- Understand the problems with financial time series predictions and advantages/disadvantages of machine learning
- Learn how to implement FNN, CNN model using Tensorflow Keras API on Google Colab
- Learn how to use Google Colaboratory
M1.1 Introduction
- [PPT] Introduction to the Course
- [Video] Stock Price Prediction | AI in Finance (24 min)
M1.2 Machine Learning for Financial Time Series Prediction
M1.3 Introduction to Deep Learning with Google Colab (Will Be Updated at Nov)
- [Video] Introduction to Deep Learning (20min) [Code]
- [PPT] Review on Deep Learning
M1.4 Convolutional Neural Networks
- [Video] Loading in Your Own Data (18min)
- [Video] Convolutional Neural Networks (18min)
- [Hands-on-Labs] Convolutional Neural Networks [Code] [Data]
M1.5 Exercise on Convolutional Neural Networks
M1.6 Assignment
M1.7 Slack Discussion