr);
-        return result;
-    }
-    QString path = url.path().replace("//", "/");
-    //NOTE: colon is not safe in url, it is not a valid path in Win and Mac, simple disable it here.
-    if (path.contains(":") || !url.isValid()){
-        if (ecId)
-            this->callback(ecId, FileError::kEncodingErr);
-        return result;
-    }
-    if (!path.startsWith("/persistent/") && !path.startsWith("/temporary/")) {
-        if (ecId)
-            this->callback(ecId, FileError::kEncodingErr);
-        return result;
-    }
-    result.first = true;
-    if (path.startsWith("/persistent/")) {
-        QString relativePath = path.mid(QString("/persistent/").size());
-        result.second = QFileInfo(_persistentDir.filePath(relativePath));
-    } else {
-        QString relativePath = path.mid(QString("/temporary/").size());
-        result.second = QFileInfo(QDir::temp().filePath(relativePath));
-    }
-    return result;
-QPair<bool, QFileInfo> File::resolveURI(const QString &uri) {
-    return resolveURI(0, uri);
-void File::_getLocalFilesystemPath(int scId, int ecId, const QString& uri) {
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> f1 = resolveURI(ecId, uri);
-    if (!f1.first)
-        return;
-    this->cb(scId, f1.second.absoluteFilePath());
-void File::resolveLocalFileSystemURI(int scId, int ecId, const QString &uri) {
-    if (uri[0] == '/' || uri[0] == '.') {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kEncodingErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> f1 = resolveURI(ecId, uri);
-    if (!f1.first)
-        return;
-    QFileInfo fileInfo = f1.second;
-    if (!fileInfo.exists()) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNotFoundErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    this->cb(scId, file2map(fileInfo));
-void File::getFile(int scId, int ecId, const QString &parentPath, const QString &rpath, const QVariantMap &options) {
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> f1 = resolveURI(ecId, parentPath + "/" + rpath);
-    if (!f1.first)
-        return;
-    bool create = options.value("create").toBool();
-    bool exclusive = options.value("exclusive").toBool();
-    QFile file(f1.second.absoluteFilePath());
-    // if create is false and the path represents a directory, return error
-    QFileInfo fileInfo = f1.second;
-    if ((!create) && fileInfo.isDir()) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kTypeMismatchErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    // if file does exist, and create is true and exclusive is true, return error
-    if (file.exists()) {
-        if (create && exclusive) {
-            this->callback(ecId, FileError::kPathExistsErr);
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        // if file does not exist and create is false, return error
-        if (!create) {
-            this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNotFoundErr);
-            return;
-        }
-        file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly);
-        file.close();
-        // Check if creation was successfull
-        if (!file.exists()) {
-            this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNoModificationAllowedErr);
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    this->cb(scId, file2map(QFileInfo(file)));
-void File::getDirectory(int scId, int ecId, const QString &parentPath, const QString &rpath, const QVariantMap &options) {
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> f1 = resolveURI(ecId, parentPath + "/" + rpath);
-    if (!f1.first)
-        return;
-    bool create = options.value("create").toBool();
-    bool exclusive = options.value("exclusive").toBool();
-    QDir dir(f1.second.absoluteFilePath());
-    QFileInfo &fileInfo = f1.second;
-    if ((!create) && fileInfo.isFile()) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kTypeMismatchErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    if (dir.exists()) {
-        if (create && exclusive) {
-            this->callback(ecId, FileError::kPathExistsErr);
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        if (!create) {
-            this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNotFoundErr);
-            return;
-        }
-        QString folderName = dir.dirName();
-        dir.cdUp();
-        dir.mkdir(folderName);
-        dir.cd(folderName);
-        if (!dir.exists()) {
-            this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNoModificationAllowedErr);
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    this->cb(scId, dir2map(dir));
-void File::removeRecursively(int scId, int ecId, const QString &uri) {
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> f1 = resolveURI(ecId, uri);
-    if (!f1.first)
-        return;
-    QDir dir(f1.second.absoluteFilePath());
-    if (File::rmDir(dir))
-        this->cb(scId);
-    else
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNoModificationAllowedErr);
-void File::write(int scId, int ecId, const QString &uri, const QString &_data, unsigned long long position, bool binary) {
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> f1 = resolveURI(ecId, uri);
-    if (!f1.first)
-        return;
-    QFile file(f1.second.absoluteFilePath());
-    file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly);
-    file.close();
-    if (!file.exists()) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNotFoundErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    QFileInfo fileInfo(file);
-    if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite)) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNoModificationAllowedErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    if (!binary) {
-        QTextStream textStream(&file);
-        textStream.setCodec("UTF-8");
-        textStream.setAutoDetectUnicode(true);
-        if (!textStream.seek(position)) {
-            file.close();
-            fileInfo.refresh();
-            this->callback(ecId, FileError::kInvalidModificationErr);
-            return;
-        }
-        textStream << _data;
-        textStream.flush();
-    } else {
-        QByteArray data(_data.toUtf8());
-        if (!file.seek(position)) {
-            file.close();
-            fileInfo.refresh();
-            this->callback(ecId, FileError::kInvalidModificationErr);
-            return;
-        }
-        file.write(data.data(), data.length());
-    }
-    file.flush();
-    file.close();
-    fileInfo.refresh();
-    this->cb(scId, fileInfo.size() - position);
-void File::truncate(int scId, int ecId, const QString &uri, unsigned long long size) {
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> f1 = resolveURI(ecId, uri);
-    if (!f1.first)
-        return;
-    QFile file(f1.second.absoluteFilePath());
-    if (!file.exists()) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNotFoundErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    if (!file.resize(size)) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNoModificationAllowedErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    this->cb(scId, size);
-void File::getParent(int scId, int ecId, const QString &uri) {
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> f1 = resolveURI(ecId, uri);
-    if (!f1.first)
-        return;
-    QDir dir(f1.second.absoluteFilePath());
-    //can't cdup more than app's root
-    // Try to change into upper directory
-    if (dir != _persistentDir && dir != QDir::temp()){
-        if (!dir.cdUp()) {
-            this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNotFoundErr);
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    this->cb(scId, dir2map(dir));
-void File::remove(int scId, int ecId, const QString &uri) {
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> f1 = resolveURI(ecId, uri);
-    if (!f1.first)
-        return;
-    QFileInfo &fileInfo = f1.second;
-    //TODO: fix
-    if (!fileInfo.exists() || (fileInfo.absoluteFilePath() == _persistentDir.absolutePath()) || (QDir::temp() == fileInfo.absoluteFilePath())) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNoModificationAllowedErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    if (fileInfo.isDir()) {
-        QDir dir(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath());
-        if (dir.rmdir(dir.absolutePath())) {
-            this->cb(scId);
-            return;
-        }
-    } else {
-        QFile file(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath());
-        if (file.remove()) {
-            this->cb(scId);
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    this->callback(ecId, FileError::kInvalidModificationErr);
-void File::getFileMetadata(int scId, int ecId, const QString &uri) {
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> f1 = resolveURI(ecId, uri);
-    if (!f1.first)
-        return;
-    QFileInfo &fileInfo = f1.second;
-    if (!fileInfo.exists()) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNotFoundErr);
-    } else {
-        QMimeType mime = _db.mimeTypeForFile(fileInfo.fileName());
-        QString args = QString("{name: %1, fullPath: %2, type: %3, lastModifiedDate: new Date(%4), size: %5}")
-            .arg(CordovaInternal::format(fileInfo.fileName())).arg(CordovaInternal::format(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath()))
-            .arg(CordovaInternal::format(mime.name())).arg(fileInfo.lastModified().toMSecsSinceEpoch())
-            .arg(fileInfo.size());
-        this->callback(scId, args);
-    }
-void File::getMetadata(int scId, int ecId, const QString &uri) {
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> f1 = resolveURI(ecId, uri);
-    if (!f1.first)
-        return;
-    QFileInfo &fileInfo = f1.second;
-    if (!fileInfo.exists())
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNotFoundErr);
-    else {
-        QVariantMap obj;
-        obj.insert("modificationTime", fileInfo.lastModified().toMSecsSinceEpoch());
-        obj.insert("size", fileInfo.isDir() ? 0 : fileInfo.size());
-        this->cb(scId, obj);
-    }
-void File::readEntries(int scId, int ecId, const QString &uri) {
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> f1 = resolveURI(ecId, uri);
-    if (!f1.first)
-        return;
-    QDir dir(f1.second.absoluteFilePath());
-    QString entriesList;
-    if (!dir.exists()) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNotFoundErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    for (const QFileInfo &fileInfo: dir.entryInfoList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)) {
-        entriesList += CordovaInternal::format(file2map(fileInfo)) + ",";
-    }
-    // Remove trailing comma
-    if (entriesList.size() > 0)
-        entriesList.remove(entriesList.size() - 1, 1);
-    entriesList = "new Array(" + entriesList + ")";
-    this->callback(scId, entriesList);
-void File::readAsText(int scId, int ecId, const QString &uri, const QString &/*encoding*/, int sliceStart, int sliceEnd) {
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> f1 = resolveURI(ecId, uri);
-    if (!f1.first)
-        return;
-    QFile file(f1.second.absoluteFilePath());
-    if (!file.exists()) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNotFoundErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNotReadableErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    QByteArray content = file.readAll();
-    if (sliceEnd == -1)
-        sliceEnd = content.size();
-    if (sliceEnd < 0) {
-        sliceEnd++;
-        sliceEnd = std::max(0, content.size() + sliceEnd);
-    }
-    if (sliceEnd > content.size())
-        sliceEnd = content.size();
-    if (sliceStart < 0)
-        sliceStart = std::max(0, content.size() + sliceStart);
-    if (sliceStart > content.size())
-        sliceStart = content.size();
-    if (sliceStart > sliceEnd)
-        sliceEnd = sliceStart;
-    //FIXME: encoding
-    content = content.mid(sliceStart, sliceEnd - sliceStart);
-    this->cb(scId, content);
-void File::readAsArrayBuffer(int scId, int ecId, const QString &uri, int sliceStart, int sliceEnd) {
-    const QString str2array("\
-    (function strToArray(str) {                 \
-        var res = new Uint8Array(str.length);   \
-        for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {  \
-            res[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);         \
-        }                                       \
-        return res;                             \
-    })(\"%1\")");
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> f1 = resolveURI(ecId, uri);
-    if (!f1.first)
-        return;
-    QFile file(f1.second.absoluteFilePath());
-    if (!file.exists()) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNotFoundErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNotReadableErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    QString res;
-    QByteArray content = file.readAll();
-    if (sliceEnd == -1)
-        sliceEnd = content.size();
-    if (sliceEnd < 0) {
-        sliceEnd++;
-        sliceEnd = std::max(0, content.size() + sliceEnd);
-    }
-    if (sliceEnd > content.size())
-        sliceEnd = content.size();
-    if (sliceStart < 0)
-        sliceStart = std::max(0, content.size() + sliceStart);
-    if (sliceStart > content.size())
-        sliceStart = content.size();
-    if (sliceStart > sliceEnd)
-        sliceEnd = sliceStart;
-    content = content.mid(sliceStart, sliceEnd - sliceStart);
-    res.reserve(content.length() * 6);
-    for (uchar c: content) {
-        res += "\\x";
-        res += QString::number(c, 16).rightJustified(2, '0').toUpper();
-    }
-    this->callback(scId, str2array.arg(res));
-void File::readAsBinaryString(int scId, int ecId, const QString &uri, int sliceStart, int sliceEnd) {
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> f1 = resolveURI(ecId, uri);
-    if (!f1.first)
-        return;
-    QFile file(f1.second.absoluteFilePath());
-    if (!file.exists()) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNotFoundErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNotReadableErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    QString res;
-    QByteArray content = file.readAll();
-    if (sliceEnd == -1)
-        sliceEnd = content.size();
-    if (sliceEnd < 0) {
-        sliceEnd++;
-        sliceEnd = std::max(0, content.size() + sliceEnd);
-    }
-    if (sliceEnd > content.size())
-        sliceEnd = content.size();
-    if (sliceStart < 0)
-        sliceStart = std::max(0, content.size() + sliceStart);
-    if (sliceStart > content.size())
-        sliceStart = content.size();
-    if (sliceStart > sliceEnd)
-        sliceEnd = sliceStart;
-    content = content.mid(sliceStart, sliceEnd - sliceStart);
-    res.reserve(content.length() * 6);
-    for (uchar c: content) {
-        res += "\\x";
-        res += QString::number(c, 16).rightJustified(2, '0').toUpper();
-    }
-    this->callback(scId, "\"" + res + "\"");
-void File::readAsDataURL(int scId, int ecId, const QString &uri, int sliceStart, int sliceEnd) {
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> f1 = resolveURI(ecId, uri);
-    if (!f1.first)
-        return;
-    QFile file(f1.second.absoluteFilePath());
-    QFileInfo &fileInfo = f1.second;
-    if (!file.exists()) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNotReadableErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNotReadableErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    QByteArray content = file.readAll();
-    QString contentType(_db.mimeTypeForFile(fileInfo.fileName()).name());
-    if (sliceEnd == -1)
-        sliceEnd = content.size();
-    if (sliceEnd < 0) {
-        sliceEnd++;
-        sliceEnd = std::max(0, content.size() + sliceEnd);
-    }
-    if (sliceEnd > content.size())
-        sliceEnd = content.size();
-    if (sliceStart < 0)
-        sliceStart = std::max(0, content.size() + sliceStart);
-    if (sliceStart > content.size())
-        sliceStart = content.size();
-    if (sliceStart > sliceEnd)
-        sliceEnd = sliceStart;
-    content = content.mid(sliceStart, sliceEnd - sliceStart);
-    this->cb(scId, QString("data:%1;base64,").arg(contentType) + content.toBase64());
-bool File::rmDir(const QDir &dir) {
-    if (dir == _persistentDir || dir == QDir::temp()) {//can't remove root dir
-        return false;
-    }
-    bool result = true;
-    if (dir.exists()) {
-        // Iterate over entries and remove them
-        Q_FOREACH(const QFileInfo &fileInfo, dir.entryInfoList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)) {
-            if (fileInfo.isDir()) {
-                result = rmDir(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath());
-            }
-            else {
-                result = QFile::remove(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath());
-            }
-            if (!result) {
-                return result;
-            }
-        }
-        // Finally remove the current dir
-        return dir.rmdir(dir.absolutePath());
-    }
-    return result;
-bool File::copyFile(int scId, int ecId,const QString& sourceUri, const QString& destinationUri, const QString& newName) {
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> destDir = resolveURI(ecId, destinationUri);
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> sourceFile = resolveURI(ecId, sourceUri);
-    if (!destDir.first || !sourceFile.first)
-        return false;
-    if (!checkFileName(newName)) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kEncodingErr);
-        return false;
-    }
-    if (destDir.second.isFile()) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kInvalidModificationErr);
-        return false;
-    }
-    if (!destDir.second.isDir()) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNotFoundErr);
-        return false;
-    }
-    QFileInfo &fileInfo = sourceFile.second;
-    QString fileName((newName.isEmpty()) ? fileInfo.fileName() : newName);
-    QString destinationFile(QDir(destDir.second.absoluteFilePath()).filePath(fileName));
-    if (QFile::copy(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath(), destinationFile)){
-        this->cb(scId, file2map(QFileInfo(destinationFile)));
-        return true;
-    }
-    this->callback(ecId, FileError::kInvalidModificationErr);
-    return false;
-void File::copyDir(int scId, int ecId,const QString& sourceUri, const QString& destinationUri, const QString& newName) {
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> destDir = resolveURI(ecId, destinationUri);
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> sourceDir = resolveURI(ecId, sourceUri);
-    if (!destDir.first || !sourceDir.first)
-        return;
-    if (!checkFileName(newName)) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kEncodingErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    QString targetName = ((newName.isEmpty()) ? sourceDir.second.fileName() : newName);
-    QString target(QDir(destDir.second.absoluteFilePath()).filePath(targetName));
-    if (QFileInfo(target).isFile()){
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kInvalidModificationErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    // check: copy directory into itself
-    if (QDir(sourceDir.second.absoluteFilePath()).relativeFilePath(target)[0] != '.'){
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kInvalidModificationErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    if (!QDir(target).exists()){
-        QDir(destDir.second.absoluteFilePath()).mkdir(target);;
-    } else{
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kInvalidModificationErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    if (copyFolder(sourceDir.second.absoluteFilePath(), target)){
-        this->cb(scId, dir2map(QDir(target)));
-        return;
-    }
-    this->callback(ecId, FileError::kInvalidModificationErr);
-    return;
-void File::copyTo(int scId, int ecId, const QString& source, const QString& destinationDir, const QString& newName) {
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> f1 = resolveURI(ecId, source);
-    if (!f1.first)
-        return;
-    if (f1.second.isDir())
-        copyDir(scId, ecId, source, destinationDir, newName);
-    else
-        copyFile(scId, ecId, source, destinationDir, newName);
-void File::moveFile(int scId, int ecId,const QString& sourceUri, const QString& destinationUri, const QString& newName) {
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> sourceFile = resolveURI(ecId, sourceUri);
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> destDir = resolveURI(ecId, destinationUri);
-    if (!destDir.first || !sourceFile.first)
-        return;
-    if (!checkFileName(newName)) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kEncodingErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    QString fileName = ((newName.isEmpty()) ? sourceFile.second.fileName() : newName);
-    QString target = QDir(destDir.second.absoluteFilePath()).filePath(fileName);
-    if (sourceFile.second == QFileInfo(target)) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kInvalidModificationErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    if (!destDir.second.exists()) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNotFoundErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    if (!destDir.second.isDir()){
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kInvalidModificationErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    if (QFileInfo(target).exists()) {
-        if (!QFile::remove(target)) {
-            this->callback(ecId, FileError::kInvalidModificationErr);
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    QFile::rename(sourceFile.second.absoluteFilePath(), target);
-    this->cb(scId, file2map(QFileInfo(target)));
-void File::moveDir(int scId, int ecId,const QString& sourceUri, const QString& destinationUri, const QString& newName){
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> sourceDir = resolveURI(ecId, sourceUri);
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> destDir = resolveURI(ecId, destinationUri);
-    if (!destDir.first || !sourceDir.first)
-        return;
-    if (!checkFileName(newName)) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kEncodingErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    QString fileName = ((newName.isEmpty()) ? sourceDir.second.fileName() : newName);
-    QString target = QDir(destDir.second.absoluteFilePath()).filePath(fileName);
-    if (!destDir.second.exists()){
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNotFoundErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    if (destDir.second.isFile()){
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kInvalidModificationErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    // check: copy directory into itself
-    if (QDir(sourceDir.second.absoluteFilePath()).relativeFilePath(target)[0] != '.'){
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kInvalidModificationErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    if (QFileInfo(target).exists() && !QDir(destDir.second.absoluteFilePath()).rmdir(fileName)) {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kInvalidModificationErr);
-        return;
-    }
-    if (copyFolder(sourceDir.second.absoluteFilePath(), target)) {
-        rmDir(sourceDir.second.absoluteFilePath());
-        this->cb(scId, file2map(QFileInfo(target)));
-    } else {
-        this->callback(ecId, FileError::kNoModificationAllowedErr);
-    }
-void File::moveTo(int scId, int ecId, const QString& source, const QString& destinationDir, const QString& newName) {
-    QPair<bool, QFileInfo> f1 = resolveURI(ecId, source);
-    if (!f1.first)
-        return;
-    if (f1.second.isDir())
-        moveDir(scId, ecId, source, destinationDir, newName);
-    else
-        moveFile(scId, ecId, source, destinationDir, newName);
-bool File::copyFolder(const QString& sourceFolder, const QString& destFolder) {
-    QDir sourceDir(sourceFolder);
-    if (!sourceDir.exists())
-        return false;
-    QDir destDir(destFolder);
-    if (!destDir.exists()){
-        destDir.mkdir(destFolder);
-    }
-    QStringList files = sourceDir.entryList(QDir::Files);
-    for (int i = 0; i< files.count(); i++)
-    {
-        QString srcName = sourceFolder + "/" + files[i];
-        QString destName = destFolder + "/" + files[i];
-        QFile::copy(srcName, destName);
-    }
-    files.clear();
-    files = sourceDir.entryList(QDir::AllDirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
-    for (int i = 0; i< files.count(); i++)
-    {
-        QString srcName = sourceFolder + "/" + files[i];
-        QString destName = destFolder + "/" + files[i];
-        copyFolder(srcName, destName);
-    }
-    return true;
diff --git a/plugins/fetch.json b/plugins/fetch.json
index d3516d1..431478f 100644
--- a/plugins/fetch.json
+++ b/plugins/fetch.json
@@ -7,14 +7,6 @@
     "is_top_level": false,
     "variables": {}
-  "cordova-plugin-file": {
-    "source": {
-      "type": "registry",
-      "id": "cordova-plugin-file@^4.3.3"
-    },
-    "is_top_level": true,
-    "variables": {}
-  },
   "cordova-plugin-network-information": {
     "source": {
       "type": "registry",
@@ -118,5 +110,21 @@
     "is_top_level": true,
     "variables": {}
+  },
+  "cordova-plugin-file-transfer": {
+    "source": {
+      "type": "registry",
+      "id": "cordova-plugin-file-transfer@1.7.1"
+    },
+    "is_top_level": true,
+    "variables": {}
+  },
+  "cordova-plugin-file": {
+    "source": {
+      "type": "registry",
+      "id": "cordova-plugin-file@6.0.1"
+    },
+    "is_top_level": true,
+    "variables": {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/js/authentication.js b/www/js/authentication.js
index 71590bd..092f7ba 100644
--- a/www/js/authentication.js
+++ b/www/js/authentication.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* eslint camelcase: off */
-/* global app, $, cordova, alert, pdf, Blob, atob, IN_APP_BROWSER_AUTH */
+/* global app, $, cordova, alert, pdf, Blob, atob, FileTransfer, IN_APP_BROWSER_AUTH */
 app.authentication = (function (thisModule) {
   var inAppBrowserRef
@@ -32,8 +32,7 @@ app.authentication = (function (thisModule) {
-    /* var url = app.main.urls.Chave_Movel_Digital.assinar_pdf */
-    var url = 'https://www.thinkbroadband.com/download'
+    var url = app.main.urls.Chave_Movel_Digital.assinar_pdf
     var target = '_blank'
     var options = 'location=no,' +
@@ -56,13 +55,32 @@ app.authentication = (function (thisModule) {
   function loadStartCallbackFunction (event) {
     console.log('%c ========== loadstart ========== ', 'background: yellow; color: blue')
-    $.get(event.url, function (data) {
-      console.log(data)
-    })
+    if (event.url.split('/').pop() === 'DocumentSigning.aspx') {
+      console.log('got DocumentSigning.aspx')
+      var pdfFile = 'https://frtend.reg.cmd.autenticacao.gov.pt/Ama.Registry.Frontend/GetDocument.ashx'
+      var targetPath = cordova.file.documentsDirectory + 'doc.pdf'
+      var options = {}
+      var args = {
+        url: pdfFile,
+        targetPath: targetPath,
+        options: options
+      }
+      // inAppBrowserRef.close() // close window or you get exception
+      document.addEventListener('deviceready', function () {
+        setTimeout(function () {
+          downloadPdfFile(args) // call the function which will download the file 1s after the window is closed, just in case..
+        }, 1000)
+      })
+    }
-  function loadedCallbackFunction () {
-    console.log('Authentication Window loaded')
+  function loadedCallbackFunction (event) {
+    console.log('%c ========== loadstop ========== ', 'background: yellow; color: blue')
+    // console.log(event.url)
     isAuthenticationWindowClosed = false
@@ -95,6 +113,29 @@ app.authentication = (function (thisModule) {
+  function downloadPdfFile (args) {
+    console.log('downloadPdfFile')
+    var fileTransfer = new FileTransfer()
+    var uri = encodeURI(args.url)
+    fileTransfer.download(
+      uri, // file's uri
+      args.targetPath, // where will be saved
+      function (entry) {
+        console.log('download complete: ' + entry.toURL())
+        window.open(entry.toURL(), '_blank', 'location=no,closebuttoncaption=Cerrar,toolbar=yes,enableViewportScale=yes')
+      },
+      function (error) {
+        console.log('download error source ' + error.source)
+        console.log('download error target ' + error.target)
+        console.log('upload error code' + error.code)
+      },
+      true,
+      args.options
+    )
+  }
   function authenticationError () {
       'title': 'Erro na obtenção da autenticação!',
diff --git a/www/js/res/authTest.html b/www/js/res/authTest.html
index 97250c6..e39e7ce 100644
--- a/www/js/res/authTest.html
+++ b/www/js/res/authTest.html
@@ -1,3 +1,311 @@
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