This directory contains the Python modules for PyModel.
To use PyModel, this directory must be on your Python path. The usual way to achieve this is to add it to your PYTHONPATH. Or, its contents must be installed in some directory that is on your Python path. See pymodel_paths in the bin directory.
This directory does not need not be on your execution PATH, because its modules are usually invoked through the commands in the PyModel bin directory.
The Python modules are:
pma, pmg, pmt, pmv: the main modules for the four main PyModel programs. For details, see commands.txt in the notes directory, or print their built-in help by typing pma -h etc.
trun: runs test scripts, including sample demonstrations. See test.txt in the notes directory.
wsgirunner: runs WSGI-compliant web applications on localhost, such as webapp in the WebApplication sample, or wsgidemo here.
wsgidemo: a sample web application to run with wsgirunner
All the other modules here are used by pma, pmg, pmt, and pmv.
Revised Apr 2013