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Exception Handling (C++ Component Extensions) | Microsoft Docs |
11/04/2016 |
language-reference |
ccb11fe8-6938-41ac-b477-a183e85865b9 |
20 |
mikeblome |
mblome |
ghogen |
Applications compiled with the /ZW compiler option or /clr compiler option both use exceptions to handle unexpected errors during program execution. The following topics discuss exception handling in either C++/CX or C++/CLI applications.
Basic Concepts in Using Managed Exceptions
Describes throwing exceptions and using try
Differences in Exception Handling Behavior Under /CLR
Discusses the differences from the standard behavior of C++ exception handling.
Discusses how to use the finally keyword.
How to: Define and Install a Global Exception Handler
Demonstrates how unhandled exceptions can be captured.
How to: Catch Exceptions in Native Code Thrown from MSIL
Discusses how to catch CLR and C++ exceptions in native code.
How to: Define and Install a Global Exception Handler
Demonstrates how to catch all unhandled exceptions.
Exception Handling
Describes exception handling in C++.