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Tzo 💎 - a simple Virtual Stack Machine

Tzo is a simple Virtual Stack Machine. Its primary use case is to be implemented and embedded in games for a potentially wide variety of use cases. It is the default runtime engine for QuestMark.

This repository defines:

  • The Tzo Virtual Machine and its capabilities and featureset.
  • The Tzo Standard Runtime - opcodes that VM implementations are expected to impleemnt.
  • One (or more) representations of Tzo VM programs (instruction lists) and Tzo VM State.

This repository furthermore contains:

  • A Reference Implementation, in TypeScript.
  • Testcases and other reference material.

Note that Tzo is a hobby project that is primarily focused around a single (set of) use case(s). Several language features may or may not be added later on in the future.

Design goals

  • Easy to implement.
  • Machine-readable code (JSON) that is somewhat human-readable, and can easily be parsed and minimized to other usecase specific representations when needed (e.g. if a game MUST be super small and compressed, a game programmer can spend some time on a custom bytecode representation of a program listing).
  • Easy to compile to / generate code for.
  • Easy to extend with extra, use-case-specific functionality (Virtual Opcodes).


The Tzo virtual machine is at its core a simple stack machine. All standard operations operate on the stack, not on registers. That said, there is a "Context" available, which acts as a place to store and retrieve keyed values. This is particularly useful for game scripting, as this is where you can store part of your game's state.

Each item on the stack can either be a number (floating point or integer), or a string. There are no booleans inherently. The size and precision of numbers is left as an implementation detail. The reference implementation in this repository uses JavaScript's basic number type (64 bit floating point) for all numbers.

Each instruction in the program list (either an opcode invocation, a string literal to be pushed onto the stack, or a number literal to be pushed onto the stack) takes up 1 space in the program list. The program list starts at 0.


The following section describes all opcodes from the standard runtime, which implementations are expected to implement. Note that it is also possible to push string or number literals onto the stack; this is not documented here as there is no associated opcode for that.

NOTE: Even if not explicitly mentioned, all arguments are always popped off the stack, and not pushed back onto it unless otherwise explicitly mentioned.

opcode(s) arguments (rightmost item: top of stack) argument types description
nop does nothing
pop A string/number Pops a value off of the stack, disarding it in the process
+ / plus B, A number, number Adds A to B and pushes the result onto the stack
- / min B, A number, number Subtracts B from A and pushes the result onto the stack
* / mul B, A number, number Multiplies B and A and pushes the result onto the stack
concat B, A string/number, string/number Concatenate A, B and push the result onto the stack.
rconcat B, A string/number, string/number Concatenate B, A and push the result onto the stack.
randInt A number Generate a random number between 0 (inclusive) and A and push it onto the stack
charCode A number Pops A off the stack, gets the corresponding character code, creates a string using said character code and pushes the resulting string onto the stack. The exact definition of how this works are admittedly a weakness in the spec; it is recommended to not using this opcode until this has been clarified or improved.
ppc Push the current program counter onto the stack
not A number Pops A off the stack. If A is 0, push 1 onto the stack. Otherwise, push 0 onto the stack.
or B, A number, number If both A and B are 0, push 0 onto the stack. Otherwise, if either is nonzero, push 1 onto the stack.
and B, A number, number If either A or B is 0, push 0 onto the stack. Otherwise, if both are nonzero, push 1 onto the stack.
jgz A number If A is greater than zero, skip ("hop over") the next instruction.
jz A number If A is zero, skip ("hop over") the next instruction.
gt B, A number, number If A is greater than B, push 1 onto the stack. Otherwise, push 0.
lt B, A number, number If A is less than B, push 1 onto the stack. Otherwise, push 0.
eq B, A string/number, string/number If A and B are equal (equal value if number, byte-for-byte equal if string), push 1 onto the stack. Otherwise, push 0.
dup A string/number Pop A off the stack, then push it onto the stack twice.
pause Pause the virtual machine. It will not resume execution until some other process makes it resume execution.
exit Exit (quit) the virtual machine. It will not be allowed to resume execution again.
{ Find the next matching close brace ( } ) in the program list, then set the program counter to that close brace's position in the program list plus one. The matching semantics are similar to most programming languages, e.g. if the program counter is 2 and finds a { there, there is a { at 4, a } at 7 and another } at 9, the program counter will be set to 10.
} Does nothing by itself, and acts as a nop.
getContext A string Pops A off the stack, then gets the context value pointed to by A and pushes it onto the stack
hasContext A string Pops A off the stack, then checks if the context has any existing value for A; if so, pushes 1 to the stack, 0 otherwise
setContext B, A string/number, string Pops A and B off the stack. The context value pointed to by A is set to B
delContext A string Pops A off the stack, then deletes the value (and key / pointer, depending on implementation) pointed to by A completely, effectively freeing it.
goto A string/number Pops A off the stack. If it is a number, sets the program counter to that value. If it is a string, looks up the string in the labelmap and sets the program counter to the value found in the label map
stacksize Push the current length of the stack to the stack itself. NOTE: the total length of the stack after this operation will be 1 larger than the actual value!
stdout A string/number Pops A off the stack. If number, converts it to string first. Then writes it on standard output.

Custom (Foreign) Opcodes

As you can see above, the default set of opcodes is pretty barebones, and does not support a lot of functionality. This is by design!

The Tzo VM is designed to be extended. Define your own opcodes, their behaviour, and then use these custom opcodes in your programs! Programs that target your custom opcodes will obviously not be executable outside of your VM or a VM implementing the same specification, but that doesn't matter!

The QuestMark QuestVM is an example of a customized Tzo VM.

Standard Representation

The Standard Representation of Tzo VM code is a JSON array:

    "type": "push-number-instruction",
    "value": 42
    "type": "push-string-instruction",
    "value": "Foo"
    "type": "invoke-function-instruction",
    "functionName": "setContext"

Though not space-efficient, this is very easy to parse in a wide variety of languages, and well-specified. If more space-efficient representations are preferred, custom integrations can be made to allow this.

Comments can be added to add clarification, where needed:

    "type": "push-number-instruction",
    "value": 0
    "type": "invoke-function-instruction",
    "functionName": "jgz"
    "type": "invoke-function-instruction",
    "functionName": "{"
    "type": "push-string-instruction",
    "functionName": "hi",
    "comment": "This instruction will never be invoked!"
    "type": "invoke-function-instruction",
    "functionName": "}"

Labels can be placed (to serve as jump targets for the goto opcode) on any instruction as well:

    "type": "push-number-instruction",
    "value": 1
    "type": "push-string-instruction",
    "value": "Awesome",
    "comment": "This will set the program counter to whatever value is pointed to by the \"Awesome\" label"
    "type": "invoke-function-instruction",
    "functionName": "goto"
    "type": "push-number-instruction",
    "value": 2,
    "comment": "Due to the goto above, this instruction will be skipped, and so 2 won't be pushed to the stack"
    "type": "push-number-instruction",
    "value": 3,
    "label": "Awesome"
    "type": "invoke-function-instruction",
    "functionName": "nop"

(the above program, when run, will halt with [1, 3] on the stack)

ConciseText Representation

The ConciseText representation, is - as its name suggests - a lot more concise than the standard representation, but also slightly more difficult to parse. See src/grammars/ConciseText.g4 for an ANTLR4 grammar, and /reference/ConciseText.rrd.pdf for a railroad diagram of this grammar.


1 "Awesome" goto 2 #Awesome nop

(encodes the same example as above)

0 jgz { "hi" }
"Hello" "," " world" rconcat rconcat

(will halt with "Hello, world" on the stack)


This section lists some common techniques. For conciseness, all examples will be given in the ConciseText representation.

Commenting out code

Want to "comment out" some code? Encase it within { and }!

1 2 3 { "do" "not" "push" "these" "strings" } 4 5 6


Simple if statements:

1 1 + 2 eq jgz {
  "1 + 1 = 2!"


duplicate the evaluation result via dup to create an if/else block. NOTE: you need to ensure that within the if block, you do NOT push to the stack!

1 1 + 2 eq dup jgz {
  "1 + 1 = 2!" pop
} jz {
  "1 + 1 is not 2!?"

(if the pop statement here was omitted, jz would be erroneously evaluated against "1 + 1 = 2!")

if you need to ensure that within the if block you can push to the stack (note: conditionally pushing to the stack is dangerous! ), one technique you can use is pushing the condition expression to the context:

1 1 + 2 eq "conditionResult" setContext
"conditionResult" getContext jgz {
  "1 + 1 = 2!"
"conditionResult" getContext jz {
  "1 + 1 is not 2!?"

Cleaning the stack

Got some stuff on your stack and want to clean it completely? Here is a simple list of instructions to reset the stack to length 0:

stacksize jgz { pop } stacksize jgz { 9 ppc - goto }

Poor man's functions

Tzo does not support functions by default, but you can recreate them using goto and ppc.

The following bit of code defines a "mul3" function, which pops an item off the stack, multiplies that by 3, and pushes the result to the stack.

  nop #mul3
  "_mul3_return_pc" setContext
  3 *
  "_mul3_return_pc" getContext 3 + "_mul3_return_pc" delContext goto

Note a few things:

  1. A temporary context value is used to store the program counter to return to. This means that it is not possible to call these "functions" recursively!
  2. { and } are used to ensure that the function is not accidentally called, allowing it to be placed at the top of a program listing without issue.
  3. The code can be shortened by 1 operation by removing the nop instruction and moving the mul3 label one forwards.

To invoke this "function", push its argument on the stack and then call ppc "mul3" goto :

1 ppc "mul3" goto
2 ppc "mul3" goto
3 ppc "mul3" goto
4 ppc "mul3" goto


There is a CLI available for Tzo, which is capable of interpreting either Standard Representation or ConciseText Tzo vm code. To invoke it:

npx tzo -i <path to .txt or .json file>