Start a new Docker/Build a Container
First we need to download the image, this can be done locally, from git or by specifying the remote location.
Docker build –t <tag> location or path
Docker build –t cxe cxxea_docker
Run Docker commands
docker run -it cxe nmap -sS
docker run -it cxe hping3 --scan 1-30,70-90 -S
Additional Commands
Remove the container after running use –rm
The second two flags -ti allocates a pseudo-TTY (-t) and keeps an interactive session (-i), allowing us to interact with the shell /bin/bash.
Map a local directory to the docker container whilst running a command
The directory listed after the colon: is the path of the container, this will vary depending on the container. Run the interactive container if you need to establish the path. In the following example I am running nmap from a container called cxe and sending the output to a local file called jon.txt.
docker run -v /Users/jonhumph/nmap:/home/run -dit cxe nmap -sS -oG jon.txt
The Above command maps local dir with docker directory then runs commands within docker, here in this example using ansible syntax. Alternatively use the following command to execute the linux PWD (current Dir command) in bash (use $ to denote bash command) first to get current directory and map the current directory.
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/home/run \cxe \ansible-playbook CONSOLE.yaml -i lions.yml
List all containers
Docker ps -a
Stop all containers
docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
Remove all containers
docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
Interactive Bash – Helps with troubleshooting
docker run -it cxe bash or docker run -it cxe
docker run -v ${PWD}:/home/run -it cxe bash