{%= description %}
The filtering part of the plugin was inspired by gulp-filter.
{%= include("install-npm", {save: true}) %}
All of the following examples should work in any combination with one another.
var gulp = require('gulp');
var drafts = require('{%= name %}');
gulp.task('blog', function () {
// remove files from the pipeline if they match the given
// filepath or glob patterns:
The plugin automatically filters out files with the draft
or data.draft
property set to true
. Files won't have these properties unless you're setting them on the file object earlier in the pipeline. (Or, if you're using this plugin with [assemble] or [verb] you can define the draft
property in front-matter.)
var gulp = require('gulp');
var drafts = require('{%= name %}');
gulp.task('blog', function () {
// files with {draft: true} or {data: {draft: true}}
// will be removed
var gulp = require('gulp');
var drafts = require('{%= name %}');
gulp.task('blog', function () {
// ignore files with the `{foo: ...}` or `{bar: {baz: ...}}`
// properties
.pipe(drafts({props: ['foo', 'bar.baz']}))
Everything works the same with [verb] and [assemble].
var verb = require('verb');
var drafts = require('verb-drafts');
verb.task('blog', function () {
// ignore files with the `{foo: ...}` or `{bar: {baz: ...}}`
// properties
.pipe(drafts({props: ['foo', 'bar.baz']}))
Install dev dependencies:
node i -d && mocha
Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, [please create an issue]({%= bugs.url %})
{%= include("author") %}
{%= copyright() %} {%= license() %}
{%= include("footer") %}