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Introduction to Programming: II

What Are Methods?

At this point, we've seen a number of methods:

  • +
  • -
  • *
  • /
  • puts
  • gets
  • to_i
  • to_s
  • chomps

Methods are the "verbs" of Ruby. Numbers and strings are the "nouns". When you call a method, it does something to one or more objects.

We saw that when you call (or invoke) the to_i or to_s method, you call them on an object:

# Invoke the method `to_i` on the object `"7"`:
# Invoke the method `to_s` on the object `42`:

When we call a method, we always use the format object.method. To the left of the dot is the noun, to the right of the dot is the verb.

Even the arithmetic operations we've been using are methods. We've been writing them in a shortcut format, but we could call the arithmetic operations a more verbose and traditional way, too:

# Equivalent to 5 + 5
ten = 5.+(5)
# Equivalent to 9 - 2
seven = 9.-(2)
# Equivalent to 4 * 3
twelve = 4.*(3)
# Equivalent to 8 / 4
two = 8./(4)

Even puts and gets are methods. When you call them, the object is implicit, which means we can leave it out. You don't need to know about that right now: you can consider puts and gets to be special methods.


Ruby gives you methods to compare objects:

puts(3 < 4)
puts(5 > 10)

# Output:
#   true
#   false

The < and > methods return true or false. Note that true is different from "true" and false is different from "false". true and false are not strings; they are special Ruby objects representing truth or falsity.

We can also use the == and != methods to tell whether two objects are equal:

puts(3 == 4)
puts(4 != 5)
puts("Three" == "Three")

# Output:
#   false
#   true
#   true

A very common mistake in Ruby is to write = when we mean ==. Remember: = assigns a variable, while == compares two objects.

If, Else, and Elsif

Now that we have started talking about comparisons, we should talk about code branching. Code branching is what allows your program to do different things depending on different conditions:

puts("Type in a number")

# In one line, we use `gets` to read a string from the user, then
# immediately call `to_i` on the string to return an integer.
num = gets.to_i

if num < 10
  puts("That's not a big number!")

puts("Thanks for typing in a number!")

The if has two parts: the test (num < 10) and the body (puts("That's not a big number!")). The test should be a Ruby expression that returns true or false. The body can be multiple lines long. The special keyword end indicates the end of the body.

If the test is true, Ruby will run the code in the body. If the test is false, Ruby will skip it. In this example, if the user types a number less than ten, the program will tell them it is not a big number. Regardless whether the number is big or small, the program will thank them.

When using if, always indent the body. This makes it easier to see the start and end of the body. When you start out, indenting might seem like a chore, but it really helps with visual organization as you write increasingly more complex programs.

It is very typical to want to have two branches of code: one if a test is true, the other if the test is false. We can do this like so:

puts("Type in a number")
num = gets.to_i

if num < 10
  puts("That's not a big number!")
  puts("Wow, that's a big number!")

puts("Thanks for typing in a number!")

By using the else keyword, we can create a second body that will be run only if the test is false.

Lastly, we can get even more sophisticated and offer more branches:

puts("Type in a number")
num = gets.to_i

if num < 10
  puts("That's not a big number!")
elsif num < 100
  puts("That's a pretty big number")
elsif num < 1000
  puts("Wow that's a large number")
  puts("Holy cow, that number is blowing my mind")

puts("Thanks for typing in a number!")

Each elsif introduces a new test and a new body. Note that if the user enters the number 9, only the first body will run, even though 9 < 100 and 9 < 1000. An elsif test is evaluated only if all the previous tests returned false. The else still applies if all tests failed. The else always comes last.

Logical Connectives

Sometimes you want to do something if X is true AND if Y is true. In that case use the && method:

puts("Input a number!")

number = gets.to_i
if (number > 10) && (number < 20)
  puts("Your number was greater than ten AND less than twenty!")
  puts("Your number was either less than ten, OR greater than twenty!")

You can also combine do something if X is true OR Y is true (or both are true!).

puts("Input a number!")

number = gets.to_i
if (number == 7) || (number == 13)
  puts("Your number is magic!")
  puts("Your number is not magical")

The following is a common mistake beginners make:

# Wrong!
puts("Input a number!")

number = gets.to_i
if number == (7 || 13)
  puts("You input a magic number!")
  puts("Your number is not magical")

If you read number == (7 || 13) like English, you might think it means "Number is equal to 7 or 13". However, Ruby will not interpret your program this way. Instead, Ruby will compare number to the entire expression inside the parentheses: (7 || 13).

The way the || operator works in Ruby is that it returns the left operand (the 7 in 7 || anything) if it is "truthy" (anything except nil or false), otherwise it returns the right operand (e.g, 13 in false || 13). Therefore, (7 || 13) == 7, since 7 is truthy.

Therefore, saying number == (7 || 13) is equivalent to saying number == 7, which is not what you intended. That's why we write (number == 7) || (number == 13).

The last important logical connective is negation, which we use the ! symbol for:

# true:
puts(123 == 123)
# false:
puts(!(123 == 123))

You can prove to yourself that the following two statements are always the same for any truth values of x and y:

(x && y) == !(!x || !y)

(This is called DeMorgan's Law).


Oftentimes, you will want to keep running a code block until a test returns true. For instance:

puts("Input a number!")
num = gets.to_i

while num < 100
  puts("That number is too small! Try again!")
  # prompt again, re-assign `num`
  num = gets.to_i

puts("You typed " + num.to_s + " which is at least 100!")

This will prompt the user for a number. If the user inputs a number greater than (or equal to) 100, the program will jump past the while loop. If the input number is less than 100, Ruby will execute the body of the loop. It will then test again whether num < 100. If num is still less than 100, it will execute the body again. Ruby will keep doing this until the test num < 100 returns false.

Let's use a loop to write a simple program:

i = 0
while i < 3
  puts("Hello world!")
  i = i + 1

puts("All done!")

This will print "Hello world!" three times. After setting i to zero, Ruby will test if i < 3. Ruby will print "Hello world!", then set i to one. Ruby will run the test i < 3; this is still true. Ruby prints "Hello world!" again and increments i once more to two. The test still passes and prints "Hello world!" once more. i is incremented to three; finally the test fails. The body is not executed again; instead, we print "All done!".

Note that this is a very common pattern to do something a given number of times.

Infinite Loops

What if your program never leaves a loop? For instance, consider this program:

while 1 == 1
  puts("We're trapped in a loop!")

If you run this program, it will endlessly print "We're trapped in a loop!". Your program will never exit. This is called an infinite loop. Incidentally, Apple's headquarters is at 1 Infinite Loop in Cupertino.

At any time while your program is running, you can hold the Ctrl key and press C to stop it. Ruby will print a somewhat nasty error, but your program will stop. That's the best way to stop the program if you think it has entered an infinite loop.


We've talked about integers and strings. We need to talk about one last Ruby data structure: arrays.

Arrays store sequences of objects, separated by commas. For instance:

cool_things = ["Racecars", "Lasers", "Aeroplanes"]
four_primes = [2, 3, 5, 7]
an_empty_array = []

Arrays wouldn't be very useful if we couldn't get things out of them. To do this, we can lookup an object in an array by using an index, which is the position in the array we want to lookup.

cool_things = ["Racecars", "Lasers", "Aeroplanes"]

# Output
#   Racecars
#   Lasers
#   Aeroplanes

In Ruby, and almost all other programming languages, array indices always start at zero. This often strikes new programmers as odd, but after programming for a while it becomes natural.

In the first line, we lookup the item in the "zeroth" position. This is the first item in the array: "Racecars". We then look up the item at position one, which is the second item: "Lasers".

In this example, we printed all three items of cool_things. However, if cool_things contained many items, it would be boring to keep repeating yourself by writing puts cool_things[...]. Instead, we can use the array's length method, which is the number of items in the array.

For example:

# You can write an array across many lines like this.
presidents = [
  "George Washington",
  "John Adams",
  "Thomas Jefferson",
  "James Madison",
  "James Monroe",
  "John Quincy Adams"

# Prints 6, the number of items in the array

# Print each one of the presidents in the array.
idx = 0
while idx < presidents.length
  idx = idx + 1


Look at the loop. It starts idx at zero. Since this is less than presidents.length (which is 6), we enter the loop. We print presidents[0], which is the first president. We then add one to idx and test again whether idx < presidents.length; since 1 < 6, we execute the loop body again. After printing presidents[1], we increment idx yet again. The loop continues.

When does the loop stop? The last iteration happens after idx has been set to 5; this is still less than presidents.length. We print presidents[5]; this is the last president in the array. idx is then incremented one last time to six.

We come back around to to the test: finally, idx == presidents.length, so it is false that idx < presidents.length. Since the loop condition is no longer true, we stop executing the loop body. We are done. We can move on to print "PRESIDENTS LOOP COMPLETED".

This is a very common pattern to iterate through each of the items in an array and do something with each of them.


You're ready for the third chapter of Introduction to Programming!