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160 lines (130 loc) · 6.04 KB

The Problem: Job Queues

Here at Nubank we have a large Customer Experience team, focusing on delivering high quality, friendly support to our customers. To ensure the efficiency and success of this operation, we organize the work to be done in job queues.

In this exercise you're tasked with developing a simplified version of a job queue. The important entities in this domain are jobs and agents.

A job is any task that needs to get done. It has a unique id, a type - which denotes the category of that job -, and an urgency (boolean) flag - indicating whether that job has a high priority.

An agent is someone that performs a job. They also have a unique id and two disjoint skill sets: primary and secondary. Skill sets are a simple list of job types that an agent is allowed to perform.

The core operation of a job queue is the dequeue function, which, given a pool of jobs to be done and agent's job request, and a set of priority rules, returns the fittest job to be performed by that agent. Your first task is to implement a dequeue function that abides to these rules:

  • You can assume the list of jobs passed in is ordered by the time the they have entered the system.
  • Jobs that arrived first should be assigned first, unless it has a "urgent" flag, in which case it has a higher priority.
  • A job cannot be assigned to more than one agent at a time.
  • An agent is not handed a job whose type is not among its skill sets.
  • An agent only receives a job whose type is contained among its secondary skill set if no job from its primary skill set is available.

A job is considered to be done when the agent it was assigned to requests a new job.

Attached are two files: sample-input.json and sample-output.json. Your program should be able to take the contents of the sample-input.json file via stdin and produce the contents of sample-output.json on stdout.

This is actually a problem we've already solved here, and we're giving you a chance to present a solution. We will evaluate your code in a similar way that we usually evaluate code that we send to production: as we rely heavily on automated tests and our CI tool to ship code to production multiple times per day, having tests that make sure your code works is a must.

Also, pay attention to code organization and make sure it is readable and clean.

You should deliver a git repository with your code and a short README file outlining the solution and explaining how to build and run the code, we just ask that you keep your repository private (GitLab and BitBucket offer free private repositories). You should deliver your code in a functional programming language - Clojure, Haskell, Elixir and Scala are acceptable.

We also consider that this might be your first tackle on a functional language, so it's ok if your code is not idiomatic, but do try to program in a functional style. Feel free to ask any questions, but please note that we won't be able to give you feedback about your code before your deliver. However, we're more than willing to help you understanding the domain or picking a library, for instance.

Lastly, there is no need to rush with the solution: delivering your exercise earlier than the due date is not a criteria we take into account when evaluating the exercise: so if you finish earlier than that, please take some time to see what you could improve. Also, if you think the timeframe may not be enough by any reason, don't hesitate to ask for more time.



To excute the program is necessary to type the command above on the terminal.

$ cat resource/sample-input.json | lein trampoline run

OBS: The "reource/sample-input.jason" is the json file's path.

It is possible to read the input file without entering the path on the command line. Uncomment lines 5 and 41 and comment line 42.

What I was thinking

To solve the problem was only to select the available agents (using the function select-available). After that, I dequeued the job's queue according the agents that are available. In the following precedence rule it's considered four cases:

  • job is urgent and agent has the primary skill
  • job isn't urgent and agent has the primary skill
  • job is urgent and agent has the secondary skill
  • job isn't urgent and agent has the secondary skill

These rules lead the selection process. The rule's relevance is considered by the given order above.


$ cat resource/sample-input.json | lein trampoline run


     "new_agent": {
       "id": "8ab86c18-3fae-4804-bfd9-c3d6e8f66260",
       "name": "BoJack Horseman",
       "primary_skillset": ["bills-questions"],
       "secondary_skillset": []
     "new_job": {
       "id": "f26e890b-df8e-422e-a39c-7762aa0bac36",
       "type": "rewards-question",
       "urgent": false
     "new_agent": {
       "id": "ed0e23ef-6c2b-430c-9b90-cd4f1ff74c88",
       "name": "Mr. Peanut Butter",
       "primary_skillset": ["rewards-question"],
       "secondary_skillset": ["bills-questions"]
     "new_job": {
       "id": "690de6bc-163c-4345-bf6f-25dd0c58e864",
       "type": "bills-questions",
       "urgent": false
     "new_job": {
       "id": "c0033410-981c-428a-954a-35dec05ef1d2",
       "type": "bills-questions",
       "urgent": true
     "job_request": {
       "agent_id": "8ab86c18-3fae-4804-bfd9-c3d6e8f66260"
     "job_request": {
       "agent_id": "ed0e23ef-6c2b-430c-9b90-cd4f1ff74c88"





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