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Exception Processing | Microsoft Docs |
11/04/2016 |
article |
26d4457c-8350-48f5-916e-78f919787c30 |
16 |
mikeblome |
mblome |
ghogen |
When a program executes, a number of abnormal conditions and errors called "exceptions" can occur. These may include running out of memory, resource allocation errors, and failure to find files.
The Microsoft Foundation Class Library uses an exception-handling scheme that is modeled closely after the one proposed by the ANSI standards committee for C++. An exception handler must be set up before calling a function that may encounter an abnormal situation. If the function encounters an abnormal condition, it throws an exception and control is passed to the exception handler.
Several macros included with the Microsoft Foundation Class Library will set up exception handlers. A number of other global functions help to throw specialized exceptions and terminate programs, if necessary. These macros and global functions fall into the following categories:
Exception macros, which structure your exception handler.
Exception-throwing functions), which generate exceptions of specific types.
Termination functions, which cause program termination.
For examples and more details, see the article Exceptions.
TRY | Designates a block of code for exception processing. |
CATCH | Designates a block of code for catching an exception from the preceding TRY block. |
CATCH_ALL | Designates a block of code for catching all exceptions from the preceding TRY block. |
AND_CATCH | Designates a block of code for catching additional exception types from the preceding TRY block. |
AND_CATCH_ALL | Designates a block of code for catching all other additional exception types thrown in a preceding TRY block. |
END_CATCH | Ends the last CATCH or AND_CATCH code block. |
END_CATCH_ALL | Ends the last CATCH_ALL code block. |
THROW | Throws a specified exception. |
THROW_LAST | Throws the currently handled exception to the next outer handler. |
AfxThrowArchiveException | Throws an archive exception. |
AfxThrowFileException | Throws a file exception. |
AfxThrowInvalidArgException | Throws an invalid argument exception. |
AfxThrowMemoryException | Throws a memory exception. |
AfxThrowNotSupportedException | Throws a not-supported exception. |
AfxThrowResourceException | Throws a Windows resource-not-found exception. |
AfxThrowUserException | Throws an exception in a user-initiated program action. |
MFC provides two exception-throwing functions specifically for OLE exceptions:
AfxThrowOleDispatchException | Throws an exception within an OLE automation function. |
AfxThrowOleException | Throws an OLE exception. |
To support database exceptions, the database classes provide two exception classes, CDBException
and CDaoException
, and global functions to support the exception types:
AfxThrowDAOException | Throws a CDaoException from your own code. |
AfxThrowDBException | Throws a CDBException from your own code. |
MFC provides the following termination function:
AfxAbort | Called to terminate an application when a fatal error occurs. |
Sets up a TRY block.
A TRY block identifies a block of code that might throw exceptions. Those exceptions are handled in the following CATCH and AND_CATCH
blocks. Recursion is allowed: exceptions may be passed to an outer TRY block, either by ignoring them or by using the THROW_LAST
macro. End the TRY block with an END_CATCH
For more information, see the article Exceptions.
See the example for CATCH.
Header: afx.h
Defines a block of code that catches the first exception type thrown in the preceding TRY block.
CATCH(exception_class, exception_object_pointer_name)
Specifies the exception type to test for. For a list of standard exception classes, see class CException.
Specifies a name for an exception-object pointer that will be created by the macro. You can use the pointer name to access the exception object within the CATCH block. This variable is declared for you.
The exception-processing code can interrogate the exception object, if appropriate, to get more information about the specific cause of the exception. Invoke the THROW_LAST
macro to shift processing to the next outer exception frame. End the TRY block with an END_CATCH
If exception_class is the class CException
, then all exception types will be caught. You can use the CObject::IsKindOf member function to determine which specific exception was thrown. A better way to catch several kinds of exceptions is to use sequential AND_CATCH
statements, each with a different exception type.
The exception object pointer is created by the macro. You do not need to declare it yourself.
The CATCH block is defined as a C++ scope delineated by braces. If you declare variables in this scope, they are accessible only within that scope. This also applies to exception_object_pointer_name.
For more information on exceptions and the CATCH macro, see the article Exceptions.
Defines a block of code that catches all exception types thrown in the preceding TRY block.
Specifies a name for an exception-object pointer that will be created by the macro. You can use the pointer name to access the exception object within the CATCH_ALL
block. This variable is declared for you.
The exception-processing code can interrogate the exception object, if appropriate, to get more information about the specific cause of the exception. Invoke the THROW_LAST
macro to shift processing to the next outer exception frame. If you use CATCH_ALL
, end the TRY block with an END_CATCH_ALL
block is defined as a C++ scope delineated by braces. If you declare variables in this scope, they are accessible only within that scope.
For more information on exceptions, see the article Exceptions.
See the example for CFile::Abort.
Header afx.h
Defines a block of code for catching additional exception types thrown in a preceding TRY block.
AND_CATCH(exception_class, exception_object_pointer_name)
Specifies the exception type to test for. For a list of standard exception classes, see class CException.
A name for an exception-object pointer that will be created by the macro. You can use the pointer name to access the exception object within the AND_CATCH
block. This variable is declared for you.
Use the CATCH macro to catch one exception type, then the AND_CATCH
macro to catch each subsequent type. End the TRY block with an END_CATCH
The exception-processing code can interrogate the exception object, if appropriate, to get more information about the specific cause of the exception. Call the THROW_LAST
macro within the AND_CATCH
block to shift processing to the next outer exception frame. AND_CATCH
marks the end of the preceding CATCH or AND_CATCH
block is defined as a C++ scope (delineated by curly braces). If you declare variables in this scope, remember that they are accessible only within that scope. This also applies to the exception_object_pointer_name variable.
See the example for CATCH.
Header afx.h
Defines a block of code for catching additional exception types thrown in a preceding TRY block.
A name for an exception-object pointer that will be created by the macro. You can use the pointer name to access the exception object within the AND_CATCH_ALL
block. This variable is declared for you.
Use the CATCH macro to catch one exception type, then the AND_CATCH_ALL
macro to catch all other subsequent types. If you use AND_CATCH_ALL
, end the TRY block with an END_CATCH_ALL
The exception-processing code can interrogate the exception object, if appropriate, to get more information about the specific cause of the exception. Call the THROW_LAST
macro within the AND_CATCH_ALL
block to shift processing to the next outer exception frame. AND_CATCH_ALL
marks the end of the preceding CATCH or AND_CATCH_ALL
block is defined as a C++ scope (delineated by braces). If you declare variables in this scope, remember that they are accessible only within that scope.
Header afx.h
Marks the end of the last CATCH or AND_CATCH
For more information on the END_CATCH
macro, see the article Exceptions.
Header afx.h
Marks the end of the last CATCH_ALL
Header afx.h
Throws the specified exception.
Points to an exception object derived from CException
THROW interrupts program execution, passing control to the associated CATCH block in your program. If you have not provided the CATCH block, then control is passed to a Microsoft Foundation Class Library module that prints an error message and exits.
For more information, see the article Exceptions.
Header afx.h
Throws the exception back to the next outer CATCH block.
This macro allows you to throw a locally created exception. If you try to throw an exception that you have just caught, it will normally go out of scope and be deleted. With THROW_LAST
, the exception is passed correctly to the next CATCH handler.
For more information, see the article Exceptions.
See the example for CFile::Abort.
Header afx.h
Throws an archive exception.
void AfxThrowArchiveException(int cause, LPCTSTR lpszArchiveName);
Specifies an integer that indicates the reason for the exception. For a list of the possible values, see CArchiveException::m_cause.
Points to a string containing the name of the CArchive
object that caused the exception (if available).
Header afx.h
Throws a file exception.
void AfxThrowFileException(
int cause,
LONG lOsError = -1,
LPCTSTR lpszFileName = NULL);
Specifies an integer that indicates the reason for the exception. For a list of the possible values, see CFileException::m_cause.
Contains the operating-system error number (if available) that states the reason for the exception. See your operating-system manual for a listing of error codes.
Points to a string containing the name of the file that caused the exception (if available).
You are responsible for determining the cause based on the operating-system error code.
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Throws an invalid argument exception.
void AfxThrowInvalidArgException( );
This function is called when invalid arguments are used.
Header: afx.h
Macros and Globals
CInvalidArgException Class
Throws a memory exception.
void AfxThrowMemoryException();
Call this function if calls to underlying system memory allocators (such as malloc
and the GlobalAlloc Windows function) fail. You do not need to call it for new because new will throw a memory exception automatically if the memory allocation fails.
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Throws an exception that is the result of a request for an unsupported feature.
void AfxThrowNotSupportedException();
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Throws a resource exception.
void AfxThrowResourceException();
This function is normally called when a Windows resource cannot be loaded.
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Throws an exception to stop an end-user operation.
void AfxThrowUserException();
This function is normally called immediately after AfxMessageBox
has reported an error to the user.
Header afx.h
Use this function to throw an exception within an OLE automation function.
void AFXAPI AfxThrowOleDispatchException(
WORD wCode ,
LPCSTR lpszDescription,
UINT nHelpID = 0);
void AFXAPI AfxThrowOleDispatchException(
WORD wCode,
UINT nDescriptionID,
UINT nHelpID = -1);
An error code specific to your application.
Verbal description of the error.
Resource ID for the verbal error description.
A help context for your application's help (.HLP) file.
The information provided to this function can be displayed by the driving application (Microsoft Visual Basic or another OLE automation client application).
Header afx.h
Creates an object of type COleException
and throws an exception.
void AFXAPI AfxThrowOleException(SCODE sc);
void AFXAPI AfxThrowOleException(HRESULT hr);
An OLE status code that indicates the reason for the exception.
Handle to a result code that indicates the reason for the exception.
The version that takes an HRESULT
as an argument converts that result code into the corresponding SCODE
. For more information on HRESULT
, see Structure of COM Error Codes in the Windows SDK.
Header afxdao.h
Call this function to throw an exception of type CDaoException from your own code.
void AFXAPI AfxThrowDaoException(
int nAfxDaoError = NO_AFX_DAO_ERROR,
SCODE scode = S_OK);
An integer value representing a DAO extended error code, which can be one of the values listed under CDaoException::m_nAfxDaoError.
An OLE error code from DAO, of type SCODE
. For information, see CDaoException::m_scode.
The framework also calls AfxThrowDaoException
. In your call, you can pass one of the parameters or both. For example, if you want to raise one of the errors defined in CDaoException::nAfxDaoError but you do not care about the scode parameter, pass a valid code in the nAfxDaoError
parameter and accept the default value for scode.
For information about exceptions related to the MFC DAO classes, see class CDaoException
in this book and the article Exceptions: Database Exceptions.
Header afxdb.h
Call this function to throw an exception of type CDBException
from your own code.
void AfxThrowDBException(
CDatabase* pdb,
HSTMT hstmt);
A value of type RETCODE, defining the type of error that caused the exception to be thrown.
A pointer to the CDatabase
object that represents the data source connection with which the exception is associated.
An ODBC HSTMT handle that specifies the statement handle with which the exception is associated.
The framework calls AfxThrowDBException
when it receives an ODBC RETCODE from a call to an ODBC API function and interprets the RETCODE as an exceptional condition rather than an expectable error. For example, a data access operation might fail because of a disk read error.
For information about the RETCODE values defined by ODBC, see Chapter 8, "Retrieving Status and Error Information," in the Windows SDK. For information about MFC extensions to these codes, see class CDBException.
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The default termination function supplied by MFC.
void AfxAbort();
is called internally by MFC member functions when there is a fatal error, such as an uncaught exception that cannot be handled. You can call AfxAbort
in the rare case when you encounter a catastrophic error from which you cannot recover.
See the example for CATCH.
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