📝 Determining and applying the appropriate balance of confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA)
Although different, they are not necessarily contradictory - but they all require resources (money) and so the balance should be determined early on in the design process
- Prevent disclosure of information to unauthorized parties
- Numerous methods for keeping data confidential: e.g. access controls, encryption
- Access Controls: Preferred for data in use and at rest
- Encryption: Data at rest and in transit
- Protect data from unauthorized alteration
- e.g. Read-only, Read-and-write, write-only, delete access, etc
- Integrity contributes to a system's stability and reliability as well as the authenticity of data
- Availability needed is determined by criticality of data and purpose in the overall system
Determining the identity of a user. A user is authenticated before their authorization can be determined.
To verify identity, a user can provide:
- Something you know - e.g. username/password (not very reliable)
- Something you have - e.g. token
- Something about you (something you are) e.g. biometrics
- ❗ Requires extra hardware, lacks specificity
New categories
- what users do (dynamic biometrics such as typing patterns, gait)
- where a user is (physical location)
ATMs use combination of something you know (PIN) and something you have (card) so if the card is lost, someone cannot authenticate as you
- Applies predetermined access levels to the user
- Three elements are used
- Requestor (subject) - already known due to authentication system
- Object
- file, program, data, other resource
- Type/level of access to be granted
- Read, write, create, delete, right to grant access rights to other objects
Accounting is a means of measuring activity, auditing is the verification of what actual happened and allows management to observe in a nonpartisan manner
Accounting can be done in IT systems by logging crucial activity as it occurs
Accounting is needed when activity of specific data elements is crucial enough that it may be audited at a later date and time
Security level auditing can be performed at several levels:
- analysis of logging function
- verification of existence and operation of specific controls
- etc
Auditing takes resources to create, store, and review. Typically defaulted to minimal level so system operator must determine correct level based on system criticality.
System criticality is determined by information criticality associated with information manipulated/stored with the system
- Preventing a subject from denying a previous action with an object
- When authentication, authorization, and auditing are properly configured, non-repudiation is ensured
- Security requirements must specify the subjects, objects, and events for which non-repudiation is desired
- Design and implementation of controls to ensure that communication channels are secured from unauthorized access and disruption
- TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
- sequential numbering of packets and retransmission for missing packets
- Prevents unauthorized packets and session hijacking
- Has overhead
- UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
- connection-less/session-less
- All exceptions must be detected and handled
- System should not fail in an insecure state
- Exception should not be leaked
- Configuration should be protected from unauthorized changes
- e.g. separation of duties between production/non-prod personnel
- Don't spend $10,000 to protect a $20 bill
- Trade-offs exist between security and other aspects
- If a subject may require different levels of security for different tasks, better to switch security levels with specific tasks than run all the time at higher privilege
- No single individual can abuse the system
- i.e. layered security/defense and diversity defense
- Multiple, overlapping defenses
- No system is 100% secure - true goal of security is to make cost of compromising greater in time/effort/resources than it is worth
- Diversity of defense - layers should be dissimilar in nature
- When a system experiences a failure, it should fail to a safe state
- Example: explicit deny
- CIA need to be appropriately maintained - availability causes the greatest design difficulties
- Higher complexity generally results in less security due to lack of understanding and more attack vectors
- Root cause analysis, especially for potential security issues, is much more difficult in complex systems
- Rule of thumb: eliminate all nonessential services and protocols
- Authorization is never circumvented, even with repeated access
- Example: security kernel
- Don't rely on security by obscurity
- Example: modern cryptography relies on the secrecy of the key, not secrecy of the algorithm
- Prevent inadvertent sharing of information by using separate processes when possible
- Users will try to get around security if it is seen as an obstacle
- Adding to the security of a system is most effective when applied to the weakest link
- Pros: increase efficiency and security
- Cons: monoculture environment (failures have a larger footprint)
No one single piece should be able to cause the whole system to fail
- Three key elements: people, processes, and technology
- Controls using 2-3 elements are more effective
- rarely used
- originated in military
- restrict based on information sensitivity and clearance to access that information
- system designers have to determine object/subject relationships before they can be used
- most common
- originated in military
- restrict based on identity of subjects/groups they belong to
- If a subject has permission, it is capable of passing that permission onto any other subject
- ACLs are the most common mechanism used to implement this control
- Strength: simplicity
- Weakness: security is optional, owner has to define access for potentially a plethora of objects
pretty common for active directory
- much less common than role-based
- Use ACLs that have rules baked in such as only allow access during a certain time-of-day
- strength: simplicity
- weakness: difficult to implement due to no constraints, doesn't scale well
- Example: doctor getting one set of access for a specific patient vs a different patient
- Represented via eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML)
- also works for policy-based access control
- Two principles
- Simple Security Rule - in order to see something, you have to be authorized
- Used to preserve confidentiality - e.g. subject with medium clearance can't ready information with high sensitivity, only medium sensitivity
- No-read-up
- * property (star property)
- No-write-down
- Subjects can only write to an object if the object has equal or higher classification - e.g. medium clearance can only write to medium sensitivity and above
- Simple Security Rule - in order to see something, you have to be authorized
- Uses graph theory based on mathematical representation of controls
- Can be used to definitively determine rights
- Not typically used to implement access control but rather to analyze implementations
- Separate groups have labels, groups act as containers, can be hierarchical
- Depending on type of information, can be just as important or more important than confidentiality. e.g. stock prices (public but integrity is crucial)
- Preserves information integrity
- Integrity levels separate permissions
- Low water mark policy, i.e. no-write-up rule
- lower integrity subjects can't write up to higher integrity subjects
- Integrity level of a subject is lowered if it acts on a subject with lower integrity
- Uses transactions
- Two levels:
- Constrained data items (CDI)
- Subject to integrity controls
- Constrained data items (CDI)
- Unconstrained data items (UDI)
- Two types of processes:
- Integrity verification processes (IVPs)
- Ensure CDI data meets constraints
- Transformation processes (TPs)
- Change state of data from one to another
- Data can only be changed by trusted TPs, not users
- Integrity verification processes (IVPs)
- A bank account balance is a CDI since integrity is important
- TP is the only way changes can be made
- IVP ensures balance is correct
- Technology employed to prevent access
- People trained not to compromise information
- Policies/processes put in place to ensure technology/people are properly used
- Main security issue is protecting information when stored, in transit, and being processed
- Multiple levels - Level 0 (high level), level 1, level 2 (lowest level)
Functional perspective - how the system uses data
Use cases for normal and abnormal use
- Very important to security to understand use cases and misuse cases
- Software assurance - level of confidence that software is free from intentional and accidental vulnerabilities, software functions as intended
Three methods of managing security:
- prevention - access control, firewall, encryption
- detection - audit logs, intrusion detection, honeypots
- response - backups, incident response teams, forensics
Standards, guidelines, best practices
5 main categories:
- Identify
- Protect
- Detect
- Respond
- Recover
Includes mother nature :)
- Based on skill level
- Script Kiddie - 80-85% of adversaries
- Hacker - explorer - 15-20% key adversary due to skill/motivation
- Cracker - hacker with malicious intent
- Elite - 1-3%
- completely underground
- Unstructured threat - little or no resources, no specific motivation, typically only an annoyance
- Structured threat - specific mission, time and resources
- Highly structured threat - organized crime, crimeware
- Nation-state threat
- Advanced persistent threat (APT) - multiple methods to penetrate and then live undetected
- Insider vs outsider
- Around 2005 - criminalization of cyberspace allowing monetization
- Market for exploits