Spring REST Docs extension to document APIs using Spring RestTemplate
For Spring Rest Docs 1.2.x, use version 0.1 of this library.
For Spring Rest Docs 2.0.x, use version 0.2.0 of this library.
Inside your build.gradle, add the following dependency:
repositories {
maven { url "https://dl.bintray.com/joemccall/jvm-libs" }
dependencies {
testCompile 'io.github.joemccall86:spring-restdocs-resttemplate:0.1'
At this point you can utilize spring rest docs core documentation classes as interceptors. For example, if you wanted to document a standard OAuth 2.0 Password Grant flow (https://www.oauth.com/oauth2-servers/access-tokens/password-grant/) you can utilize Spock and RestBuilder (from Grails):
void 'can get access token'() {
given: 'the fields are documented'
def rest = new RestBuilder()
// Register a form message converter so it converts application/x-www-form-urlencoded
rest.restTemplate.messageConverters.add(0, new FormHttpMessageConverter())
// Document the fields using normal Spring Restdocs Syntax
rest.restTemplate.interceptors << document('get-access-token-example',
parameterWithName('grant_type').description('oauth grant_type'),
parameterWithName('username').description('oauth username'),
parameterWithName('password').description('password for the username'),
parameterWithName('client_id').description('oauth client id'),
parameterWithName('client_secret').description('client secret '),
parameterWithName('scope').description('space-separated list of scopes requested'),
fieldWithPath('access_token').description('the value of the access token'),
fieldWithPath('expires_in').description('number of seconds for which the token is valid'),
fieldWithPath('refresh_token').description('the value of the refresh token'),
fieldWithPath('token_type').description('the type of the token (should always be \'bearer\')'),
fieldWithPath('scope').description('space-separated list of scopes for this token'),
and: 'a valid request body'
def oauthBody = new LinkedMultiValueMap()
grant_type : 'password',
username : '[email protected]',
password : 'password',
scope : 'testScope',
client_id : 'oauth_client_id',
client_secret: 'oauth_client_secret'
when: 'the request is posted'
def response = rest.post("${urlBase}/oauth/token", {
accept 'application/json'
contentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
body oauthBody
then: 'the response code is OK'
response.statusCode == HttpStatus.OK
and: 'the json contains the correct fields'
response.json.access_token != null
See sample project in the samples directory. It is copied from the root spring-restdocs project and adapted to use RestBuilder instead of RestAssured.
- This extension does not support concurrent tests. Tests must be run serially.
- If you want to document client error codes (like 404) you must use a non-default request factory (like OkHttp3ClientHttpRequestFactory) since the SimpleHttpRequestFactory throws an exception when it encounteres a non-2xx error code.
- Document code better
- Remove compiler warnings
- Update to work with Spring REST Docs 2.x
To build run ./gradlew build
from the root directory.
Pull requests welcome
This project is open-source under the MIT license.