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Recordset: Declaring a Class for a Table (ODBC) | Microsoft Docs |
11/04/2016 |
article |
3fe286c2-3f3d-493d-9d8c-762310939d08 |
8 |
mikeblome |
mblome |
ghogen |
This topic applies to the MFC ODBC classes.
The most common recordset class opens a single table. To declare a recordset class for a single table, use the MFC ODBC Consumer Wizard from Add Class and choose each column you want by naming a corresponding recordset field data member.
Other uses for recordsets include:
Joining two or more tables.
Containing the results of a predefined query.
Recordset (ODBC)
Recordset: Creating and Closing Recordsets (ODBC)
Recordset: Declaring a Class for a Predefined Query (ODBC)
Recordset: Performing a Join (ODBC)