Thanks for your interest in contributing to this project!
Here are a few ways in which you can help:
- Discovered a bug? Please open a bug report.
- Have a feature you'd like to see implemented? Please open a Feature Request.
- For any other contribution, please open a discussion.
NOTE: for non-trivial changes we highly encourage you to open an issue first. This will allow maintainers and contributors to confirm that the problem you are trying to solve is well-posed, in the scope of the project, and/or can't be solved with existing features.
- Fork the repository.
- Clone it on your machine.
- Install dependencies:
make install
Run the tests using:
make test
Run code auto-formatting with:
make format
Run code style checks using:
make check
This package includes migrations. To update them in case of changes without setting up a Django project, run:
make migrations
Build the documentation using:
make docs
Serve the docs site locally (with hot-reload) using:
make docs-serve
- Create a release PR with the following:
- Bump the package version by editing
. - Update the changelog with any relevant PRs merged since the last version: bug fixes, new features, changes, deprecations, removals.
- Bump the package version by editing
- Once the release PR is merged, create a new release, including:
- Tag version, like
. - Release title,
Version 2.1.0
. - Description copied from the changelog.
- Tag version, like
- Once created, this release will be automatically uploaded to PyPI via a publish job on Azure Pipelines.
- Deploy the docs using:
make docs-deploy