To build you will need Nim compiler, I would recommend using Choosenim to install and manage.
Python 3.7 or greater and the Nimporter and orjson packages are required. These can be installed with Pip.
pip install nimporter orjson
git clone
Build files are included for compiling the library, or copy and paste from here.
nim c --gc: orc --threads:on --app:lib -d:ssl -d:release --out:lib/ src/odds.nim
nim c --gc: orc --threads:on --app:lib --tlsEmulation:off -d:ssl -d:release --out:lib/odds.pyd src/odds.nim
from lib.liveodds import Liveodds
liveodds = Liveodds()
# get tuple of all available races
races = liveodds.all_races()
# get dictionary of odds for all races
odds = liveodds.odds(races)
Will add more examples later, in the meantime, more info in docs.