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Features of Record View Classes (MFC Data Access) | Microsoft Docs |
11/04/2016 |
article |
e7b2820f-09c4-483f-83c0-317e8be42bdf |
8 |
mikeblome |
mblome |
ghogen |
You can do form-based data-access programming with class CFormView, but CRecordView is generally a better class to derive from. In addition to its CFormView
features, CRecordView
Provides dialog data exchange (DDX) between the form controls and the associated recordset object.
Handles Move First, Move Next, Move Previous, and Move Last commands for navigating through the records in the associated recordset object.
Updates changes to the current record when the user moves to another record.
For more information about navigation, see Record Views: Supporting Navigation in a Record View.