To use either ublox-specific NMEA messages ($PUBX) or the UBX binary protocol, you must enable the following in NMEAGPS_cfg.h
##ublox-specific NMEA messages NeoGPS implements the following additional NMEA messages:
#NMEA 0183 Proprietary Messages
- UBX,00 - Lat/Long Position Data
- UBX,04 - Time of Day and Clock Information
You may want to change the configured PUBX messages in ubxNMEA.h
. It is currently configured to work with the example application, PUBX.ino
The derived class ubloxNMEA
has the following configuration items near the top of ubxNMEA.h:
##ublox-specific binary protocol
NeoGPS implements the following messages in the UBX binary protocol:
#UBX Protocol Messages
- NAV_STATUS - Receiver Navigation Status
- NAV_TIMEGPS - GPS Time Solution
- NAV_TIMEUTC - UTC Time Solution
- NAV_POSLLH - Geodetic Position Solution
- NAV_VELNED - Velocity Solution in NED (North/East/Down)
- NAV_SVINFO - Space Vehicle Information
You may want to change the configured UBX messages in ubx_cfg.h
. It is currently configured to work with the example application ublox.ino
The configuration file ubx_cfg.h
has the following configuration items near the top of the file:
Note: Disabling some of the UBX messages may prevent the ublox.ino
example sketch from working. That sketch goes through a process of first acquiring the current GPS leap seconds and UTC time so that "time-of-week" milliseconds can be converted to a UTC time.
The POSLLH and VELNED messages use a Time-Of-Week timestamp. Without the TIMEGPS and TIMEUTC messages, that TOW timestamp cannot be converted to a UTC time.
If your application does not need the UTC date and/or time, you could disable the TIMEGPS and TIMEUTC messages.
If your application does not need latitude, longitude or altitude, you could disable the POSLLH message.
If your application does not need speed or heading, you could disable the VELNED message.
If your application does not need satellite information, you could disable the SVINFO message.