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AFX Messages | Microsoft Docs |
11/04/2016 |
article |
3d601f3c-af6d-47d3-8553-34f1318fa74f |
24 |
mikeblome |
mblome |
ghogen |
These messages are used in MFC.
The following table lists messages that are used in the MFC library:
Message | Description | [in] wParam |
lParam (All parameters are [in] unless otherwise stated.) |
Return Value |
AFX_WM_ACCGETOBJECT | Not used. | Not used. | Not applicable. | Not applicable. |
AFX_WM_ACCGETSTATE | Used for accessibility support. Send this message to CMFCPopupMenu or CMFCRibbonPanelMenu to retrieve the state of the current element. |
Index of element, which could be a menu button or separator. | Not used. | The element state. It is -1 if the index is invalid, 0 if the menu button has no special attributes. Otherwise it is a combination of the following flags: TBBS_DISABLED — item is disabled TBBS_CHECKED — item is checked TBBS_BUTTON — the item is a standard pushbutton TBBS_PRESSED — button is pressed TBBS_INDETERMINATE — undefined state TBBS_SEPARATOR - rather than a menu button, this element forms a separation between other menu items |
AFX_WM_CHANGE_ACTIVE_TAB | The framework sends this message to the resizable control bar control. Process this message to receive notifications from CMFCTabCtrl objects when a user changes an active tab. |
The index of a tab. | Not used. | Nonzero. |
AFX_WM_CHANGE_CURRENT_FOLDER | The framework sends this message to the parent of CMFCShellListCtrl when the user has changed the current folder. |
Not used. | Not used. | Not used. |
AFX_WM_CHANGEVISUALMANAGER | The framework sends this message to all frame windows when the user changes the current Visual Manager. In response to this message, a frame window recalculates its region and adjusts other parameters as needed. You can process the AFX_WM_CHANGEVISUALMANAGER message in your application if you need to be notified about this event. You must call the base class handler (OnChangeVisualManager ) to ensure that the framework's internal processing of this event takes place. |
Not used. | Not used. | Not used. |
AFX_WM_CHANGING_ACTIVE_TAB | Sent to the parent of CMFCTabCtrl object. Process this message if you want to receive notifications from CMFCTabCtrl objects when a user resets a tab. |
The index of the tab that is being activated. | Not used. | Nonzero. |
AFX_WM_CHECKEMPTYMINIFRAME | For internal use only. | Not applicable. | Not applicable. | Not applicable. |
AFX_WM_CREATETOOLBAR | Sent from CMFCToolBarsListPropertyPage when a user creates a new toolbar during customization process. You can process this message to instantiate a custom CMFCToolBar-derived object. If you handle this message and create your own toolbar, omit the call to the default handler. |
Not used. | A pointer to a string that contains the name of the toolbar. | A pointer to the newly created toolbar. NULL indicates that the toolbar creation was canceled. |
AFX_WM_CUSTOMIZEHELP | Sent to the main frame window from the customization property sheet CMFCToolbarCustomize Dialog when the user presses the Help button or the F1 key. |
Specifies the active page of the customization property sheet. | A pointer to a CMFCToolbarCustomize Dialog object. |
Zero. |
AFX_WM_CUSTOMIZETOOLBAR | The CMFCToolbarCustomize Dialog sends this message to notify the parent frame that the user is creating a new toolbar. |
TRUE when customization is started, FALSE when customization is finished. |
Not used. | Zero. |
AFX_WM_DELETETOOLBAR | Sent to the main frame window when the user is about to delete a toolbar in the customization mode. Process this message to take additional actions when a user deletes a toolbar in customization mode. You should also call the default handler ( OnToolbarDelete ), which deletes the toolbar. The default handler returns a value that indicates whether it is possible to delete the toolbar. |
Not used. | Pointer to a CMFCToolBar object to be deleted. |
Nonzero if a toolbar cannot be deleted; otherwise 0. |
AFX_WM_GETDOCUMENTCOLORS | CMFCColorMenuButton sends this message to the main frame window to retrieve the document colors. |
Not used. | [in, out] Pointer to a CList<COLORREF, COLORREF> object. |
Zero. |
AFX_WM_GETDRAGBOUNDS | For internal use only. | Not applicable. | Not applicable. | Not applicable. |
AFX_WM_HIGHLIGHT_RIBBON_LIST_ITEM | Sent to the main frame window when a user highlights a ribbon list item. | Index of the highlighted item | A pointer to CMFCBaseRibbonElement |
Not used. |
AFX_WM_ON_AFTER_SHELL_COMMAND | Sent to a parent of CMFCShellListCtrl or CMFCShellTreeCtrl controls when a user finishes executing a shell command. |
The ID of the command that the user executed | Not used. | If the application processes this message, it should return zero. |
AFX_WM_ON_BEFORE_SHOW_RIBBON_ITEM_MENU | The framework sends this message to the ribbon's parent before it displays the pop-up menu. You can process this message and modify pop-up menus at any time. | Not used. | A pointer to CMFCBaseRibbonElement |
Not used. |
AFX_WM_ON_CANCELTABMOVE | For internal use only. | Not applicable. | Not applicable. | |
AFX_WM_ON_CHANGE_RIBBON_CATEGORY | The framework sends this message to the main frame when the user changes the active Ribbon Control category. | Not used. | A pointer to the CMFCRibbonBar whose category has changed. |
Not used. |
AFX_WM_ON_CLOSEPOPUPWINDOW | The framework sends this message to notify the owner of CMFCDesktopAlertWnd that the window is about to be closed. |
Not used. | A pointer to CMFCDesktopAlertWnd object. |
Not used. |
AFX_WM_ON_DRAGCOMPLETE | For internal use only. | Not applicable. | Not applicable. | Not applicable. |
AFX_WM_ON_GET_TAB_TOOLTIP | Sent to the main frame window when a tab window is about to display a tooltip for a tab, if custom tooltips are enabled. | Not used. | A pointer to a CMFCTabToolTipInfo structure. |
Not used. |
AFX_WM_ON_HSCROLL | Sent to the resizable control bar control. Process this message to receive notifications from CMFCTabCtrl objects when a scroll event occurs in the tabbed widget horizontal scroll bar. |
The low-order word specifies a scroll bar value that indicates the user's scrolling request. For more information, see the table later in this topic. | Not used. | Nonzero. |
AFX_WM_ON_MOVE_TAB | Sent to the parent of a tabbed window when a user drags a tab to a new position. | The zero-based index of the tab in its original position. | [out] The zero-based index of the tab in its new position. | Zero. |
AFX_WM_ON_MOVETABCOMPLETE | For internal use only. | Not applicable. | Not applicable. | Not applicable. |
AFX_WM_ON_MOVETOTABGROUP | Sent to the main frame window when a user moves an MDI child window from one tabbed group to another. | A handle to tabbed window (CMFCTabCtrl ) from which the MDI child window has been removed. |
[out] A handle to tabbed window (CMFCTabCtrl ) to which the MDI child window has been inserted. |
Ignored. |
AFX_WM_ON_PRESS_CLOSE_BUTTON | Sent to a parent of CDockablePane when user clicks the Close button on the caption of the control bar. |
Not used. | A pointer to a dockable pane on which the user clicked the Close button. | TRUE if a pane cannot be closed; otherwise FALSE. |
AFX_WM_ON_RENAME_TAB | Sent to the parent of tabbed window after the user renamed an editable tab. | The zero-based index of the renamed tab. | [out] A pointer to a string that contains the new tab name. | Nonzero if the application processes this message; the framework will suppress the call to CMFCBaseTabCtrl::SetTabLabel . If zero is returned, then CMFCBaseTabCtrl::SetTabLabel is called by the framework. |
AFX_WM_ON_RIBBON_CUSTOMIZE | Sent to the parent frame when user starts customization. Process this message if you want to display your own customization dialog box. | Not used. | A pointer to the ribbon control to be customized. | Nonzero if the application processes this message and displays its own customization dialog box. If the application returns zero, the framework will display the built-in customization dialog box. |
AFX_WM_ON_TABGROUPMOUSEMOVE | For internal use only. | Not applicable. | Not applicable. | Not applicable. |
AFX_WM_POSTSETPREVIEWFRAME | Sent to notify the main frame that the user changed the print preview mode | TRUE indicates that the print preview mode is set. FALSE indicates that print preview mode is turned off. |
Not used. | Not used. |
AFX_WM_PROPERTY_CHANGED | Sent to the owner of the property grid control (CMFCPropertyGridCtrl ) when the user changes the value of the selected property. |
The control ID of the property list. | A pointer to the property (CMFCPropertyGridProperty ) that changed. |
Not used. |
AFX_WM_RESETCONTEXTMENU | Sent to the main frame window when the user resets the context menu during customization. | The resource ID of the context menu. | A pointer to the current context menu, CMFCPopupMenu . |
Not used. |
AFX_WM_RESETKEYBOARD | The framework sends this message to the main frame window when the user resets all keyboard accelerators during customization. | Not used. | Not used. | Not used. |
AFX_WM_RESETMENU | The framework sends this message to the menu owner (a frame window) when the user resets an application frame menu during customization | The menu resource ID. | Not used. | Not used. |
AFX_WM_RESETPROMPT | The framework sends this message when the user resets a toolbar from the toolbar customize dialog box. The default handler displays a message box that asks whether the user wants to reset the toolbar. | Not used. | Not used. | Not used. |
AFX_WM_RESETTOOLBAR | A CMFCToolBar object sends this message when a toolbar is restored to its original state, that is, loaded from the resources. Process this message to reinsert toolbar buttons whose classes are derived from CMFCToolbarButton . For more information, see CMFCToolbarComboBoxButton . |
The resource ID of a toolbar whose state was restored. | Not used. | Zero. |
AFX_WM_SHOWREGULARMENU | CMFCToolbarMenuButton object sends this message to its owner when the user clicks a regular menu button. Process this message every time that you use CMFCToolbarMenuButton to display a pop-up menu when the user clicks a button. |
The command ID of a button that sends the message. | Screen coordinates of the cursor. The low-order word specifies the x-coordinate. The high-order word specifies the y-coordinate. | Not used. |
AFX_WM_TOOLBARMENU | Sent to the main frame window when the user releases the right button of a mouse while the mouse pointer is in the client or non-client area of a pane. | Not used. | Screen coordinates of the mouse pointer. The low-order word specifies the x-coordinate. The high-order word specifies the y-coordinate. | Zero if the application processes this message; otherwise, nonzero. |
AFX_WM_UPDATETOOLTIPS | Sent to all tooltip owners to indicate that their tooltip controls should be recreated. | The type of control that should process this message. See the table later in this topic for a list of possible values. | Not used. | Not used. |
AFX_WM_WINDOW_HELP | CMFCWindowsManagerDialog sends this message to the parent frame when the user clicks the Help button, or enters the help mode by clicking the Help caption button or the F1 key. |
Not used. | A pointer to the instance of CMFCWindowsManagerDialog . |
Not used. |
The following table shows the values for the low word of the lParam
parameter of the AFX_WM_HSCROLL method:
Value | Meaning |
SB_ENDSCROLL | The user ends the scroll. |
SB_LEFT | The user scrolls to the upper-left. |
SB_RIGHT | The user scrolls to the lower-right. |
SB_LINELEFT | The user scrolls left by one unit. |
SB_LINERIGHT | The user scrolls right by one unit. |
SB_PAGELEFT | The user scrolls left by the width of the window. |
SB_PAGERIGHT | The user scrolls right by the width of the window. |
SB_THUMBPOSITION | The user has dragged the scroll box (thumb) and released the mouse button. The high-order word indicates the position of the scroll box at the end of the drag operation. |
SB_THUMBTRACK | The user is dragging the scroll box. The AFX_WM_ON_HSCROLL message is sent repeatedly with this value until the user releases the mouse button. The high-order word indicates the position to which the scroll box has been dragged. |
The high-order word of the lParam
parameter specifies the current position of the scroll box if the low-order word is SB_THUMBPOSITION or SB_THUMBTRACK; otherwise, this word is not used.
The following table lists the flag values for the lParam
parameter of the AFX_WM_UPDATETOOLTIPS message:
Flag | Value |