diff --git a/UPGRADE.md b/UPGRADE.md
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# Upgrade Guide
-## Upgrading to Socialstream 5.x
-> [!NOTE]
-> This upgrade guide assumes you're coming from Socialstream 4.x
-### Changes
-#### Project dependencies
-Socialstream 5.x drops `laravel/jetstream`, and by extension, `laravel/fortify` as dependencies.
-As a result, before you upgrade, you will need to add these dependencies to your projects' `composer.json`
-Add `laravel/jetstream` to your project with composer:
-composer require laravel/jetstream
-Upgrade Socialstream via composer:
-composer require joelbutcher/socialstream:^5.x
-## Upgrading to Socialstream 4.x
-### Changes
-#### Native Type declarations
-Version 4.x updates the interfaces and published `php` files to use native type declarations.
-Please ensure the following files have been updated to match their interface counterparts:
-#### User Profile Photo
-If you have included the `HasProfilePhoto` trait in your user model, please update your model to the following:
- use HasProfilePhoto {
-- getProfilePhotoUrlAttribute as getPhotoUrl;
-+ profilePhotoUrl as getPhotoUrl;
- }
-And replace the `getProfilePhotoUrlAttribute` method in the model with:
- * Get the URL to the user's profile photo.
- */
-public function profilePhotoUrl(): Attribute
- return filter_var($this->profile_photo_path, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)
- ? Attribute::get(fn () => $this->profile_photo_path)
- : $this->getPhotoUrl();
-#### Changes to jetstream props in inertia
-If you're using Inertia, please update your `Profile/Show.vue` file to the following:
-## Upgrading From Socialstream 2.x To Socialstream 3.x
-### Changes
-#### Disabling Socialstream
-To disable Socialstream in v3, you will need to update your existing `SocialstreamServiceProvider.php` to include the following code snippet in your providers `boot` method:
- Socialstream::enabled(fn () => false);
-The function accepts a callback so if you wanted to implement more complex logic, you may do so.
-> Note, the callback MUST return a boolean
-#### Providers
-V3 introduces a new `Providers` class, for defining what Socialite providers you have enabled in your config. This class is also used in the socialstream.blade.php stub and the connected-account.blade.php component stub. Please update any Socialite providers you have in your `socialstream.php` config file to use this class, e.g:
-use \JoelButcher\Socialstream\Providers;
-return [
- // ...
- 'providers' => [
- Providers::google(),
- Providers::facebook(),
- ],
-#### Remember Sessions
-V3 of Socialstream move the remember session config variable into the 'features' config array. During your upgrade, if you have previously set this config variable to `true`, you will need to add it to your features list.
-return [
- // ...
- 'features' => [
- Features::rememberSession(),
- ],
-#### Token Column Lengths
-In version 3.x, we've fixed an issue with the length of tokens and refresh tokens being too long for the columns in the database.
-To fix this yourself, you should create a new `connected_accounts` migration:
-php artisan make:migration update_connected_accounts_token_lengths --table=connected_accounts
-Once done, you should then add the following code to the `up` method:
- $table->string('token', 1000)->change();
- $table->string('refresh_token', 1000)->change();
-#### Provider Avatars
-In v3, we've updated the provider avatars feature to download the avatar from the url provided by the Socialite user. If you have opted to use the `providerAvatars` feature in your config's features definition, you should add the `SetsProfilePhotoFromUrl` trait to your user model:
-To ensure v3 compatibility, copy the `ResolveSocialiteUser` action stub found [here](https://github.com/joelbutcher/socialstream/blob/3.x/stubs/app/Actions/Socialstream/ResolveSocialiteUser.php) to your `app/Actions/Socialstream` directory and add the following to your `app\Providers\SocialstreamServiceProvider.php`:
-use App\Actions\Socialstream\ResolveSocialiteUser;
-use JoelButcher\Socialstream\Socialstream;
-// Add this to the 'boot' method.
-## Upgrading From Socialstream 1.x To Socialstream 2.x
-### Changes
-#### Connected Account Details
-Version 2.x of Socialstream now captures more user data from a provider and saves them to your `connected_accounts` table. In order to correctly save this data, you will need to create a new migration to make the appropriate changes.
-To do this, you should create a new `connected_accounts` migration:
-php artisan make:migration update_connected_accounts_table --table=connected_accounts
-The geneated migration should contain the following code:
- $table->string('nickname')->after('name')->nullable();
- $table->string('email')->after('nickname')->nullable();
- $table->string('telephone')->after('email')->nullable();
- $table->string('avatar_path')->after('telephone')->nullable();
- $table->renameColumn('provider_name', 'provider');
- });
- }
- /**
- * Reverse the migrations.
- *
- * @return void
- */
- public function down()
- {
- Schema::table('connected_accounts', function (Blueprint $table) {
- // Revert...
- });
- }
-#### Create Connected Account Action
-Socialstream 2.x adds a new action for creating connected accounts on registration with a provider. You should copy the new [CreateConnectedAccount](https://github.com/joelbutcher/socialstream/blob/2.x/stubs/app/Actions/Socialstream/CreateConnectedAccount.php) action to the `App/Actions/Socialstream` directory in your project.
-You should then add the register the action with Socialstream by placing the following code into the `boot` method of your application's `SocialstreamServiceProvider`:
-use App\Actions\Socialstream\CreateConnectedAccount;
-#### Generate Provider Redirect Action
-Socialstream 2.x includes a new action to generate the redirects URI's used to authenticate with providers.
-You should then register this action with Socialstream by placing the following code into the `boot` method of your application's `SocialstreamServiceProvider`:
-use App\Actions\Socialstream\GenerateRedirectForProvider;
-If you wish, you may override this action by writing your own. This may allow you to define `scopes` or additional parameters, such as a `response_type` for explicit grants. See below for an example.
-> Note: the action **MUST** implement the `JoelButcher\Socialstream\Contracts\GeneratesProviderRedirect` contract.
- ->with(['response_type' => 'token'])
- ->redirect();
- }
-### Connected Account Credentials
-For convenience, Socialstream now also provides a `Credentials` helper class which can be used for authenticating with additional provider API's (e.g. Facebook's Graph API).
-You may retrieve an instance of this class from a connected account:
-$connectedAccount = \App\Models\ConnectedAccount::first();
-$credentials = $connectedAccount->getCredentials();
-### Inertia Stack
-#### Authentication Views
-To upgrade your application's authentication views to use the new Vue files from Jetstream 2.x, you should copy the [Jetstream auth files](https://github.com/laravel/jetstream/tree/2.x/stubs/inertia/resources/js/Pages/Auth), then the [Socialstream auth files](https://github.com/joelbutcher/socialstream/tree/2.x/stubs/inertia/resources/js/Pages/Auth) to the `resources/js/Pages/Auth` folder location.
-You will also need to copy the [Providers.vue](https://github.com/joelbutcher/socialstream/blob/2.x/stubs/inertia/resources/js/Socialstream/Providers.vue) file to the `resources/js/Socialstream` directory.
-However, if you wish to continue to render the Blade based authentication views, you should add the following code to the `boot` method of your application's `JetstreamServiceProvider` class:
-use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
-use Laravel\Fortify\Fortify;
-Fortify::loginView(function () {
- return view('auth/login', [
- 'canResetPassword' => Route::has('password.request'),
- 'status' => session('status'),
- ]);
-Fortify::requestPasswordResetLinkView(function () {
- return view('auth/forgot-password', [
- 'status' => session('status'),
- ]);
-Fortify::resetPasswordView(function (Request $request) {
- return view('auth/reset-password', [
- 'email' => $request->input('email'),
- 'token' => $request->route('token'),
- ]);
-Fortify::registerView(function () {
- return view('auth/register');
-Fortify::verifyEmailView(function () {
- return view('auth/verify-email', [
- 'status' => session('status'),
- ]);
-Fortify::twoFactorChallengeView(function () {
- return view('auth/two-factor-challenge');
-Fortify::confirmPasswordView(function () {
- return view('auth/confirm-password');
+The Upgrade Guide has moved to the [official documentation](https://docs.socialstream.dev/prologue/upgrade-guide).